Waiting for women’s days is often more unpleasant than their offensive: hormonal changes entail a chain of conditions, among which irritability, tearfulness, pain and cramps in the abdomen are leading. These days, special exercises from yoga can help.
They help to relax the nervous system, increase the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, strengthen the internal muscles and normalize the endocrine glands, which favorably affects the hormonal background and well-being.
A complex of asanas from yenga yengar that will help wait for critical days for the SHE was prepared by the teachers of the yoga center “Namaste” Tatiana Kamchatova and Marina Cheshunas.
Note: When performing all exercises, focus your attention on creating a free space between the chest and lower abdomen. In many poses, it is useful to use a special pillow or a folded blanket to make it easier to perform with a pain syndrome. Asanas perform 2-5 minutes, depending on the condition.
Pose of the connected corner. Sitting at the wall, put your feet in front of you, spreading your knees. To achieve complete relaxation and better traction, you can use a belt, as shown in the photo.
The posture of the bound angle is lying. The legs are similar to the previous position. To better fix your feet, place a special brick, blanket or book under them for more comfort and stability of position.
Execution of the option lying on the wall is recommended for a severe pain syndrome: the feet rest against the wall. Exercise helps to relieve cramps and tension in the pelvic area.
Pose of an inverted staff. Lie down on the rise of two rollers (or folded blankets), you can put a blanket under your head. Legs are strapped together so that they can be relaxed while performing asanas.
Pose lying with the leg withdrawn. Use the belt if you find it difficult to reach the foot with your hand. To not keep a foot on weight, use as a support roller.
The pose of the warrior is face down. Resting in an embrace with a roller resting on the lower abdomen, reduces pain and reduces muscle tension.
Tilt forward to the knee. The soothing pose relieves irritation and normalizes the work of the reproductive organs.
Alternatively, you can move the roller closer to the foot. If you feel unpleasant sensations in the stomach, nausea, exercise is better replaced by another.
Tilt forward with one bent leg. The pose helps to get rid of stress, anxiety, spasms of moderate severity.
When performing each exercise, be guided by your own feelings, moving, adding or removing a roller or blanket depending on the condition.
Tilt forward with two legs connected together. The pose helps to normalize the state of mind and get rid of the headache.
Pose of the corner. Improves blood circulation in the pelvic area and stimulates the ovaries.
Slant sideways in a sitting posture. Due to a small turn of the trunk helps to strengthen the effect of the previous posture – improves blood circulation, the work of the ovaries and kidneys.
Tilt forward in the sitting position. When doing the pose, be careful not to squeeze the front surface of the body. The stomach must be free. In the slope, do not focus on squeezing the stomach, but on pulling forward.
Pose of the bridge. Helps to relax, completely relax and get rid of irritability.
Pose of the inverted lake. Discharges the organs of the small pelvis. Inverted poses are not recommended during menstruation, but with PMS this position facilitates the condition.
Stretching using a chair. If you find a firm chair, he will become a faithful assistant when performing stretch positions. Use blankets and rollers to adjust the height.
Shavasana – a pose of relaxation. Spreading arms and legs, closing your eyes, relax every muscle of the body, starting with the face.