
What prevents you from getting rid of excess weight?

Diets are offered for every taste and purse, but full people are becoming more and more. The reason why we can not become slimmer in any way, learned the correspondent of SE. 

If the diets worked without fail, and exercises for losing weight fixed the result, then would there be around so many cries of the soul “Help to lose weight!”?

The problem of excess weight, in spite of new and new offers of help, remains topical and not only does not decrease, but it is constantly growing.

We know, but we can not

The fact that “I can not lose weight, because, most likely something is ill, this is an irreversible process”, you can tell a pillow. “Most patients come to the doctor with a firm belief that they have problems with metabolism,” says Elena Obut, a therapist at the Zdravica medical center. – But on average, only 5% of obese people actually have organic disorders that provoke excessive fat accumulation, such as hypothyroidism (thyroid disease), diabetes, hypothalamic syndrome, etc. In other cases obesity is primary, and the main problem is in the wrong way of life. ”

And this despite the fact that everyone knows how to lose weight: you need to stop eating horrible, start counting calories, choose a diet and do physical exercises.

The latter concept is most often blurred – many people with the word “sport” spoil the mood, for someone the physical load is walking to the fifth floor without an elevator and a voyage to the bakery is not a taxi, but there are those who swim in the pool, running around Park and even goes to the gym. Yes, and diets understand everything differently: someone with a sigh for a week – “I can not stand it any more” – reduces the amount of buns and smoked sausage consumed, and someone turns to apples and water, seriously thinking to live for at least a month. However, all motivated by one goal – they want to become slimmer. But it turns out not at all.

Why is it so difficult to lose weight? Yes, and diets understand everything differently: someone with a sigh for a week – “I can not stand it any more” – reduces the amount of buns and smoked sausage consumed, and someone turns to apples and water, seriously thinking to live for at least a month. However, all motivated by one goal – they want to become slimmer. But it turns out not at all.

Why is it so difficult to lose weight? Yes, and diets understand everything differently: someone with a sigh for a week – “I can not stand it any more” – reduces the amount of buns and smoked sausage consumed, and someone turns to apples and water, seriously thinking to live for at least a month. However, all motivated by one goal – they want to become slimmer. But it turns out not at all. Why is it so difficult to lose weight?

Choose with the mind

First, the diet is different. You can not choose on the principle of “I love apples, let there be an apple diet” or “oh, an excellent diet – you can eat meat.” Restriction of the food regime is not fun, but a serious intervention in the functioning of the body, in fact – treatment:

“The diet should choose a doctor. Because there are a lot of contraindications. For example, a protein diet can be harmful to many, – explains the dietician MK “Effect” Natalia Salnikova. “And the consequences of an improperly selected diet can be the deposition of salts, impaired kidney function, gout with the same protein diet.”

In addition, “you need to develop the food behavior that suits you and always follow it,” the doctor is sure. For today, the most important thing is the systematization of the image of nutrition by the calorie: how many calories you have received – so much to spend, otherwise excess will begin to be deposited in adipose tissue. Here and the gyms come to the aid – in them it is possible to spend calories in large volumes. But to hope for “overeaten – ran” is not worth it – working out cakes on an exercise bike should be a rarity. You need to lose weight consciously.

We think that we eat

Sitting on a diet and respecting it are not one and the same. “It’s difficult to really forbid yourself to give up any products for a long time, especially from your loved ones,” Aleksey Markov, a psychotherapist at the medical and psychological center Doctor Bormental, explains the failure. “People often break up and start eating something that is forbidden.” Besides, exhausting themselves with monotonous food, people often just wait, striking out in the calendar days when it will be possible to return to the usual dinner-dinner scheme, to consume the food from which they used to gain weight.

And, unfortunately, nothing will change – you again begin to grow stout. You can sit all the time on a diet, and not necessarily excruciating – there are quite comfortable, but that set of products that you arranged six months ago, runs the risk of becoming unsuitable after. What to do? To change cardinally attitude to food. “During the diet, you need to develop nutritional habits that will last a lifetime,” says Alexei Markov.

And stop patching holes in life with food:

“Learn to normalize your mood in other ways, do not eat without hunger, do not give food more importance – it’s just food, a source of energy that should be used as needed,  ” the doctor continues. – Learn to eat right – fractional, often. The rules of rational nutrition are known to everyone, but apply their units: because the momentary pleasure from overeating is greater than the long-term harm from obesity. ” Everyone knows that smoking is harmful, but they smoke – after all, there is still no lung cancer, and maybe not at all. So with food: short diets with a return to the usual diet – the same as fruitless attempts to stop smoking – you need to change not the contents of the refrigerator, but your attitude towards it.

It is necessary to fall in love, or Willpower.

Here the most important thing begins – to change consciousness, a push is needed. Photos of models, sighs in front of a mirror, declarations “I want to lose weight!” – these are the reasons for the frustration, but not for changing attitudes towards food. Motivation should be strong. What exactly is a break with your beloved, a disease that has arisen respect for yourself – to each his own. But if you are looking for magic, then you know: there is no magic wand. And there is the ability to analyze their actions.

So, having decided to lose weight, you need to go to the doctor and, having told him about all your illnesses, to develop a diet. This diet should be adhered to strictly and not two or three weeks, and perhaps all life, so it should be all balanced. Choose in calculation with your needs and opportunities physical exercises – they will strengthen the muscles and fix the result.

And do not relax, having achieved the desired (the desired should be not skeletonism, but normal for growth and weight gain – you will also be calculated by the doctor) – now you need to live to maintain the form. “The most reliable, albeit slow method of losing weight is a fundamental change in the way of life, where there is no room for laziness, lack of mobility, an uncontrolled and thoughtless absorption of unhealthy foods, high-calorie food,” says the therapist Elena Obut. And so live, since you came back to normal, – correctly. All in your hands!

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