
Duspatalin and No-shpa, how do they differ

Despite the fact that both drugs are available without a prescription, if you experience pain, you should consult a doctor. He will be able to choose a treatment regimen for each patient individually, depending on the specifics of the disease, contraindications, so you should not neglect visiting your doctor.

But-shpa has a wider field of application, and its effectiveness has been tested for many years. But if this medicine does not help, or will bring relief only for a short time, in this case it is better to use Duspatalin.

Also, it is better suited if it is intended to be used for a long period of time, since it is well tolerated, practically does not cause side effects, and an allergic reaction and dizziness can occur extremely rarely.

Before choosing the medicine you need, you need to know how they differ. The following main differences between the considered drugs are distinguished:

  1. The mechanism of action – the active components of Duspatalin put in the block channels from the introduction of sodium ions into cells. For No-shpa, the working principle is different – there is a change in the content of nucleotides that regulate the concentration of calcium.
  2. Duspatalin acts for a longer time and affects mainly the smooth muscles of the intestines, relaxing the digestive system, and the second remedy affects completely the entire muscles.
  3. No-spa is allowed for use by children from 6 years old, another drug from 16 years. The price category is much lower.
  4. During treatment with Duspatalin, especially at the initial stage, it is better to remove oneself from driving vehicles, as well as works requiring increased concentration. Admission No-shpa does not affect this.

A spasm is characterized as an involuntary accelerated contraction of muscle fibers with a delayed onset of relaxation. May occur due to gastrointestinal upset, poisoning, infectious lesions, vascular diseases, internal organs. If it does not stop for more than a minute, is repeated, then this indicates a pathological sign. In such situations, to reduce the symptoms, the doctor may prescribe Duspatalin, or No-shpu. They are antispasmodics of the same group, but have a different list of indications and contraindications.

Characterization of the drug “Duspatalin”

It is an effective antispasmodic agent of the last generation, which has the following effects on the body:

  1. Relaxation and tonus reduction of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Local anesthetic effect.
  3. Normalization of the intestinal water balance.

Its use does not completely suppress muscle contraction, therefore, does not lead to the development of constipation and hypotension of the colon. It begins to act after 30 minutes and lasts throughout the day.


This medicine is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Colic in the stomach.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Gastritis.
  • Cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
  • Pain in the passage of bile duct stones.
  • Dysfunction of the gallbladder and after its removal.
  • Cramps associated with diseases of other organs.

Treatment with such a tool has a positive effect on motility, including after surgery to remove the gallbladder, due to which the microflora of the large and small intestines is restored. It is quite easily tolerated, and under the supervision of a doctor is allowed during pregnancy, lactation, as well as in adolescence.

Available in the form of tablets and capsules. The latter contain 30% more active components and are better absorbed. The treatment period lasts about 2 weeks until the pain is eliminated. Almost completely absorbed by the intestines and excreted by the kidneys during the day.

Characteristic of the No-Shpa preparation

This is a medication related to antispasmodics of myotropic action, which is prescribed for diseases such as:

  • Gastrointestinal cramps.
  • Inflammation of the bladder.
  • Painful quick urination in the toilet.
  • Pain during menstruation.
  • Cerebrovascular accident.
  • Constipation and colic.

This medication is one of the safest antispasmodics and has a patented dosage form, which indicates increased control in production, the quality of raw materials and safety. It can be used by pregnant and lactating women, without fear of bad consequences for their child. It helps with exacerbation of hemorrhoids, if there is no thrombosis and bleeding. In case of pain, not only due to cramping, but also for other reasons, it is used in conjunction with anti-inflammatory drugs. The active substance instantly penetrates into all tissues, after 40-50 minutes a person will feel noticeable relief.


It is not prescribed to persons with increased susceptibility to the constituent substances, with renal, liver failure, low blood pressure and children under 6 years of age. With frequent use, it can disrupt the heart rhythm, in rare cases – insomnia, nausea, dizziness.

Available in tablet form, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

Common similarities between them

The active components of the two drugs have a standard myotropic effect – the elimination of spasms and vasodilation. They have a direct effect on the biochemical processes inside the cells, instantly relieve the cause of pain. Unlike conventional analgesics, they do not lubricate the overall picture of diseases. They can be combined with antibacterial agents, catalysts, motility stimulants. They are also interchangeable, that is, one remedy can be replaced by another without a doctor’s prescription.

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