
Why does bursitis appear

The knee joint consists of nine bursa, because of this, suprapatellar bursitis of the knee joint is most often found.

If the true causes of bursitis are not identified in a timely manner and proper treatment is not started, a person may begin to suffer from tuberculosis, brucellosis, gonorrhea, tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases.

In a patient with bursitis, boils, bedsores, erysipelas may appear on the skin.

The causes of the disease:

  1. Knee and knee joint injuries;
  2. Mechanical impact;
  3. Prolonged kneeling in the corner during the punishment carried out by the parents over the child. This phenomenon is harmful to children’s health;
  4. Impaired metabolism;
  5. Toxin poisoning;
  6. Autoimmune processes in the body;
  7. Allergy;
  8. Gout or arthritis;
  9. Ingestion of pathogenic microbes;
  10. Accumulation of salts in the wall of the periarticular bag.
Symptoms of the disease

With bending and extension of the joints, pain appears. In the area of ​​the knee or elbow, a rounded swelling is very often formed.

Common symptoms of the disease:

  1. Painful sensations, swelling and inflammatory processes in the joints;
  2. During the performance of any movements, damaged joints begin to hurt, because of which the patient feels stiff;
  3. The skin takes on a reddish tint;
  4. Body temperature rises.

Symptoms of acute bursitis:

  • Very strong pain, especially during the execution of movements;
  • With a brachial bursitis, the patient cannot raise his hand up and put it on his head, as an unbearable pain is felt. Pain and inflammation may be reflected in the lower arm or neck;
  • There may also be severe pain at night, due to which a person cannot sleep soundly.

Symptoms of chronic bursitis:

  1. There is not very strong, but prolonged pain;
  2. The diseased joint is overgrown with tissue, which after some time fetters the bones and prevents them from moving normally.
We treat suprapatellar bursitis

Suprapatellar bursitis is treated on an outpatient basis. The most effective method of treating this disease is puncturing the synovial bag, rinsing it with an antiseptic and applying a tight bandage. After performing this procedure, it is recommended to make warming compresses.

If the disease is severe, the patient’s knee is fixed using a special tire.

If the disease has a chronic form, in which too many salts have accumulated, doctors are forced to resort to surgery, which is performed by laser or ultrasound.

How to identify a disease

In order to diagnose and prescribe the correct bursitis treatment, the patient needs to undergo a general blood test, undergo a bacterioscopic and bacteriological examination of the joint synovial fluid, as well as an x-ray of the damaged joints.

When diagnosing, a synovial fluid puncture is performed, which allows you to determine the causes of the disease, its microbial flora and susceptibility to the antibiotic.

It is important not to confuse bursitis with arthritis. To do this, remember that with bursitis, articular mobility persists, but with arthritis, no.

Disease treatment

Having carefully studied all the symptoms of the disease, and finding out the causes of its appearance, after the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment.

How to treat bursitis at different stages of manifestation will prompt the following methods:

  • An acute disease is treated with conservative therapy. During this period, it is important to provide rest and immobility to the affected joint. The brachial or ulnar bursitis is fixed with special braces. Symptoms of acute pain can pass on their own. But, if the pain is very strong, it can be relieved with the help of aspirin. If this drug does not work, you will need to take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. In some situations, injections with novocaine or hydrocortisone are given in a sore joint. In order for the exudate to dissolve, it is important to undergo a course of physiotherapy, make dressings, using Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Chronic joint damage due to trauma is treated by an operation during which accumulated salts are removed by aspiration with a needle;
  • Acute non-infectious bursitis should be temporarily immobilized. The limb must be constantly kept raised, and the diseased joint must be treated with ice. It is also important to take ibuprofen, naproxen, or indomethacin tablets;
  • Infectious acute bursitis is treated with multiple punctures. The doctor prescribes a course of antimicrobial therapy, in which cephalotin, oxacillin, clindamycin tablets are drunk;
  • In chronic bursitis, exercises in therapeutic gymnastics are indicated;
  • Purulent bursitis is treated with surgical intervention. When the synovial bag is opened, pus is removed and the wound is sanitized. Recovery after surgery takes a very long time.

Any symptoms of bursitis should be treated. What method should the doctor indicate. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner.

Bursitis and alternative treatments

When visiting a doctor, it’s important to tell him what your symptoms of the disease are. An experienced doctor will identify the causes of bursitis, determine the exact diagnosis, and prescribe the correct and effective treatment, in which special injections, tablets, ointments, and thermal therapy are used.

In parallel with traditional treatment, after consulting a doctor, you can conduct treatment with alternative methods.

Treatment of bursitis with folk remedies is carried out as follows:

  • It is useful to make compresses from vegetables at night. For this purpose, you can use beets, potatoes and cabbage. These vegetables need to be alternated, that is, one night you make a compress from beets, and on the second night – from potatoes. Cut two raw potatoes into circles, wrap them in a clean cloth and wrap the damaged joint with it. Top need to wrap with a warm cloth. Compresses should be done until the swelling and pain disappear completely;
  • Heat 250 grams of sugar in a pan. Pour it into a dense tissue bag and apply to the affected joints. On top of the bag, you need to fix it with a plastic bag or film and a warm cloth. A sugar compress is also done until all the symptoms of bursitis have completely disappeared;
  • Celery tea will help defeat bursitis. A tablespoon of the seeds of the plant pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 90 minutes. Strain and drink instead of tea twice a day for 14 days;
  • Pour 10 grams of propolis with 100 grams of vodka and let it brew for five days. Lotions with propolis and vodka should be done until all the symptoms of bursitis disappear completely;
  • Mix eucalyptus oil with lavender and liquid paraffin. The obtained ointment is used during therapeutic massage in the area of ​​joints damaged by bursitis. After the procedure, you need to hide in a warm blanket and go to bed;
  • Pour twigs, cones, pine needles with cold water. Boil the mixture for 30 minutes. Let it brew for about twelve hours. After a while, strain the broth and pour into the bath. Take a pine bath for no more than 20 minutes. You can pour the infusion into a bowl of water and steam the legs in it.

Treatment of bursitis with folk remedies should be carried out only after consulting a doctor and in parallel with the main methods of treatment. It is important not to self-medicate, so as not to harm your health.

Bursitis Prevention

Do not take actions that bring pain and cause discomfort in the joints. To maintain muscles and ligaments in physical form, it is important to engage in physiotherapy exercises daily. When receiving any injuries, it is important to treat the wounds with hydrogen peroxide and apply bactericidal dressings. And in the near future it will seem to the doctor to prevent the symptoms of the onset of bursitis.

Nutrition for bursitis

In order to cure joint disease as soon as possible, it is important to eat right. This will help a special balanced diet. Your diet should contain foods enriched with vitamins A, B, C, E and zinc. Thanks to zinc, the joints recover faster. Zinc is rich in seafood, river and sea fish, beef liver.

The diet for bursitis recommends eating such plant foods:

  1. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
  2. Cabbage, carrots, greens, beets, onions with garlic;
  3. It is useful to cook dishes from zucchini, sweet pepper, pumpkin, various cereals;
  4. Positive effects on joints are citrus fruits and nuts;
  5. Of the berries, give your preference to sea buckthorn, currants, rose hips and viburnum.

For connective tissue of the joint, it is useful to prepare jellied dishes of beef, fish and chicken using gelatin. Various fruit jellies on gelatin are also considered beneficial.

Diet for bursitis prohibits the use of:

  1. Fast food;
  2. Margarine;
  3. Canned fish, meat or vegetables;
  4. Sausage;
  5. Sweet sparkling water;
  6. Alcoholic beverages, including beer;
  7. Salty and fatty foods;
  8. Fast foods;
  9. Any products with harmful artificial colors and with the letter E.

Since suprapatellar bursitis is an inflammatory disease, nutrition should help relieve inflammatory processes. Therefore, it is best to eat fresh, natural, non-GMO vegetables, fruits, legumes and nuts. A proper diet will help to cope with the symptoms and possibly even cure the patient from bursitis.

The main rule in the treatment of bursitis is to strictly follow all the doctor’s prescriptions and advice to avoid further complications and surgical intervention.

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