
Phytolysin or Cyston, the choice of drug

In inflammatory and infectious diseases, both drugs are good. But “Fitolizin” acts softer and faster eliminates the inflammatory process, cramps, pain during urination. Patients who used this drug said that unpleasant sensations passed already 1-3 days after the start of the reception. “Phytolysin” is effective for cystitis of unknown etiology.

“Cyston” will be more effective if the cause of inflammatory-infectious diseases is the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the organs of the urinary system. Due to its antimicrobial property, it helps to destroy microorganisms.

With gout and crystalluria, only the “Cyston” is suitable. It is also more often prescribed for urolithiasis and pyelonephritis.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes both drugs according to the patient’s choice. In this case, it is worth considering that the Fitolizin paste is more difficult to use because of its smell and taste, and even an emetic reflex may occur. And it is more pleasant to take another remedy, since it takes the form of tablets.

People prone to allergic reactions, it is recommended to take “Fitolizin”, as it causes allergies in smaller cases. However, nausea may occur, which should go away in the first days of treatment. If nausea does not go away after 3-4 days of taking the drug, then it is recommended to cancel it and visit a doctor who will prescribe another therapy.

With diseases of the urinary system can not do without special medications. Many of them have a strong toxic effect on the body, and therefore many pharmaceutical companies have developed homeopathic remedies, which include only plant-based substances.


The drug is of herbal origin. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic effects. Helps to remove sand and small stones from the urinary tract, reduces the crystallization of minerals contained in urine.


Release form – paste for the preparation of a suspension with a specific smell, as well as capsules. The composition of the drug contains the following substances:

  • Condensed extract of a mixture of plants: goldenrod, field leaf, bird mountaineer, wheatgrass, onion husk, birch leaves, fenugreek seeds, parsley root, lovage root.
  • Orange butter
  • Sage oil.
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Pine oil.
  • Auxiliary components.

The drug is used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.) and nephrourolithiasis. Use the drug as part of complex therapy.

“Phytolysin” cannot be used for intolerance to components, renal and heart failure, glomerulonephritis, phosphate urolithiasis, under the age of 18 years. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation.

It is made in Poland. It is released without a prescription.


A drug for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system. It contains a complex of plant extracts and powders that provide anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic effects. Helps to remove sand and small stones from the urinary tract. Available in tablet form.


It is used as part of complex therapy for:

  • Urolithiasis.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract.
  • Crystalluria.
  • Gout.

Contraindications are allergies to the components of the drug, acute pain in the kidneys and urinary tract, the size of the stones in the urinary tract more than 9 mm, age up to 18 years. Not recommended for use during pregnancy.

It is made in India.


Both medicines are homeopathic and contain exclusively herbal ingredients. They are used to treat acute infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the urinary tract, urolithiasis, etc.

The effect of the drugs is similar – they relieve inflammation, eliminate spasms, and accelerate the excretion of urine. They also contribute to the dissolution of stones and sand in the urinary tract and remove them from there.
Common contraindications include age up to 18 years, a large size of stones in the urinary tract and an allergy to the components that make up the composition. Despite the fact that the preparations are completely natural, they are not recommended for use during pregnancy, so as not to cause side effects and an allergic reaction in the mother and fetus. If treatment is required for a nursing woman, then it is recommended to suspend breast-feeding of the baby for this period.

Since the products consist of natural ingredients, they are dispensed without a prescription. However, you should not take medicine without a doctor’s prescription so that there are no complications and side effects.


Unlike “Phytolosin”, “Cyston” also has an antimicrobial effect and kills pathogenic bacteria, which, in many cases, cause inflammatory processes. Also, the composition of this tool includes a larger number of active components, which enhances the effect of the drug, but increases the risk of allergic reactions.

The indications of “Cyston” include gout and crystalluria, which are not indications of “Fitolizin”.

“Phytolysin” differs from the second remedy in that it cannot be used for glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the renal glomeruli), phosphate urolithiasis, acute and chronic renal and heart failure.

The form of release of drugs also varies. “Phytolysin” has the form of a thick paste (the main form of release). 1 tsp paste should be dissolved in half a glass of warm water (if desired, it can be sweetened) and drink. It is necessary to take the drug 3-4 times a day for 2-6 weeks (the course of treatment is set by the doctor). “Cyston” is available in the form of tablets that need to be taken in 2 tablets. 2 times a day. The optimal dosage and course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

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