
10 brain health products

American scientists conducted a study in which they found that the inclusion of several foods in a daily diet prevents the development of Alzheimer’s disease, improves memory and strengthens the blood vessels of the brain.

In addition to the benefits to the brain, these nutritious and vitamin-rich foods are beneficial for the whole body.

Studies have shown that eating certain foods slows down the development of disease.

Unlike simple carbohydrates, which, contrary to popular belief about their benefits, slow down the thought process, the following products are extremely useful:

walnut walnut

Useful for both the heart and brain, nuts are a quality source of healthy unsaturated fats. Walnuts are high in alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid. In 2015, a study was conducted in America that tested the effects of daily walnut consumption on cognitive abilities. A group of subjects eating a serving of nuts every day received the best results during testing.

Red fish

Fatty fish such as salmon, trout and salmon are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It is proved that they reduce the level of beta-amyloid peptide in the blood. Amyloid beta is a protein that forms health-hazardous connections in the brain, provoking the development of Alzheimer’s disease and other ailments.


It used to be that neurons in the brain gradually die during life. However, recent studies prove that neurons continue to form new connections even in adulthood. One of the main components of the process is the neurotropic factor of the brain. This is a protein whose level can increase due to the consumption of turmeric. Spice is rich in trace elements that increase the level of protein in the blood.


It turns out that this berry is useful not only for maintaining visual acuity. Blueberries have an antioxidant effect on brain neurons – consuming just two servings per week shows a marked improvement in brain activity and prevents memory loss.


Since brain cells are 60% fat, the fat-soluble nutrients found in tomatoes act as a powerful defense. Carotenoids are natural antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals that accelerate the aging process of the brain.


Studies by doctors have shown that green vegetables, when consumed regularly, prevent memory loss. Broccoli contains such beneficial micro and macro elements as fiber, lutein, folic acid, vitamins A and K.

The apples

Quercetin contained in apples protects neurons in the brain from dying due to antioxidant action. It is believed that this chemical element slows down the aging of the brain, the result of which is Alzheimer’s disease. In 2006, American scientists proved the effectiveness of this trace element in the course of experiments.


Tear-provoking vegetable, many do not like, but in vain! Onions contain folates that accelerate blood flow to the brain by lowering the level of an amino acid called “homocysteine” in the body. Scientists also noted that onions have a positive effect on reducing anxiety and depression – modern enemies of brain health.

Flax seeds

Seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, including important alpha lipoic acid, the benefits of which we mentioned above. Regular consumption of flax seeds helps lower blood pressure, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, namely strokes.

Coffee and tea

2014 studies proved that coffee really speeds up thought processes and improves short-term memory. The L-theanine contained in tea also makes the brain think faster, and also improves memory and reduces irritability, which is detrimental to neurons.

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