
Magnikor and Cardiomagnyl, the choice of drug

The presented medicines are absolute analogues of each other. They are united by the same active components. Medicines are produced in identical forms. The dosage of the active ingredients is also the same.

Both the first and second medications have the ability to prevent blood clotting, reduce the possibility of blood clots.

Both pharmaceuticals have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic properties.

The principle of exposure to the body is the same for them. As a result, the therapeutic effect is the same.

There is also a completely identical list of indications, contraindications and side effects.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels in recent years have become a real disaster for mankind. They are no longer considered diseases of the elderly. Currently, people from middle and young age suffer from various pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

To prevent the development of such pathologies and for their treatment, many drugs have been developed. These include drugs popular among cardiologists and patients, developed on the basis of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) – Magnikor and Cardiomagnyl.

“Magnikor”: characteristics of the drug

“Magnikor” – a combined drug from the group of antiplatelet agents.

Prevents blood clots in vessels. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effects.

The main components of the drug are acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and magnesium hydroxide.

Dosage form – tablets, with a film protective coating. The ASA content in one tablet is 75 mg or 150 mg, magnesium – 15.2 mg.


Indications and contraindications

Magnikor tablets are prescribed:

  • With coronary heart disease (acute and chronic form).
  • For the treatment of unstable angina pectoris.
  • With varicose veins.
  • To prevent re-thrombosis.
  • In the treatment of heart attack.

They are also prescribed for people with excess weight, diabetes, hypertension, after the age of 50, to prevent the initial appearance of blood clots and other pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, the use of this drug (PM) is necessary for patients significantly younger than 50 years old, but who have a history of myocardial infarction.

Contraindications are: a severe form of kidney and liver failure, stomach ulcer, early pregnancy, the stage of breastfeeding, the age of 18 years, heart failure, an increased risk of bleeding.

Do not prescribe the drug in cases where the patient has a strong sensitivity to ASA and other derivatives of salicylic acid.
Against the background of taking, the development of side effects is possible . Most often, they are manifested by an allergic rash, nausea, heartburn, reflux. Less likely is the occurrence of tinnitus, headache, bronchospasm, anemia, bleeding.

pharmachologic effect

The main pharmacological effect of the drug is due to the active substances that make up its composition.

 Acetylsalicylic acid causes an irreversible suppression of the synthesis of thromboxanes and prostaglandins. Platelets lose their ability to stick together and form blood clots that can clog the vessel.

The inhibition of thromboxane production continues even after discontinuation of the drug. The cessation of action occurs only when new platelets appear in the blood plasma.

In connection with the antiplatelet effect of ASA, blood viscosity decreases, its fluidity improves. The risk of blood clots is reduced, and at the same time, the occurrence of strokes and heart attacks.

The second active ingredient – magnesium, acts as an antacid, neutralizes the aggressive irritating effect of aspirin on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, magnesium has a calming effect, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the central nervous system.

“Cardiomagnyl”: characteristics of the drug

Cardiomagnyl is a widely known antithrombotic drug. It belongs to the group of antiplatelet agents.

Prevents the formation of blood clots in the veins and arteries. It also has an analgesic effect. Helps with the removal of inflammation and fever.

The main active ingredients are acetylsalicylic acid powder, magnesium (in the form of hydroxide).

The drug is released in tablets, coated with a protective coating. The active substance content per tablet is 75 mg of ASA, magnesium hydroxide is 15.2 mg.

The pills have a very original form of design. They look like a small, white heart.

Cardiomagnyl Forte tablets are also available. They contain 150 mg of acetylsalicylic acid and, accordingly, 30.38 mg of magnesium hydroxide. These pills are oval.


Indications and contraindications

It is prescribed if the patient has:

  • Heart ischemia.
  • Heart attack of the heart muscle.
  • Varicose vein disease.
  • Unstable angina pectoris.

Also shown is the use of this pharmaceutical product to prevent acute primary thrombosis and to prevent secondary thrombosis (after surgical interventions on the vessels).

It is needed as a prophylactic for those people who are at risk for the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases (diabetics, hypertension, obese people). And also suffered a heart attack before 50 years.

The instructions for the medication establish contraindications for the use of “Cardiomagnyl.” They are: renal failure, minor age. intolerance to ASA or excipients, late pregnancy, gastric ulcer (at the stage of exacerbation), lactation, cardiac decompensation.

The list of side effects noted: insomnia, nausea, dyspepsia, headache, tinnitus, bronchospasm, urticaria, erosive damage to the esophagus.

With prolonged use, some patients developed anemia, hypoglycemia, clinical blood counts (decreased platelet and white blood cell counts), and esophagitis changed.

pharmachologic effect

The pharmacotherapeutic effect is based on the ability of aspirin to block the COX1 enzyme (cyclooxygenase) due to the process of acetylation. As a result, platelet blood cells lose their ability to aggregate.

As a result of this process, blood becomes less viscous, its quality improves, and fluidity increases. The risk of blood clots disappears, which reduces the likelihood of developing such formidable pathologies as a stroke or heart attack.

The antacid properties of magnesium, the second constituent component, protect the digestive tract from the irritating effects of ASA.

Comparison, difference and what is better to choose

Representing analogues, the drugs do not have significant differences. A slight difference can be seen in the additional ingredients, which does not affect the healing properties.

The release of medicines is carried out by different manufacturers. The manufacturing country of Magnikor is Ukraine. Cardiomagnyl is produced by Denmark, Japan, Germany, and Russia.

There is a difference in cost. Magnikor can be found in pharmacies at a price of 100-180 rubles. Cardiomagnyl, depending on the manufacturer 200-350 rubles.

The almost complete identity of drugs sometimes confronts the patient with a difficult choice which drug to choose.

In this matter, the opinion of experts coincides. Both drugs have a similar effect on the body.

Although in some cases, patients who took both drugs noted that “Cardiomagnyl” acts on the gastric mucosa more gently than the second drug.

In any case, the selection of the medicine should be carried out by the attending physician. Everything here must be decided individually.

For example, for people with intolerance to any component, neither one nor the other medicine will do.

In such situations, the doctor will select a different drug containing other active substances, but having the same effect.

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