
5-NOC and Kanefron, the choice of drug

If you do not have contraindications, it is better to resort to antibacterial therapy for a complete cure . Having completed the 5-NOC course, you will completely destroy the cause of the disease and forget about it for a long time.

In situations where it is not advisable to take antibiotics, or if bacteria are sensitive to the drug, use its plant-based analogue, Kanefron. It is also advisable for them to carry out prophylaxis in order to eliminate relapses of the disease. Pregnancy and lactation are some of these cases. The manifestation of cystitis in this period is not uncommon.

Having discovered the first symptoms, you should start taking Kanefron as soon as possible. A few days later, if the symptoms persist, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. After all, cystitis is an insidious disease and in case of incomplete cure threatens to develop into pyelonephritis. Therefore, prevention is important, especially if you are predisposed to frequent cystitis. Constant leaching of pathogenic bacteria and maintaining local immunity due to the activity of plant components will help restore the health of the genitourinary system.

Unpleasant symptoms of cystitis are familiar to most women. The reason for its appearance is a number of factors: hypothermia, bacteria entering the urinary tract and others. Unbearable pain, frequent urination and a complete loss from the rhythm of life – this is not the whole list of troubles brought by cystitis. Those who have repeatedly encountered this disease wondered: which drug is most effective and in the shortest possible time to cope with this problem? Among the variety of means for treating this ailment, we can distinguish the most popular:


The drug is an antibacterial agent, the active substance in it is nitroxoline. This antibiotic belongs to the group of quinolones. It has bacteriostatic, bactericidal and fungicidal effects, inhibiting the DNA of bacteria and preventing them from multiplying. 5-NOC has established itself as highly effective in the fight against urogenital infections.


It is active against most bacteria that cause cystitis:

  • Escherichia coli.
  • Ureaplasma.
  • Mycoplasmas.
  • Staphylococcus
  • Streptococcus
  • Candida mushroom.

Since cystitis is mainly a disease of bacterial origin, the effectiveness of this drug is very high. Removal of unpleasant symptoms is observed after the first dose, and a complete cure occurs after drinking a full course.

Of course, before starting treatment, you should pass a bacterial urine culture to make sure that you do not have individual resistance to nitroxoline. But if there is confidence in the bacterial origin of cystitis, it is better to start taking it without waiting for the results, because this analysis is done for a long time. Then, having received the results of backseeding, you can adjust the treatment if necessary.


It is a plant uroantiseptic. Often, it is taken in combination with antibiotics. But at the very beginning of treatment, or for prevention, he can independently cure cystitis.


Its main components are:

  • Centaury grass.
  • Root lovage.
  • Rosemary leaves.

These herbs have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic properties. Since ancient times, people were cured only by taking herbal preparations. The effectiveness of extracts of these components has been scientifically proven in the fight against diseases of the genitourinary system. After taking the course of kanefron, immunity is restored and the cells of the body can already cope with the subsequent cases of the disease themselves.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets and a drop in a bottle. During admission, you should take care of a fairly abundant drinking regimen. Contraindication is the individual intolerance of its components, the existing severe kidney disease with poor excretory function.

What do these medicines have in common?

Both drugs effectively eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of cystitis, but their mechanism of action is completely different. 5-NOC, being an antibiotic, acts within a few hours after administration, significantly reducing the intensity of the symptoms. A couple of days after application, it is able to completely destroy the pathogen. But do not interrupt the reception after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, in order to avoid the resistance of microorganisms to the drug.

Together with harmful bacteria, nitroxoline to some extent kills the beneficial microflora. Everyone faced unpleasant consequences after treatment with antibacterial agents. To restore microflora, a long time and the use of probiotics are necessary.

Kanefron has similar properties and also effectively fights microbes, but with less intensity. The plant components in its composition are more aimed at leaching pathogenic bacteria and relief comes after a significantly longer period of time. In cases of advanced cystitis, one Kanefron will not help, it is necessary to take antibacterial agents.

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