
Liprimar and Atorvastatin, the choice of drug

These medicines do not have significant differences, therefore, they can replace each other, having previously agreed with the attending physician. One of the differences is the country of origin. Liprimar is the original drug of American manufacture, and Atorvastatin is domestic. In this regard, they have different costs.

The price of the original is 7-8 times more expensive and amounts to 700-2300 rubles, the average cost of Atorvastatin is 100-600 rubles. Therefore, in this case, the domestic medicine wins.

Despite the fact that they contain the same active ingredient, Liprimar is still considered more effective, since it is an original medicine. The domestic analogue in this is slightly inferior to him and has more negative consequences on the body, as evidenced by patient reviews. In addition, Liprimar is used with caution by pediatrics. It is the only cholesterol-lowering medication that can be used to treat children from the age of eight. Unlike Atorvastatin, it does not affect the growth of the body and the process of puberty in children.

The duration of treatment with Atorvastatin lasts longer, which is a significant minus, since the risk of unwanted adverse reactions increases. There are also differences in the number of dosages available. Liprimar is available in four dosage forms, and Atorvastatin in three.

They can be used in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus of the first or second type. But do not forget that their active component is able to change blood glucose, so treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Due to the fact that Atorvastatin tablets are film-coated, such a tool will be most preferred for people with this pathology. Since the shell reduces the risk of some negative consequences.

Cholesterol with a normal amount performs important functions in the body. With the help of it, bile production occurs, the elasticity of the plasma membrane, the synthesis of vitamins improves. But it benefits only if its amount is not above the norm. An increased indicator develops systemic, cardiac pathologies, and also leads to atherosclerosis of blood vessels. To lower it, they use a special diet, increase motor activity, and take medications. The most common such agents are Liprimar and Atorvastatin.

Characterization of the drug Liprimar

It is a medication, the main therapeutic effect of which is to reduce the level of fats and cholesterol in the blood. With it, normalization of the heart occurs, the state of the vessels improves, and the risk of developing fatal diseases decreases.


The following indications for use are distinguished:

  • An abnormal increase in cholesterol.
  • High fat content.
  • Hereditary violation of lipid metabolism.
  • Increased triglyceride concentration.
  • Symptoms of coronary heart disease.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular pathologies.


  1. Hypersensitivity to the components.
  2. Liver failure.
  3. Hepatitis of the acute stage.
  4. Eye cataract.
  5. Increased activity of enzyme catalysts.
  6. Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

Usually, this drug is favorably tolerated without causing side effects. But in rare cases, unwanted reactions from the digestive, nervous and musculoskeletal systems, allergies can occur.
The maximum concentration after administration occurs in a couple of hours. The active ingredient is calcium salt. Additional ones include calcium carbonate, milkweed wax, E468 additive, cellulose, lactose and more.

Characteristics of the drug Atorvastatin

It is a medication used to lower blood cholesterol, treat and prevent atherosclerosis. It is prescribed in conjunction with a low-fat diet and physical activity. It is available in the form of film-coated tablets.


Common indications for use:

  • Heart attack.
  • Stroke.
  • Severe muscular dystrophy.
  • Allergic bullous dermatitis.
  • Myocardial oxygen starvation.
  • Hereditary or acquired hyperlipidemia.

It is forbidden to take in the following cases:

  1. The period of bearing a child.
  2. Chronic or acute pathology of the kidneys.
  3. Reduced concentration of testosterone or estrogen.
  4. Age under 18 and over 75 years old.

It should be taken with caution to people of childbearing age. Long-term treatment with this tool can reduce the synthesis of sex hormones, lead to temporary or permanent infertility. Young people are prescribed in the lowest concentration and for the shortest possible period of time. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the concentration of hormones.

With a long reception, the patient may experience unpleasant adverse reactions, the most common of which are:

  • Violation of sensitivity.
  • Burning, tingling, crawling sensation.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Migraine.
  • Pancreatitis
  • Violation in the metabolism of muscle tissue.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Decreased erection.
  • Allergic skin rashes.
  • Obesity.
Similarities of funds

The drugs in question are absolute analogues of each other. Both are well tolerated by patients and are highly effective. They include the same active ingredient, and therefore have an equivalent therapeutic effect. Both are available in tablet form. They also have identical recommendations for use, contraindications, side effects, principle of action.

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