
Prevention of sexually transmitted infections

Probably the most obvious. If a person does not think too much about what the risk of random sex with a person whom he knows from the strength of a couple of hours could be, is it worth wondering about a sudden rash or pain in the lumbar region?

But the situations are different and if you still decide on such contact, carefully examine the genitals of the partner.

They should not have any suspicious elements and secretions. Shyness is inappropriate when it comes to your health.

Frequent change of partners is dangerous

One of the most unpleasant consequences of sexual intercourse is sexually transmitted diseases. Not all of them can be treated quickly, but the most dangerous thing is that many are completely asymptomatic. For a woman who is planning a future pregnancy, the issue of preventing diseases of this kind is very acute. So what should you know about in order not to become a regular patient of a venereologist?

Use condoms

Yes, condoms can break and do not give one hundred percent protection against infections, but they should not be neglected, even if the partner is against it: after all, he himself may not know about his illness.

Use extra protection

In addition to condoms, venereologists advise using medications that you need to buy exclusively at the pharmacy and on the recommendation of your doctor. Yes, and understand the types of funds on their own is not so simple. It is possible to use spermicides, which are available in the form of ointments, suppositories, gels and other external agents. However, they are not able to withstand many viruses, so you should not fully rely on their protection.

Antiseptics. Quite effective means, but their effect is justified only in the first few hours after sexual intercourse, and do not forget that this is only an auxiliary means.

Personal hygiene is our everything

Actual not only for people who have sex, but also those who live in the same room with unfamiliar people. You cannot know about many aspects of the lives of these people, so think about your safety yourself: use only your underwear, a towel and a washcloth. It is also advisable to purchase funds with an antibacterial composition for the treatment of public goods.

See a doctor at least once a year

Clinical examination, although tiring, but necessary. It is advisable for women not to miss visits not only to a venereologist, but also to a gynecologist who will check not only your “cleanliness”, but also tell you about the latest innovations in the field of contraception and prevention of STDs, and help you choose the right remedy for you. Naturally, a visit to the doctor is necessary if you began to experience discomfort after a recent sexual intercourse.

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