
Sciatica: causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease

Sciatic nerve inflammation in medicine is called “sciatica”. The sciatic nerve is one of the Central and the largest in the human body. Therefore, it is the inflammation is particularly dangerous.

The etiology of sciatica

In this disease can be zaselyatsya himself the sciatic nerve and its roots are lying in the area between the bones.

Prerequisites for the development of sciatica can be the following factors:

  1. 1Hernia in the lumbar region of the spine. In this case, the roots are compressed between the vertebrae.
  2. 2Osteochondrosis or spondylosis.
  3. 3the Mixing of the vertebrae in the lumbar spine, caused by injury or age-related changes.
  4. 4inflammation in the muscles of the lower back and buttocks.
  5. 5to Provoke inflammation can and other diseases. Most often it is infectious inflammation. Sometimes, diabetes and diseases of the genital and urinary systems.
  6. 6Internal bleeding.

At risk are people close to retirement age from 50 to 60 years. In addition, the disease is the nerve only on one leg. Men usually inflamed right foot, and women sciatica appears on the left.

Characteristic signs of the disease

The malaise affecting the sciatic nerve, has an acute course, in which clearly traced the following clinical picture:

  • possible increase in body temperature, sometimes it is more than 38°C (sometimes the pain occurs only during exacerbation of the disease);
  • redness and swelling of the skin in the lumbar region;
  • pain in the legs, back;
  • numbness in legs, difficulty in physical activity.

Also when inflammation caused by other diseases, there may be features characteristic for them. For example, for inflammation of the bladder, pain during urination and hernia – “cross” in the lumbar spine.

The manifestations of pain syndrome

Pain when inflamed sciatic nerve, is sharp and throbbing in nature. Sometimes you can deal with the fact that back shoot. Increase pain can the following situations:

  • if you long to be in a sitting position;
  • the abrupt changes of posture;
  • during physical activity, walking, twisting and leaning of the trunk;
  • in other circumstances, when the spine is under strong pressure.

Pain localized in the lower back and in the back of the leg. Sometimes there is malaise in the area of the leg and foot.

Neurological symptoms

In the case when the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, the symptoms related to neuralgia are pronounced.

Among them:

  • violation of reflexes throughout the leg;
  • the pain in my buttocks and lower back;
  • numbness and swelling of the legs;
  • the appearance of pain in the second leg during movement (cross syndrome).

The presence of these symptoms to rule out other diseases when diagnosing the problem.

The condition of the limb

An important factor during sickness is a condition of the patient legs. The problem in the limbs can be distinguished by the following features:

  1. 1, the Skin becomes dry, transparent, and often scaly. Redness or blanching of individual sections of the legs.
  2. 2Foot is always cold, sometimes reduced in volume.
  3. 3Disturbed motor activity of the foot.
  4. 4May be feeling of weakness or heaviness in the area of the foot.
  5. 5Numbness and tingling in the foot, get cold chills.

The consequences of the disease

In severe disease the leg may permanently lose sensitivity and performance. Additionally, you may develop muscle weakness and thinning of the muscle tissue of the thighs and buttocks.

At first appeared symptoms of sciatic neuralgia, you must immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will determine the reasons why inflamed sciatic nerve, prescribe treatment.

Sciatica is not a disease that can be treated independently. Folk remedies at it is ineffective.

Diagnosis of the disease

The survey is conducted by establishing the clinical picture and further methods for the study of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, sciatica. For this patient can be assigned:

  1. 1x-ray. This method of diagnosis is especially effective when the sciatic nerve pinching caused by movement of the spine or a herniated disc.
  2. 2Imaging. Compared with radiography, computer tomography is more accurate and covers a wider range of reasons that caused the emergence of ailments. Magnetic resonance imaging, in turn, gives an even clearer image.

In the case when confirmed inflammation of the sciatic how to treat it, knows only specialist. This is because in each clinical case, the disease may have individual characteristics.


In the case when unfavourable diagnosis has been confirmed, you must immediately make the decision about how to be treated. For more effective therapeutic treatment should have a holistic approach. Treatment problems consists of medications and procedures.


Drug effects on neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is taking anti-inflammatory drugs, which may belong to the steroid and nonsteroid group.

Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs include:

  • aspirin (or Pentalgin, sedalgin);
  • tolectin;
  • ibuprofen;
  • motrin;
  • indomethacin.

The impact is that they stop the formation of an inflammatory enzyme. Compared to the steroid drugs they are less efficient, but it does not cause addiction. For efficiency, the doctor can add to the reception of such a tool painkillers.

When severe pain the patient is prescribed steroid medication. They are made of cortisol – a natural hormone. In violation of the dose use of these drugs can be addictive.

How steroid and non-steroidal drugs with prolonged use or abuse of the dosage can cause some side effects:

  1. 1Problems gastro-intestinal system. Most often anti-inflammatory drugs cause gastritis or even ulcers. To get rid of them very difficult. To reduce the risk of possible complications specialists recommend taking the pill during a meal, but then they are less efficient, because then the food interferes with the medication absorbed into the stomach wall.
  2. 2Increase in blood pressure.
  3. 3Renal failure.
  4. 4Steroid medications cause hormonal disruptions, this is particularly evident in women.
  5. 5Weakness, fatigue, drowsiness may also be side effects.

When the inflammation causes sharp, “shooting” pain, the same medications can be introduced into the body by injection. Injections have a more rapid effect, as the drug immediately spreads through the body. This procedure can only be performed by a specialist in sterile conditions. Most often, injections choose a tool such as novocaine.

The medication can be included vitamins b and C, drugs that stimulate digestion and improve immunity.

The recommended procedure

Treatments that will help to cure sciatica:

  1. 1Physiotherapy.
  2. 2Massage.
  3. 3Therapeutic exercise.
  4. 4Osteopathy and acupuncture.

As physical therapy is often prescribed for the patients, UHF (irradiation, high frequency waves), phonophoresis, or electrical stimulation. Less is assigned to laser therapy and magnetotherapy. In some cases physical therapy when inflammation of the sciatic nerve is prohibited.

These include:

  • the acute form of the disease, when the inflammatory process has penetrated deeply into the tissue;
  • if the patient is a pregnant woman or child;
  • if a person suffers from alcohol or drug addiction;
  • associated severe diseases, such as tuberculosis or cancer;
  • accompanying sciatica internal bleeding;
  • violation of the skin in areas of the procedures.

Massage as well as a set of exercises for physical therapy the doctor selects individually in each case, given the stage of inflammation, swelling appeared, and comorbidities.

Before you cure this disease, you need to think about getting rid of the causes of its appearance, and treatment of related diseases.

Sciatica is difficult to treat, and therefore should try to protect themselves from its occurrence. It is necessary to maintain moderate physical activity, make the b vitamins. Prevent you need time to identify and treat problems that can cause sciatica.

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