
Fish cake for children (from 3 years)

All mothers love to pamper their kids with baking and pastries. Pediatricians, in turn, are allowed to, reminding them not to get too carried away.

And what if sweet cakes and pastries are fed up?

Let’s make a fish pie – it’s delicious, very healthy and sometimes even fast!

The benefits of fish pie for a child

Let’s start with the basics – the test. It can be jellied or puff – it depends on the recipe.

In any case, the dough contains vitamins, micro and macro elements, which are responsible for:

  • improved metabolism;
  • proper functioning of the nervous system;
  • prevention of rickets.

Separately, we note puff pastry – it is high in calories and perfectly energizes, which is very good for an active organism.
Understood the basis, now the juice is the filling. It can be made from fish fillet, or canned fish can be used. Let’s figure it out in order.
If you take fresh fish, try to choose “not bony”, such as pink salmon, hake or taimen.

When cooking, pay special attention to the bones – they must be carefully selected. Or you can simplify the task and immediately buy the fillet – pollock, blue whiting or pangasius – to your taste.

In any fish, a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals that will help:

  • to grow and develop correctly;
  • increase the activity of the cerebral cortex;
  • strengthen the thyroid gland;
  • increase immunity.

Important!  Carefully choose fish – the quality of the dish and the health of the baby depend on this!

A good fish of a uniform color, without an unpleasant odor, and if you press on the fillet – it immediately straightens back.
If there is no desire to mess with raw fish, canned fish is also suitable for a pie.

Here, when choosing, the main thing is to pay attention to the date of final use and see that the jar is not damaged or swollen. Of course, fewer vitamins were preserved in such fish, but the proteins have not disappeared, so that it will not pass through “transit”, and there will be benefits from it.

Recommendations for the preparation and introduction into the diet
  • Puff pastry for the pie can be prepared by yourself, but you can buy it. If you cook yourself – do not forget to stand it for two or three hours in the refrigerator, so it will really be layers in the finished form.
  • It is better to cook a quick-fill fish pie almost immediately before serving – such a pie cannot be stored.
  • It is possible to introduce fish pie into the child’s diet without a twinge – the baby will only be happy with the new type of baking. However, do not forget that any dough is a fat-containing product, carefully monitor the child after the first piece of the pie. And it’s not worth it to abuse the useful properties of baking – everything should be in moderation.
Fish Pie – Recipe

We will cook puff pastry fish pie.

Essential Ingredients


  • margarine – 150 g;
  • wheat flour – 2 tbsp.;
  • water – 120 ml;
  • the yolk of one egg;
  • vinegar – 1 tsp;
  • salt is on the tip of a knife.


  • fish fillet – 600 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • fresh greens (can be replaced with dried).
Cooking sequence
  1. Take a slightly thawed margarine and with a fork, knead it with flour (leave a tablespoon of margarine for a baking sheet).
  2. We drive an egg into the dough, pour in vinegar, water, pour salt. Knead the dough thoroughly.
  3. Roll the dough into balls the size of a potato, put it on a flat plate or tray, put in the refrigerator for two to three hours.
Stuffing for fish pie
  1. Cut the potatoes into thin layers. This can be done with a thin knife, very convenient with a potato peeler.
  2. Finely chop the onion and sauté in a hot frying pan for about 3 minutes.
  3. Finely chop cooked for 5 minutes. fish fillet, mix with onions, salt and finely chopped herbs.
Making a pie
  1. Smear a baking sheet with margarine.
  2. We take our “balls” from the dough out of the refrigerator, knead them into one lump.
  3. We divide our dough into two parts: more for the base, less for the cover.
  4. We roll out the base according to the size of your baking sheet, but not more than 0.7 cm. It is also not worth doing too thin, at least half a centimeter.
  5. We spread the base on a baking sheet so that the edges form a side, cut off the excess dough. We lay the potatoes on the basis in one layer, cover it with fish from above, spreading it with a spoon or fingers.
  6. We roll out the layer to cover exactly the size of the baking sheet. It needs to be made no more than 3-4 mm thick. Close the cake, covering the edges of the lower and upper layer of dough.
  7. We prick the pie with a fork and send it to the oven at 180-200 ° C for 25-30 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Did you know? The same fish cake can be cooked in a slow cooker. Cooking time in the “baking” mode is 30 minutes.
How to make a fish pie for a child

This video demonstrates how to make a pie with canned fish on kefir. This recipe is very simple and quick, anyone can handle it. You can use any kind of canned fish, on the video – canned food from mackerel.

Fish cake is a prime example of delicious salty pastries. The usefulness of the fish and the satiety of the dough are the perfect combination for an afternoon snack or even dinner. Not only children, but also adults will be delighted with properly cooked fish pie.

Prepare fish meatballs or fish cakes, fish casserole or fish souffle for your child. Dishes from fish must be present in the diet of the baby.

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