
What to do if you do not want to have breakfast?

Fasting coffee irritates the walls of the stomach, which in the future can lead to gastritis. It also increases appetite.

When we wake up in the morning, begin to move, the level of glucose in the blood decreases. To replenish its reserves, the body begins to take glucose from internal organs. At this point, fatigue, drowsiness and the thought that only coffee can save. Yes, it works, but not for long, about 40 minutes.

“What to do if you don’t feel like having breakfast” is one of the most common questions that I encounter in my practice. Breakfast must be required. And now I will tell you why.

Please read the following information carefully.

At a time when the body feels an attack of hunger, we can be on the road or already at work. Accordingly, there is no time to eat normally. And tea, coffee, sweets and so on begin to go. For lunch, most often, time is also not enough. Hunger is interrupted by sandwiches, cookies. And in the evening, already at home, you can eat up to the dump. And it turns out that the one who does not eat breakfast eats more than necessary in the evening, and again does not want to eat in the morning. It’s a vicious circle.

We just need breakfast. It provides our body with nutrients and vitamins that support normal metabolism.

It is best to have breakfast from 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning. A cup of coffee or tea is not considered a normal breakfast. They can be present in the diet only accompanied by a full meal. You need to eat so that the feeling of satiety is maintained for 3-4 hours. We are all different, so everyone has their own perfect breakfast.

Sugar doesn’t really boost mood

In the journal Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews published the results of a study in which German and English scientists studied dozens of scientific papers on sugar consumption and its effect on people’s mood. They found that sugar worsens mood.

“The idea that sugar is uplifting has taken root in society. People all over the world use sugary soda to supposedly deal with fatigue or become more alert. The results of the study show that this approach is not justified. And sugar probably only makes you feel worse, ” says lead author Dr. Konstantinos Mantantzis of Humboldt University, Berlin.

Scientists analyzed 31 studies in which more than 1,250 people took part. People ate simple sugars (they are found in soda, pastries, desserts and other finished foods) and starch, after which scientists evaluated their mood. Half an hour after eating sweets, most people developed fatigue, and an hour later their attention decreased. Sugar gives a short burst of energy due to the fact that the level of glucose in the blood rises. Then a breakdown occurs.

Researchers say eating sweets as a “cure” for boredom and low mood can contribute to obesity and the risk of diabetes.

The World Health Organization recommends eating no more than 10% of added sugar from daily calories. This is about 200 kcal or five teaspoons.

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