
Atopic dermatitis: the symptoms and treatment of disease in adults

Atopic dermatitis – a disease of the skin allergic nature. Currently, this term is not used. According to ICD No. 10, the pathology is called “atopic dermatitis”. The disease is chronic, is characterized by persistent current. Found in adults and in children

What is “atopic dermatitis”?

In the initial stages of researching the disease, scientists assumed that the cause of the disease is the imbalance of the nervous system, accompanied by the defeat of the skin. Such a kind of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

It was later discovered adrenaline-like substances in the skin of the affected areas, dysfunction of the vascular system of the dermis. Besides, noted the high level of immunoglobulin E genetic in nature. Therefore, atopic dermatitis belongs to the late chronic allergic reactions with undetectable allergen.

Factors that provoke the development of disease in adults:

  • excessive use of household chemicals;
  • continued medical treatment;
  • eating vegetables and fruits from ecologically unfavorable regions;
  • living on territories with a high degree of contamination;
  • work on “dirty” industries.

In children prone to developing allergic reactions, the first signs of atopic dermatitis are manifested in infancy in the form of a stable diathesis. Without lifestyle changes – this item should provide the parents – transformirovalsya classic diathesis in atopic dermatitis.

Classification of forms of the disease

The classification is based on the localization of the lesions, their accuracy, the type of change the skin.


  • focal form – will affect only one limited area of the skin;
  • the diffuse form is a response to 2 or more unrelated parts of the skin;
  • total – the skin affected;
  • psoriatic – with the development of psoriatic plaques similar;
  • hypertrophic – with the appearance of benign tumors like warts;
  • white and its linear form on the affected areas is the loss of pigment in the skin;
  • deliveryuse occurs on the hairy areas of the body and accompanied by loss of hair;
  • follicular – with the formation on the skin area benign genital growths.
The symptoms of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a multifaceted disease. Initial violations are observed on the skin of exposed areas, and then gradually changes moving to the flexor surface, hairy part of the head.

Signs of illness:

  1. Skin dryness and peeling.
  2. Papules and pustules on the affected areas because of the stratification structures of the epidermis.
  3. Itching is a kind of pain at the action of allergens. Worries at night. In the background appear itching, scratching that may become infected with pathogenic flora.
  4. Cracks in the skin due to increased dryness.
  5. Weeping wounds in the field scratching due to allocation of blood and lymph.
  6. Lychen – the appearance of coarse, thickened skin.
  7. Hyperpigmentation or depigmentation of the affected skin area.

Allergic reaction affects the whole body. Therefore, in addition to cutaneous reactions, develop a system-wide violations:

  • emotional instability with outbursts of anger, aggression, tearfulness, depression;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • a reduction in General and local immunity.

Patients with atopic dermatitis are prone to colds, infectious diseases, fungal infestations.

Treatment neurodermatitis

Treatment of atopic dermatitis should be comprehensive. Without lifestyle changes, reducing contact with allergens, local skin therapy is ineffective.

Treatment tactics:

  1. Diet – for both kids and adults should try to identify the foods that trigger the beginning of eczema. According to testimony to pass advanced Allergy tests. Avoid herbs and spices. Babies change shape feeding – babies are breastfed, iskusstvennomu transferred to customized Allergy-free mixture.
  2. Use enterosorbent for removal from the body of allergens. To get involved with such drugs is not necessary, since they absorb not only harmful substances, but also useful microflora, vitamins and minerals. But in the period of exacerbation receiving such funds is justified.
  3. The General regime. Adult patients during periods of exacerbation shown home mode with the issuance sheet of disability. The little walks in the fresh air, the sun, reducing emotional stress.
  4. Drug therapy sedatives and antihistamines, corticosteroid ointments.
Medications for atopic dermatitis

In the treatment of atopic dermatitis are shown to use antihistamines 2 and generation 3. They do not have a pronounced sedative and hypnotic action. Frequency of reception – only 1 time a day.

The doctor prescribed the following medications:

Corticosteroids are prescribed for severe disease, which is accompanied by angioedema, urticaria, severe itching. Drugs of choice – Prednisolone, Triamcinolone, Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, Cortisone.

In addition to tablet forms of corticosteroids, demonstrates the use of ointments and moisturizers. The ointment is applied 1 time per day. Prolonged use of these drugs reduces the natural production of adrenal hormones, so the tools used courses with breaks.

The choice of drug depend on the severity of atopic reactions. Minor manifestations shown Methylprednisolone, severe – Cutivate, Dermovate, Lorinden.

For drying of the lesions of atopic dermatitis, softening of the skin using non-hormonal creams and ointments. The best option funds on the basis of birch tar, Ichthyol. Demonstrates the use a healing ointment with panthenol.

Folk treatment of atopic dermatitis

In the recipes of herbalists, there are many recipes for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. They all boil down to the use of decoctions of herbs – chamomile, celandine, yarrow. These procedures only enhance the manifestations of the disease, itching and irritation. Do not use these methods for the treatment of children!

Atopic dermatitis is a complex disease with episodes of exacerbation and remitting. The goal of treatment is to achieve maximum period of remission, the elimination of cutaneous manifestations. Do not experiment, and pass a comprehensive examination and treatment!

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