
Levosin or Levomekol, the choice of drug

The composition of these drugs is different. In addition to chloramphenicol and methyluracil present in the drug “Levomekol”, the drug “Levosin” also contains sulfadimethoxine and trimecain.

Sulfadimethoxin goes well with chloramphenicol. Thanks to the combined action of these chemicals, the drug is effective against more bacteria. Sulfadimethoxin is a long-acting antibiotic. Therefore, the ointment “Levosin” provides a more lasting effect.

Trimecaine has an analgesic effect. The effect occurs quickly and is observed for a long time. This substance penetrates the nerve fiber membrane and prevents the passage of impulses received from receptors. Trimecaine stabilizes the contraction of the heart muscle. This is an effective remedy for arrhythmia. This characteristic is taken into account in the case of complex treatment of a patient with arrhythmia.

Another distinctive feature of Levosin ointment is a higher concentration of chloramphenicol. It is prescribed when it is necessary to quickly stop the acute process in the tissues. And vice versa, when it comes to chronic and sluggish processes, it is better to choose Levomekol.

Drugs have different expiration dates. “Levomekol” can be stored longer (up to three and a half years), the shelf life of the ointment “Levosin” expires two years after release.

Ointments “Levosin” and “Levomekol” have earned a good reputation among consumers. They are reliable helpers in the fight against various suppurations and inflammations. They are so similar in composition and indications for use that the question often arises: what is better in this case?

Ointment “Levosin”

The composition of the ointment “Levosin” includes chloramphenicol (chemical name of the compound – chloramphenicol) and methyluracil and sulfadimethoxine and trimekain. She fights with germs on the damaged area of ​​the skin, cleans the wound from dead cells, dries it. Purulent discharge on the skin and mucous membrane disappear in 2-3 days.


The drug relieves inflammation and swelling and accelerates healing. An important feature: it practically does not cause resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. This drug is easily tolerated by the human body. It can be bought at any pharmacy at an affordable price.

Ointment “Levomekol”

Ointment “Levomekol” is an antimicrobial agent for external use in a problem area. The main active ingredients are chloramphenicol and methyluracil. This ointment is recommended for a variety of purulent formations on the skin. It is useful for treating pressure sores, wounds, inflamed hemorrhoids.


The absence of contraindications (except for allergies to the components of this drug) and severe side effects contribute to its popularity. In addition, it is inexpensive compared to other ointments of similar action.

General characteristics

These medicines have a lot in common:

  1. Health problems in which they are most effective.
  2. Mode of application.
  3. Duration of use.
  4. Features of use during pregnancy.

Both ointments are simply necessary if the skin was damaged (rarely the mucous membrane) and pus appeared. In this case, the wounds become inflamed, there is swelling, pain. Such skin lesions include common acne, cuts, punctures, boils. This can be burns, unhealed surgical sutures, hemorrhoids cracks, trophic ulcers.

It should be noted that Levomekol and Levosin are effective only in the fight against microbial infection. If the infection is viral or the disease is systemic (i.e., it affects the whole body system, for example, psoriasis), then there will be no result.

“Levomekol” and “Levosin” are superimposed on the outer surface, are also introduced into the wound, if it is deep. This is possible because polyethylene oxide is used as the base for both drugs . This substance has drainage properties. When ointment is applied to the wound, polyethylene oxide removes the liquid so that the antibiotic can freely fight the infection in the wound.

Duration of use is indicated differently in the instructions for use. It depends on how the manufacturer compiled the instructions. But for both ointments, the general rules for taking antibiotics apply. To destroy bacteria, a single use of an antibiotic is not enough. A targeted action is important for 4-5 days, although the symptoms disappear earlier.

Both ointments should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. The fact is that if their components enter the bloodstream, harm can be caused to the fetus. There are no reliable clinical studies yet.

Which ointment is better: for whom and when

A greater number of active substances increases the risk of individual intolerance in patients. Especially careful should be those who have already been diagnosed with multiple allergies. Therefore, patients with allergic cases in the medical history are prescribed Levomekol.

Already there is experience in the use of ointments in the treatment of acne and pustules. Doctors prescribe Levomekol for teens suffering from painful acne. Long-term use of an antibiotic is undesirable, the drug is used locally and not for long.

Levomekol showed good results in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids, bedsores, trophic ulcers. This ointment is used in such a specific area as inflammation of the ear (external and secondary) and sinuses
If the patient suffers from severe pain, “Levosin” is suitable for him, which simultaneously suppresses inflammatory processes and alleviates pain. Contraindications include liver and heart failure. This is due to the presence of trimecaine in the composition of the drug.

“Levosin” is traditionally used for the speedy healing of wounds after surgery. This is achieved due to the higher content of chloramphenicol.

Ointments “Levomekol” and “Levosin” have similar properties and are often interchangeable. Nevertheless, in most cases, it is worth using Levomekol, since its effect is milder. After surgery and in case of advanced inflammation, Levosin is recommended.

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