
Sciatica symptoms and treatment

Sciatica, or radiculopathy, is a disease of the nervous system, which appears by inflammation of the spinal roots.

Depending on the location distinguish cervical, thoracic or lumbar-sacral form of the disease. In most cases the doctor will diagnose it sciatica because this part has a maximum load.

To prevent the emergence of negative health consequences, treatment of sciatica need to begin immediately.


To the development of sciatica usually caused by the following factors:

  • herniated discs;
  • traumatic injuries of the back;
  • degenerative processes in the spine;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • tumor formation;
  • the osteophytes.

Neuralgia is of two types. So, discogenic form of the disease is associated with the pinching of nerve roots, and infectious – appearing after an acute disease that affects nerve tissue.


Often sciatica can be mistaken for other diseases that cause encircling back pain. These include traumatic injuries, diseases of internal organs, flat feet. To diagnose sciatica, need to know what a pain it is characterized.

The disease is accompanied by such manifestations:

  • the pain occurs suddenly, it may suddenly disappear, and then appear more severe discomfort;
  • the pain is aggravated if the person is lying on back straight leg raises;
  • lower limb reflex bend when the patient tries to sit up from the supine position;
  • there is a strong pain when coughing and sneezing;
  • the discomfort increases when bending head;
  • the person has difficulty being in the same position, but stationary, the discomfort disappears;
  • at night, the human condition worsens;
  • occurs excessive sweating, pallor of the skin.

Treatment of sciatica must be comprehensive. It should be aimed to eliminate back pain and restore the spine. In order to choose the right therapy, you need to pay attention to the severity of symptoms. In the period of exacerbation the person is prescribed bed rest and medication of sciatica.

Drug therapy

With pain used analgesics in particular, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With intense pain syndrome the drug is administered intramuscularly. If the discomfort is not too pronounced, may be used tablets or suppositories from sciatica.

In a hospital to treat the disease helps novocaine blockade of the affected nerve. Shots from sciatica allow you to quickly stop pain. Also they are much better able to cope with the inflammation.

Shots from sciatica can be two different drugs. In addition to novocaine blockade, actively use vials non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Also used muscle relaxants, corticosteroids.
High efficiency has the local treatment of sciatica. In this case, can be assigned to anti-inflammatory or warming ointment, Traumeel s, finalgon. Tools are often used with essential oils or bee venom – these include menovazin, we. Capsicum plaster from sciatica also has analgesic action.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets sciatica actually possess high efficiency, but they are not intended for prolonged use. In addition, such a treatment of sciatica drug has many contraindications. To reduce the negative impact on the body it is better to choose a cream, ointment or gel with anti-inflammatory action.

Another disadvantage of such tools is to eliminate the symptoms and not the causes of the disease. To cope with the condition, your doctor may suggest the means with the irritant, which is composed of snake venom. These include have experienced an unexpected side effect B.

To reduce swelling of the affected nerve root are used diuretics. To improve the metabolic and regenerative processes are the b vitamins used in the form of intramuscular injections with sciatica.

Physiotherapy treatment

During remission of the disease used physiotherapy, which helps to reduce pain, improve the transmission of impulses and normalize blood circulation.

With this diagnosis prescribe the following procedures:

  1. Manual therapy and massage for sciatica help to get rid of the blocks and cramps muscle tissue.
  2. Acupuncture helps to restore transmission of impulses due to the impact on biologically active sites.
  3. Physiotherapy helps to restore normal movement patterns, stopping the degenerative processes in osteoarthritis, to improve flexibility of the ligaments and muscle tissue.
  4. Acupressure for sciatica.

High efficiency has a dry backbone traction, electrical stimulation, laser treatment. Also actively used electrophoresis, mud therapy, vacuum therapy. To stop pain, prescribe warm up, massages, baths. However, the use of such procedures is possible only with muscle spasm.

If the pain is associated with inflammatory processes, the warming will only exacerbate the situation. Therefore, before starting treatment you need to go to the doctor.

High efficiency has the belt from sciatica. It provides a warming effect that helps to reduce pain. In addition, with this device you can capture the spine and this gives you the ability to avoid pain while driving.

Belt from sciatica can be done from the dog, camel, sheep wool. Also in the production of certain types of devices use magnets and stones. It is important to remember that the belt from sciatica may not be a panacea for disease. It can be used as a Supplement to drug therapy.

Folk remedies

At home therapy of the disease can be performed folk remedies. To cure pathology would help the rubbing. For this purpose it is necessary to apply Apple cider vinegar diluted in water. Folk medicine offers to carry out the procedure with the help of essential oils, for example rosemary or pine trees.

These funds helps increase blood circulation in the affected area and to eliminate the inflammatory process. Essential oils have a pleasant smell and give the body a calming effect. With their help it is possible to eliminate the tone of the muscle tissue. Also pain helps the tincture from a wormwood or white acacia, which is better to use for grinding.

Have high effectiveness in medicinal teas. What composition do they have? To treat sciatica at home you can use birch leaves, bark, verbena, and orchids. These tools have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, calming and analgesic effect. You can also wear a belt from sciatica – perfect tool of dog hair, has a pronounced warming effect.

Sciatica symptoms and treatment which today is known to all, is considered quite a serious disease. The illness provokes the appearance of pronounced pain syndrome, and therefore significantly reduces the quality of human life. Because in any symptoms of pathology should consult a doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

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