
ACC and Lazolvan, the choice of drug

No one has the right to say that any of these drugs fights sputum more efficiently and helps to recover better, both of them are very strong. But both Lazolvan and ACC can affect the body in different ways, so do not forget about individual characteristics. It is very good if the patient has already decided which remedy suits him best, but even if not, it is not difficult to choose the right drug.

Particular attention should be paid to pregnant patients and children, since not every type of medication can be taken by them. It is much more difficult to determine the dosage, for this you need to carefully study the instructions for the form of the drug you have chosen or consult a specialist who will help to adjust the treatment.

During periods of illness, when a strong cough overcomes, you cannot ignore it and often you have to take additional cough medicine. But how to choose the most effective from them? This article details the drugs “ACC” and “Lazolvan.”


Such a medicine as ACC has become known and has gained widespread use in medical practice for a very long time. It is not surprising that today there are many different forms of this medicine, as well as different subspecies. You can find a tool in the form of powder for the preparation of syrup or solution, and in the form of tablets, and in the form of solutions for intravenous and intramuscular injections. The latter, however, are prescribed only in the most severe cases, when it is impossible to use inside acetylstein, the active substance of this agent.


As a rule, patients use powder for the preparation of syrups or solutions. They have a characteristic orange flavor and aroma, which eliminates the most common problem with children: small patients often refuse to take medicine, and they drink sweet orange syrup with great pleasure.

This is one of its biggest advantages – ACC is allowed from 2 years. Of course, depending on age, the dosage varies. For example, children from 2 to 6 years old need to take 100 mg of the substance no more than three times a day. This amounts to 1 sachet of ATSTS 100 or half a sachet of ATSTS 200.

Patients from 6 to 14 years old should take about 300-400 mg of the drug 2-4 times a day (that is, it will be most convenient to take a packet of ACC 200 twice a day or ACC 100 3-4 times a day). Children from 14 years old and adults are recommended to take 3 sachets of ACC 100 three times a day or 2 sachets of ACC 200 twice a day.

If there is cystic fibrosis (a hereditary disease characterized by damage to the endocrine glands and impaired respiratory performance), doctors adjust the dosage. The duration of treatment is also agreed with the doctor.

This medication is prescribed for diseases of otitis media, acute and chronic sinusitis and a number of diseases, accompanied by sputum formation and severe cough (including pneumonia and lung abscess, bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, etc.).

Patients should remember that the medicine is contraindicated:

  • During exacerbations of duodenal ulcers and stomach.
  • With pulmonary hemorrhage.
  • With fructose intolerance or glucose-galactose deficiency, as well as with sucrose deficiency.
  • With increased sensitivity to any components of the drug.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.

It should be noted that the intake of syrup is possible during pregnancy, if the risk to the fetus is completely excluded; in case of lactation, if treatment with this agent is inevitable, most likely, breastfeeding will have to be stopped.

Alas, this medication has a large number of side effects. These include allergic reactions (both the smallest manifestations like a rash or itching, and severe forms, including bleeding and anaphylactic shock), tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, bronchospasm and shortness of breath can occur with bronchial pathologies.

It also includes dyspepsia, stomatitis and many minor manifestations in the form of headache, nausea, tinnitus and so on. Some diseases and pathologies require separate prescriptions of the doctor regarding the use and the necessary dosage of the medicine.


Lazolvan catches up with ACC in popularity, and therefore this medication also has many forms of release: lozenges, tablets, syrup, solutions for oral administration and for inhalation, and so on. Patients prefer syrup and lozenges. The active substance of the drug is ambroxol hydrochloride, which has an effect similar to mucolytic agents.


The dosage requires a separate consideration for each form of the drug, since they contain a different amount of the active substance. For example, children from 6 to 12 years old need to dissolve one lozenge three times a day, and for patients over 12 years old, two lozenges. As for the syrup, it can be given even to infants. Babies under 2 years old are given 2.5 ml twice a day, children from 2 to 6 years old – the same amount, but three times a day. from 6 to 12 years old, 5 ml should be taken , and for older patients , 10 ml 3 times a day. To measure the required amount of syrup will help a measuring cup, which comes with the medicine.

What else you need to know about Lazolvan is that it is taken for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, and bronchial asthma. There are not so many contraindications, this includes the first trimester of pregnancy, lactation, the presence of fructose intolerance or the components of the drug.
Experts warn of the need for careful use of the medication for renal or hepatic insufficiency, as well as during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. During treatment with Lazolvan, you may experience a violation of taste sensations, as well as allergy manifestations up to hypersensitivity, anaphylactic shock, or angioedema.

What are these two medicines like?

Both ACC and Lazolvan are acceptable for use by children, but this very often depends on the form of the drug. Both of these drugs are quite strong, and they are prescribed for similar diseases, the symptoms of which are the appearance of inseparable sputum and a strong cough (in the case of ACC, sinusitis and otitis are added here). Their contraindications and side effects are also very similar in many ways.

Distinctive features

There are not many differences between the drugs:

  1. Lazolvan pity during the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as during the second and third trimesters, subject to careful use. ACC – only in the most extreme cases.
  2. Different dosages of drugs are needed (this mainly depends on the form of the drug and the amount of active substance in it), as well as the duration of the course.
  3. The active substances of ACC (acetylstein) and Lazolvan (ambroxol) work in the body in different ways, despite the fact that the purpose of taking these drugs is the same.
  4. In the presence of cystic fibrosis, only ACC is prescribed, and in case of renal and hepatic insufficiency, Lazolvan is prescribed. in both cases, the dosage is adjusted.

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