
Treatment of arthritis of the ankle joint

The ankle joint provides the articulation of the bones of the leg and foot, thereby is regulated by a wide range of motions performed by the foot, provides maneuverability, softened pulses from the sole when walking and jumping.

The joint has a relatively complex structure, consisting of a large number of ligaments, tendons, muscles, and bones.

This area is most vulnerable to various injuries and infectious-inflammatory diseases that lead to deterioration of quality of life and even disability.

That is why it is very important to recognize and assign correct treatment of arthritis of the ankle joint.

Methods of treatment of pathologies of the joints are divided into two main groups: drug therapy and non-medicinal methods. The last group of diet, physiotherapy, gymnastics, therapeutic massage, and traditional methods. If timely started therapy, the prognosis is favorable.

Drug therapy

The basic directions of treatment:

  1. The elimination of the causes and development of diseases of the joints.
  2. Suppression of the symptoms of arthritis.
  3. The restoration of cartilage in arthritis

It is important to initially influence it at the etiological factor that started the pathological process. Depending on the causes of arthritis are assigned different drugs.

If the cause of the disease is an autoimmune process, the goal of drug therapy is to suppress the activity of the immune system. This is assigned using glucocorticoids (GC), which have an immunosuppressive effect, resulting in the desired effect. Most of the GCS group used Prednisone.

For the prevention and treatment of ARTHRITIS our constant reader uses the increasingly popular NON-surgical method of treatment is recommended by leading German and Israeli orthopedists. Thoroughly acquainted with him, we decided to offer it to your attention.

To infections inflammation of the joint cause of pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, to treat the disease apply antibiotics that affect cell wall and DNA of microbes and eliminate them. Appointed by broad-spectrum antibiotics – Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline.

When gouty arthritis is the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints. In this case, the treatment prescribed Colchicine or Betamethasone struggling with the cause of the disease. Because gout is a disease resulting from metabolic disturbances, it is necessary to use products restoring the metabolism. Reactive arthritis occurs in patients undergoing diseases of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of joint damage is to conduct antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory therapy.

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of a joint, accompanied by pain and disturbance of its functions. Therefore, the goals of treatment are to eliminate pain, suppressing inflammation and restoring mobility. For these purposes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that are effective to cure diseases of the joints. NSAIDs suppress inflammation, pain and, as a consequence, restores function of the joint. It should be remembered that NSAIDs can cause a variety of adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Therefore, their method during treatment should be strictly justified and is limited in duration.

Found effective remedy for pains and for the treatment of joints:

  • natural composition,
  • with no side effects
  • efficiency, proven expert,
  • a quick result.

During the treatment of arthritis, it is important to minimize the damage of joint tissue.


Modern chondroprotectors prevent the death of cartilage cells and contribute to their recovery when time begun treatment of the disease. These drugs require prolonged treatment over several months. Tablets for oral administration begin to act only after 1.5 months after the start of treatment, among which the most popular teraflex, Artra, don. Injectable form for intramuscular injection a course of 15 injections: hondrolon, Naltrex.

Their advantage is the rapid onset of effect and short course of treatment. Preparations for intra articulate introduction: Synvisc, Fermathron. Substitutes of synovial fluid that arthritis can not cope with their functions. In addition, it consists of nutrients essential for the regeneration of cartilage during the disease.

Recovery after suffering arthritis is faster in conditions of good circulation and sufficient supply of calcium and phosphorus. To do this, you assign the vitamins and minerals.


Most patients underestimate the role of diet in the treatment of joint diseases. However, compliance with diet helps to relieve pain, reduce swelling and to avoid complications. In addition, in some forms of arthritis, the compliance with diet is the main component of the therapy of the disease. For example, diet gout affects etiological role in the development of pathology, thereby preventing its further progression.

The principles of nutrition in arthritis:

  1. Diet the patient should receive 4 to 6 times a day in small portions.
  2. Meals it is recommended to boil, braise or bake. This allows you to keep the nutrients and vitamins. When roasting, the food loses its beneficial properties, in addition, during such processing, the formation of harmful substances, carcinogens and toxins.
  3. During the acute phase of the disease of joints you need to reduce fluid intake to 1 liter a day, so as not to provoke the development of edema. In remission, it is recommended to drink at least 2 litres of clean drinking water. Water promotes the excretion of toxic substances, which are formed in the process of inflammation.
  4. Table salt should be restricted to 7 grams per day, as it tends to delay in the body fluid, which is accompanied by swelling.
  5. The temperature used dishes should not exceed 65 degrees.

Recommended to eat products:

  • sea fish contains omega-3 acid, which greatly reduce inflammation and promote regeneration of the cartilage tissue;
  • meat low-fat varieties are rich In b vitamins, involved in the restoration of the damage;
  • jelly plays the role of natural cartilage;
  • seafood, contain substances which are the building material of the joints during their period of recovery;
  • in the cabbage and apples contain trace elements that are responsible for collagen synthesis;
  • kiwi and lemon essential sources of vitamin C and beta-carotene, which improve the microcirculation;
  • walnuts include a large amount of vitamin E, strengthens the joint capsule;
  • green tea and natural juices according to the principle of operation is similar to the antioxidants that suppress inflammation.

It is recommended to eat sea fish

It is absolutely contraindicated for arthritis:

  • fatty meats and canned foods – provoking inflammation;
  • tomato and celery – contribute to the deposition of salts;
  • drinks rich in caffeine that leach calcium from the bones;
  • confectionery products – adversely affect the blood vessels;
  • meat products due to high content of purines are recommended to limit in the presence of a gouty form of arthritis.
Physical therapy

Has a good effect treatment that uses physical factors. These factors include: heat, cold, oxygen, electricity, chemicals and ultrasonic waves. These methods of treating arthritis have high efficiency, they promote rapid recovery and increases endurance of the affected joint. When you assign this type of therapy must take into account that the phase of the disease restrict the range allowed for the application of the methods.

In the acute stage of the disease allowed the use of ultraviolet irradiation (UVI) and electrophoresis:

  1. UVI applied course consisting of 5-7 procedures.
  2. Electrophoresis provides the injection of drugs using an electrical current to the inflamed joint. The procedure is performed daily for 15 minutes in 12 sessions.

The subacute stage of the disease:

  1. Low-intensity magnetic therapy for arthritis is available daily no more than 10 minutes for 10 days.
  2. UHF-therapy is alternating the effects of spherical and cylindrical emitter with a power of 25-30 watts for 5-7 minutes.
  3. The irradiation helium-neon laser of the affected joint by up to 30 procedures.

The proliferative stage of the disease:

  1. WHEW corticosteroids diseased joint within 5 minutes for 12 days;
  2. Electrophoresis Lidazy the course of 15 sessions. Lidaza is enzymatic product with a proteolytic activity. Strengthens the intermediate tissue has a softening effect on areas of damage, eliminates the stiffness of the joint.
  3. Systemic cryotherapy using cold air-nitrogen mixture for 1-3 minutes. Stimulates the renewal of the regulatory processes.
  4. Local cryotherapy is exposed to cold dry air over the affected joint for up to 15 minutes. Due to this, the stimulation of the reflex zones that starts the process of tissue regeneration, with restoration of functional activity.

In addition, in the presence of chronic form of the disease the patient needs to undergo annual health resort treatment. In the treatment of arthritis spetsializiruyutsya city: Sochi, Anapa, Crimea, Hot Key and many others.


Physiotherapy for arthritis is effective treatment on the road to recovery. It improves blood supply to the joint, strengthening muscles, providing its mobility, and the removal of unpleasant and painful symptoms.

To start gym you must conduct a warm-up

To achieve maximal effect from treatment, it is necessary to perform the exercises daily in the morning to restore blood flow in the legs after sleep. Its duration should not be less than 20 minutes excluding warm-up.

We must start with mandatory workouts, which will provide a smooth stretching of the muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is enough to perform slow circular movements in ankle joint within a few minutes.

When the stiffness is reduced, you can start performing basic exercises:

  • raising on tiptoes with a delay position for 15-30 seconds;
  • rolling from heel to toe for at least 2 minutes;
  • walking on the inner side of the foot;
  • walking on the outside of the foot;
  • stand on your heels with maximum pulling fingers up.
Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage for arthritis of the ankle joint of great benefit. Correctly executed the procedure allows for a maximum regeneration of tissues and restoration of function.

The massage begins with the tibia, so the patient should lie on her back. The calf muscle is massaged by stroking 2-3 hours, then applied, deep squeezing and shaking. Each manipulation sure is repeated up to 5 times by different techniques.

Special attention is paid to the area of the connection muscles to the heel tendon – made massage movements from the bottom upwards in the course of the fibers. Then begins rubbing 2 approach using plucking, techniques for straight line and circle.

Then made a rubbing of the anterior and lateral surfaces of the ankle joint the same techniques. You can then proceed directly to the massage of the joint and foot. For this purpose the patient lies on the abdomen, under the Shin cushion is placed so that the heel does not touch the table. Massage starts with stroking, pinching and rubbing, followed by deep kneading.

The first session usually lasts 10 minutes, after which the length gradually increased. During the procedure, it is permissible to use massage oils and creams. To learn to massage is easy, but the first session is conducted by experienced specialist.

Traditional medicine

Among the home methods in the treatment of this disease used the herbal teas, decoctions, tinctures, compresses varied.

  1. Herbal teas combine the most useful and necessary for full recovery of the substance. Collection of oak bark, rose hips and Rowan pour boiling water, insist under the lid for 10-15 minutes. Take three times a day for several months before the retreat the symptoms of arthritis.
  2. Herbal teas cranberry, corn, birch buds, currant, chamomile and St. John’s wort take small portions during the day.
  3. For external use mix the mustard powder and salt in a ratio of 2 to 1, add the melted wax to make a thick consistency. For the treatment is applied as a topical ointment before bed at the joint area. Mustard has a warming property, thereby improving the blood supply to the joint, and the salt draws excess fluid from tissues.
  4. Warm foot bath with birch leaves and nettles should be taken daily for 15 minutes during 10 days. This procedure improves the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the affected area.

Treatment of arthritis of the ankle joint has many features and requires effort to achieve full recovery or a remission in chronic forms of the disease. However, if the time to seek help and to follow the prescribed recommendations, the chances for healing greatly increase.

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