
A place for meditation at home

The ability to concentrate on practice and drive away unnecessary thoughts does not come immediately. But in the end – comes. And there is one secret that the process of proper meditation will accelerate, or at least give it a start. It is quite simple: the whole thing is the ability to properly organize a place for meditation. And we know how to do it!

If you ever tried to meditate without a teacher, you probably know how difficult it is. Personally, after 5 minutes, I sharply stopped meditation, leaving my thoughts on the coming day and planning what needs to be done and what (and whom) to remember.

Common situation? Do not worry, even there is a way out of it! Which – read in this article.

Meditation: Find the quietest and most isolated place in the apartment

During meditation, nothing and no one should distract you. Even if it’s a kitchen, if you live in odnushka, but for the duration of the meditation, the boyfriend will go there without a foot.

Meditation: Follow the Lighting

It is much better to enter a meditative state in the twilight. Therefore, slide the curtains and do not sit by the window. But worse than the bright sun, only bright artificial lighting! Turn off the light or even light candles – and then immerse yourself in meditation.

Meditation: Create the Right Atmosphere with Yoga Symbols

Buy a Buddha figurine or a special bowl for meditation, a pillow with Indian patterns or a handmade plaid. Let it be just a detail of the interior, but by its very appearance it will inspire you to practice.

Meditation: Buy a beautiful and comfortable pillow or even a few

They can be put under the priest or under the knees, when during a long stay in the pose there are discomfort.

Meditation: Take away all unnecessary and let in fresh air

A dirty cup and clothes lying out of place at 100% will distract you. Therefore, be sure to restore order in the room. And also be sure to ventilate the room – this is a must-do before practice and is generally good for health.

Meditation: Turn on the music

It is desirable, without words, so as not to be distracted. Ideally, these should be the sounds of nature. Or try to meditate while singing mantras – they help you to enter a meditative state faster, plus – they work for certain settings (they can be different, for example, health, good luck, etc.).

Meditation: Light a Candlelight

This will create a special atmosphere and help you plunge into the correct state. And it’s just nice.

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