
How to remove stretch marks after childbirth

During pregnancy, a lot of changes occur in a woman’s body, some of them are visible visually. But not always what the future mother sees in the mirror gives her pleasant emotions. In our article we will talk about stretch marks.

It should be remembered that stretch marks are not a disease. Of course, the question of how to remove stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth is important for any woman, because everyone wants to be beautiful. But do not turn the fight against bodily imperfections into the main goal of life.

Indeed, about 90% of expectant mothers experience these defects on their skin. The process is quite natural, but women in position express their worries about the condition of their skin and would very much like to remove stretch marks after childbirth. We will find out how this can be achieved.

What are stretch marks?

In medicine, stretch marks are called “striae” and are defined as damage to the skin caused by a violation of the synthesis of fibroplasts – the cells responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. These two proteins provide firmness and elasticity of the skin, its ability to stretch and return to its previous shape. During pregnancy, under the influence of a number of hormones, especially cortisol, fibroplasts become smaller, respectively, and the skin fibers weaken and can not cope with their tasks.

Therefore, with an increase in weight and growth of the abdomen, the skin begins to tear. Places of gaps are filled with connective tissue. Scars form – stripes of reddish, pink or white, which we call stretch marks.

Stretch marks after childbirth most often appear on the hips, abdomen, chest, that is, where the body grows in size, and the skin stretches harder. Fresh stretch marks usually have a reddish-cyanotic hue, and then fade, since melanin is practically absent in the scar tissue. This explains why the tan does not hide stretch marks – there is no pigment in them, which means that the sun’s rays have nothing to react with.

Causes of stretch marks

The main reasons why stretch marks appear after childbirth:

  1. The production of the hormone cortisol. As you know, the state of nervous tension causes an increased production of the hormone cortisol The hormone allows you to soften the pubic bones during child bearing to facilitate labor. However, this hormone reduces the production of elastin and collagen. Thus, the skin becomes less elastic and prone to the fact that stretch marks may appear after childbirth.
  2. Stretching of the skin due to enlargement and growth of the abdomen. Often the skin lacks elasticity, since an increase in the abdomen occurs quite rapidly.
  3. Genetic factor. Often the quality and structure of the skin is an inherited trait. It is highly probable that a woman whose majority of mothers in the family suffered from skin weakness and stretch marks will also experience this on herself;
  4. Metabolic disorder. As a result of an unorganized lifestyle, malnutrition or any disease, a metabolic failure sometimes occurs. The consequences of this can be intensive weight gain and deterioration of the skin.
  5. Pathological disorders. For example, stretch marks after childbirth can become a symptom of Itsenko-Cushing’s disease (increased production of adrenal hormones), Marfan’s syndrome (development of pathologies of connective tissue), hormonal imbalance caused by other diseases. If you suspect a disease, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo appropriate diagnosis.
5 modern methods to remove stretch marks after childbirth

Today, there are methods to combat stretch marks. Each of the methods has its pros and cons. Consider in detail what medicine offers today in order to remove stretch marks after childbirth.

Laser skin resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is the same peeling, only special frequency laser beams act as abrasive or acid. They are produced by a special apparatus, so this procedure is carried out only in the cabin and usually costs more than conventional cleanings and scrubs.

The laser beam acts similarly to peeling particles – it destroys the layers of keratinized cells of the epidermis and partially the dermis. Microtraumas form on the skin, which stimulate regeneration processes, after which the growth of collagen fibers is enhanced, therefore, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth.

The disadvantage of this procedure is its duration – one session can last up to 60 minutes. In addition, the process of removing cells is quite painful, especially if the patient has sensitive skin. Therefore, creams with anesthetic effect are often used during laser resurfacing. Despite this, more and more women are resorting to this procedure to eliminate stretch marks after childbirth. Photos after laser resurfacing show excellent results.

Mechanical peeling

This procedure is familiar to many women who use the services of a cosmetologist. It is an exfoliation of skin cells using microcrystals of alumina. Abrasive particles remove the keratinous layer of the skin, cleansing it, and preparing for better absorption of nutrients from skin care products.

Peeling is usually carried out on the skin of the face to make it smooth, but you can use this effect in relation to stretch marks. Of course, long and deep stretch marks after childbirth in one session will not disappear, therefore, most often a course of several procedures is prescribed.

The disadvantage of this method is its soreness.

Chemical peeling

It is also another form of skin exfoliation. Only with chemical exposure are agents based on chemical solutions, for example, fruit acids, salicylic acid, phenol derivatives, used.

The procedure is as follows: the beautician applies the product on cleansed areas of the skin and leaves it for 2-5 minutes. Then the acid is washed off, the skin is treated with a neutralizing agent, a moisturizer is applied. Depending on the depth of stretch marks and their age, acids of various concentrations can be used – the older the stretch marks, the deeper the funds must penetrate.

This method is popular, it is noted that after five to seven chemical peeling sessions, stretch marks become almost invisible. However, this is a very unpleasant procedure – during it, patients feel a burning sensation, tingling, and after a session, redness of the treated area may last one or two days.

Ozone therapy

Ozone began to be used in medicine and cosmetology in the 19th century. It was believed that the air saturated with this gas is healing and eliminates numerous ailments. Until now, ozone is often used in these areas.

For example, ozone has been shown to be effective in improving skin condition. Often you can hear about peeling, which is made using ozonated oils.

Also, the procedure for injecting ozone into the deeper layers of the skin in order to reduce stretch marks after childbirth has also worked well. For this, the area of ​​the skin on which the stretch marks are located is subjected to a series of injections with an ozone-oxygen preparation.

Once in the body, ozone stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, destroys harmful microorganisms, improves blood and lymph circulation at the injection site. Often, patients note an improvement in overall health and an increase in strength.

Mesotherapy for stretch marks

For those who are not aware of all the cosmetic innovations, we will explain what mesotherapy is. This is the procedure for introducing biologically active substances, preparations under the skin through microinjections. It can be carried out both manually and with the help of special equipment. It may seem that this is a very painful way to deal with skin problems, but according to many women, this is a very effective method.

Depending on the needs of each patient, the doctor selects substances for the so-called cocktail. This is a complex of drugs that will be introduced under the skin and designed to solve its problems. To combat stretch marks, cocktails based on collagen, plant extracts, amino acids and vitamins are most often used. This complex of substances provides intensive nutrition and quick restoration of the skin, smoothing its surface. For several procedures, mesotherapy will allow you to get rid of small striae, as well as minimize the manifestations of cellulite and cope with excess weight.

Alternative methods against stretch marks after childbirth

Traditional medicine knows how to remove stretch marks after childbirth at home .

Use the following recipes.

  • A mixture of baby cream (100 grams) and mummy tablets (1 gram) has proven itself. Mummies should be crushed and dissolved in a teaspoon of warm boiled water, mixed with baby cream. The resulting cream is rubbed into areas of the skin on which there are stretch marks. It is good to use this mixture for prevention and apply to the skin of the abdomen, thighs and chest.
  • Oil peeling. Based on cosmetic oil, you can create a product no worse than salon peeling, which will simultaneously exfoliate the skin and nourish it. To do this, mix two tablespoons of oil (olive, coconut, almond, sea buckthorn, etc.) with one tablespoon of ground coffee. You can add a spoonful of honey. Apply the mixture on the skin and massage until a slight redness appears (about 10 minutes), rinse with warm water. The procedure is repeated two to three times a week after washing.
  • You can use salt and sugar to create an effective scrub. Combine a glass of salt and sugar with half a glass of the selected oil. During the shower, apply to the skin and massage for 5-7 minutes. When redness appears, the composition must be washed off and blotted out with a towel. Then you can apply baby cream.
  • Avocado mask. For cooking, you will need one avocado, oatmeal (1 tablespoon), cosmetic clay (1 tablespoon), oil (1 tablespoon). You need to mix all the ingredients in a thick slurry and apply it on a cleaned area of ​​the skin. Soak the mask for half an hour, then remove the residue with a napkin.
  • Mask of fresh dandelion and aloe. For it, 100 grams of chopped fresh leaves of dandelion and aloe are mixed in a meat grinder or blender, half a glass of oil is added. The mixture should be thickened with oatmeal. Apply the composition to the area of ​​stretch marks twice a day.
  • Clay wraps and essential oils. An effective procedure, which for a course of 10-12 sessions will help reduce stretch marks after childbirth and slightly reduce excess weight. You need to prepare clay (usually use blue and white), essential oil, mineral water, non-metallic dishes and a spoon for mixing, cling film. Be careful when choosing essential oils. Some of them are highly not recommended for breastfeeding. In a bowl, clay is mixed with water to a slurry state, a few drops of essential oil are added and mixed thoroughly. The skin before the procedure must be cleaned with peeling or a hard washcloth. The mixture is applied to the prepared area, wrapped with a film and left for about an hour. Then the mixture is washed off with warm water. Wrapping mass can be both warm and cold. Important to keep track so that there is no strong burning sensation. If unpleasant sensations occur, the procedure should be discontinued.
Prevention of stretch marks after childbirth

Most stretch mark prevention measures have two goals:

  1. Strengthening the skin, supporting the optimal level of fibers in it.
  2. Control over the weight and pressure that it creates on the skin.

You need to understand that one without the other does not make sense. Only an integrated approach will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Here’s what to do:

  • Consume the required minimum fluid. The general practitioner will help determine the individual norm based on your parameters of weight, height, etc.
  • Balance nutrition, enrich it with useful fiber, vitamins and minerals found in vegetables and fruits.
  • Consume the minimum amount of salt, which contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the body.
  • Take complexes containing vitamins A, E, polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, etc.), which will help maintain the fat balance of the skin.
  • Regularly massage and contrast shower. These pleasant procedures will help maintain skin elasticity, strengthen blood vessels and improve blood supply to vulnerable areas of the body.
  • Provide adequate skin care with moisturizers and nourishing agents. Now on sale you can find cosmetics specially designed for pregnant women and aimed at solving precisely their problems. It is better to choose creams, oils against stretch marks containing vitamins, collagen, hyaluronic acid. These components make cosmetics more effective. Apply to cleansed skin as recommended on the package.

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