
Metoprolol and Concor, drug selection

Comparison of drugs by the degree of their effect on the body shows that Metoprolol has a milder effect on cardiovascular activity . At the same time, he is even able to cause psychological distrust of himself: due to the low price and the domestic manufacturer, some patients believe that the effectiveness of the drug is knowingly low.

Such a person’s attitude should be taken into account when selecting a medication for the treatment of tachyarrhythmias, when the pulse rate can significantly exceed 100 beats per minute. Metoprolol in such a situation can only aggravate it, because the heart as the most important internal organ is too sensitive to the patient’s mood for healing.

Concor can be considered a more powerful drug. Canceling it abruptly is strongly discouraged. This is fraught with an unexpected and unpleasant return of all problems in the work of the heart and high blood pressure. First of all, the drug can thus punish “heavy” and age-related cores. In order to again not fully feel all the negativity from bouts of tachycardia, angina pectoris and pressure surges, it is extremely important to cancel it gradually, reducing the dose within two weeks.

Thus, summing up the comparison of two very similar medicines, when choosing a remedy for the treatment of the same disease of the cardiovascular system, we can draw a definite conclusion:

  1. A patient who wants to get a quick effect from treatment, exposing himself to a greater risk of experiencing side effects, will choose Concor.
  2. For those who prefer a smooth, more secure, but long-lasting option to achieve a positive result, Metropolol will prefer.

Cardiological diseases negatively affect the life of everyone who has encountered such an ailment. These diseases are dangerous for their complications, which can lead to death. For their treatment in medicine, there are several effective drugs. One of the best tools that can normalize heart rate are Metoprolol and Concor.

Metoprolol Basics

Metoprolol is available in tablet form. Its main purpose is to reduce blood pressure with hypertension and heart rate caused by tachycardia and atrial fibrillation.


Taking the medication helps to restore the activity of the sinus node. Active ingredients improve carbohydrate metabolism, the pancreas, bronchi and skeletal muscles.

Available in the form of round white tablets.

Concor Characteristics

The drug is recommended for patients suffering from coronary heart disease, heart failure, various forms of arrhythmia.


Long-term use of the drug normalizes the general peripheral state of blood vessels, reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. The greatest effect occurs two to three hours after taking the pill and lasts for a day, that is, until the next dose.

The form of release is biconvex yellow tablets, made in the form of a heart.

What is common between drugs

Both drugs help normalize the functioning of the heart, reduce the number of heart contractions, and eliminate other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. In this regard, they have many general indications for use:

  1. Prevention of stroke and during its treatment.
  2. Normalization of heart rate.
  3. To stabilize blood pressure.
  4. With atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, extrasystole.

Taking each of the drugs can cause the same negative reactions from some systems of human life support:

  • The occurrence of hypotension, therefore, each of the drugs can not be taken with low blood pressure and do this with extreme caution if the pressure is normal.
  • Both drugs can reduce potency.

Metoprolol and Concor have common contraindications for use:

  • They are undesirable to take during pregnancy: there is a risk of abnormalities in the development of the unborn child.
  • When breastfeeding a newborn from mother to child, some components of the drug can penetrate, which can cause negative reactions in the baby, so during this period it is also advisable to refrain from using these medications.
The main difference between medicines

Both dosage forms are representatives of one pharmacological group. The mechanism of their action is largely the same. However, there are quite significant differences between the drugs.

The main difference lies in the main component that has a therapeutic effect. Concor is developed on the basis of bisoprolol fumarate, and the second drug is metoprolol tartate. In addition, discrepancies can be found in the following:

  1. The difference in the timing of the removal of active substances from the body. Concor acts for 12 hours, and it is enough to take it once a day. And the effect of the effect of the second remedy ends after 4 hours, so the reception has to be repeated another 2 or 3 times.
  2. Two drugs differ significantly in price : Metoprolol is several times cheaper.

Some side effects of drugs occur in different ways:

  • Concor can cause serious mental disorders, which are manifested in sleep disturbance and depression. This leads to hallucinations and nightmares. The second medication has no such complications.
  • Metoprolol has no side effects on the organs of vision and hearing, while another drug can impair hearing, as well as contribute to the onset of conjunctivitis and a decrease in lacrimation. The latter fact must be considered for those patients who prefer to wear contact lenses.
  • Metoprolol is more likely to cause allergic reactions, which are manifested by skin itching and a rash.

However, in any scenario, self-medication with such serious medicines is undesirable. The final decision in favor of a certain remedy should be made by the attending physician.

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