

Disorders of electrolyte metabolism – a frequent companion of diseases of the internal organs, as well as consequence of surgical intervention or intensive care situations. The most frequent metabolic disorders of potassium and magnesium. Asparkam (international name – asparaginat potassium and magnesium) is a medication for quick recovery of deficiency of potassium and magnesium in the body, normalize the electrolytic balance and strengthen the heart muscle.

Release form and composition

Currently, the pharmaceutical market presents several types of products, in whose name includes the word “Asparkam”. Despite the different names, in essence one and the same drug, only with the additional marking of the manufacturer with a hyphen. I should add that some manufacturers spetsializiruyutsya on only one form of output; someone produces tablets only, while others – only solutions for infusion.

Tablets for oral administration. The ratio of the substances of 1:1; i.e., 175 mg of magnesium asparaginata has 175 mg of potassium Asparaginate. Auxiliary substances: corn starch, calcium stearate, talc, Polysorbate. Usually tablets white color, flat, with the notch diameter. In one blister card can be from 10 to 50 tablets.

Solution for intravenous injection. One ampoule of 5 ml, 10 ml or 20 ml contains 40 mg of Asparaginate magnesium and 45 mg of potassium asparaginata of 1 ml volume vials. Excipients: sorbitol, distilled water.

Solution for intravenous infusion. The volume of the bottle is 200 ml and 400 ml; one liter contains 7.9 g of Asparaginate magnesium and 11.6 mg of potassium Asparaginate. Excipients: sorbitol, distilled water.

Why take Asparcam?

The human body, like the rest of the world around, contain a wide range of elements of the periodic table. The ratio of these elements, both in macro and in micro-doses, affect the functioning of the organism. Potassium and magnesium are the macronutrients – this means that the human body is more than 0.01%.

Potassium along with sodium is responsible for water-salt balance. Therefore, preparations of potassium or medications that affect potassium levels in the body, should be used with great caution because too much potassium can cause a disruption of the balance and a lot of unpleasant consequences. Potassium also helps transmit nerve impulses and influences the condition of the heart muscle. Potassium deficiency can cause the development of pathologies in the cardiovascular system, which in some cases can even lead to death. Violations of potassium-magnesium balance is able to worsen hypertension and increase the risk of stroke.

Magnesium facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses, energy production and prinimaet involved in the synthesis of proteins. Even the width of the lumen and the tonus of muscle tissue depend on the content of magnesium in the body. Due to its sedative effect is often used in neurology and psychiatry; for this reason, it should be taken with caution, especially if you want to perform actions that require high concentration.

Potassium and magnesium work together in the body – magnesium helps the human body to absorb potassium and supports the cell concentration at a sufficient level. That is why in the formulation Asparkam two active substances. And asparaginat – a means by which potassium ions and magnesium enter the body and penetrate in about the cell membrane into the intracellular space. There is a lot of potassium and magnesium, but it is aspartic to most effectively delivers potassium and magnesium ions inside the human body.


The absorbability of the drug is good, it is excreted from the body through the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, sweat. The maximum concentration of potassium and magnesium in the blood is achieved after one to two hours after taking the drug. From the blood drug enters the cardiomyocytes, or heart muscle cells, and takes part in cell metabolism.

Indications of Asparkam

Asparkam for use in potassium deficiency. Hypokalemia is one of the most common situations; it is believed that the body experiences a potassium deficiency if the content in the blood of less than 3.5 mmol/L. typically, hypokalemia occurs for the following reasons:

  • lack of potassium content in food
  • the loss of potassium caused by vomiting or diarrhoea
  • the consequence of medications, such as diuretics of various types, which can be taken in excess, during long-term administration of corticosteroids, the introduction of insulin
  • in some diseases, for example, primary hyperaldosteronism, renovascular hypertension, tumors, which secretes the enzyme renin, renal proximal kanalzeva acidosis, distal renal acidosis kanalzeva
  • the result of rare congenital diseases, for example, if a genetically determined deficiency of 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, Liddle syndrome, syndrome Bartter
  • after blood transfusion
  • and finally, even if simply prolonged and acute stress, the body begins to experience a lack of potassium.

Hypokalemia is a dangerous disease. Often it is associated with myopathic syndrome – muscle pain, weakness. Persistent hypokalemia is often accompanied by the deterioration of the cardiovascular system, tachycardia, arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmia. The lack of potassium affects the kidneys – if hypokalemia is observed polyuria, decreased density of urine and may develop end-stage renal disease.

Indications for use of the drug Asparkam a deficiency of potassium the following:

  • the plasma potassium level in the blood below 3.5 mmol/l;
  • diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, excessive sweating, high temperature;
  • chronic congestive heart failure;
  • during the reception of saluretikov, cardiac glycosides or steroid hormones.

Asparkam for use in magnesium deficiency. Very often accompanies potassium deficiency. Although the determination of potassium ions in the blood is a standard procedure, especially for a magnesium level test rare. The difficulty here is that even if in the serum there is a sufficient number of ions of magnesium, not necessarily that it is present in the body in sufficient quantity – a deficit of magnesium may be released from the bones into the blood. It is believed that the magnesium content in the blood should not be less than 0.74 mmol/l for children, 0.05 mmol/l for adults and 0.8 mmol/l for pregnant women. The cause of hypomagnesemia can be:

  • inborn errors of metabolism, including the anomaly of the metabolism of magnesium
  • severe malnutrition, strict diet
  • for parenteral nutrition, that is, when the introduction of nutrients, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract
  • in violation of the gastro-intestinal absorption in chronic diarrhea, intestinal fistula or reduced function of the thyroid gland
  • if impaired renal function, in the pathology tubules, polyuria, chronic pyelonephritis
  • a consequence of taking certain medications, especially when abusing diuretics or long after taking cisplatin

Low levels of magnesium in the body, or hypomagnesemia is a cause of increasing the risk of various diseases. In the first place hypomagnesemia is characterized by muscle sasami, trembling, seizures. This patient suffers from General weakness, chronic fatigue, can not concentrate, is not working, he’s spinning and/or headache the hair falls out, nails break. A lack of magnesium in the body is often accompanied by increased blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances.

Indications for use of the drug Asparkam with a deficit of magnesium the following:

  • hypertensive crisis
  • late toxemia of pregnancy
  • convulsions
  • in the complex therapy for relieving status epilepticus

When levels of calcium and magnesium in the body are interrelated; one of the main manifestations of magnesium deficiency is hypokalemia. Therefore, the treatment of hypokalemia should begin with normalization of the levels of magnesium, lack of magnesium ions disrupts the sodium-potassium pump that is responsible for the content of potassium in the cells.

Also Asparcam is indicated for use in the treatment of patients with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • when assigning the patient glycosides – drugs for the treatment of heart failure
  • when violation of cardiac rhythm
  • included in the complex therapy for recovery after heart attacks
Instructions for use of Asparkam

Asparkam tablets. Tablets should be taken whole without chewing, with a glass of water. Usually taken Asparkam after eating (since the gastric juice can reduce its effectiveness).

Asparkam for adult patients. Asparkam tablets is taken in one or two pieces three times a day; in some cases, shows the increase in dosage to three pills three times a day. Duration of treatment depends on the patient’s condition and response to treatment; usually it is three to four weeks. If necessary, repeat every 1-3 months.

If for any reason the patient missed the appointment Asparkamand the tablet should be taken immediately. However, if before the time for your next dose left quite a bit of time, it is recommended to take your usual dose at the scheduled time and not try to compensate for double dosing. A double dose to make useless – if the number trapped in the body of potassium and magnesium exceeds the capacity of absorption of the body, they are simply excreted through the digestive tract or in the urine.

Asparkam for pregnant women. Pregnant can assign Asparkam in combination with neoliberalsim diuretics, to improve the functioning of the heart or for the prevention of hypokalemia, if a woman often suffers from diarrhea or vomiting. In such cases, the woman takes 1 tablet 3 times a day for weeks after the incident, vomiting or diarrhoea.

Asparkam for children. Although clinical research on drug effects on children were not carried out, Asparkam children prescribed if laboratory tests have confirmed hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia. In such cases, the child may be appointed Asparkam (children injection and infusion drug not administered, and give it only in pill form).

The age of the child less than a year: 1/4 tablet 1 time a day.

Age of child 1 to 3 years: 1/2 tablet 1 times a day.

Age of child 4 to 6 years: 1/2 tablet 2 times a day.

The age of the child from 7 to 10 years: 1/2 tablet 3 times a day.

The age of the child 11 to 12 years: 1 tablet 1-2 times a day.

The child’s age from 13 to 16 years: 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Age from 16 years: 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Often Asparkam used in complex therapy if a child is taking diuretics or glucocorticoid, which reduce the amount of potassium in the body. One of the most famous – Asparkam in combination with the diuretic Diacarb. This is the cure for raised intracranial pressure in infants.

Asparkam – intravenous injection. To prepare the solution takes half the amount of saline or 5% dextrose in the same proportion (for example, on the vial to 20 ml should account for 10 ml solution). Immediately prior to injection of the drug vial is opened, gaining the sterile syringe the drug, then, punctures the rubber stopper, add saline or dextrose. Slightly shaking the syringe, help the contents to mix and then the resulting liquid is injected into a vein of the patient, slow, small doses, not faster than 5 ml per minute.

As a rule, the patient is administered one or two injections a day (in between should take at least 4-6 hours) for five days.

Asparcam solution for infusion. Is only used in IVS; 300 ml of the prepared solution is administered to the patient one or two times a day for five days. Infusion of slow, i.e. with a speed of no more than 1-1,5 ml per minute. If for any reason the solution for infusion is not available, it is possible to prepare it independently from the mixture in the vials for injection and physiological saline in the ratio of 1:10 (i.e. 30 ml Asparkamand have 300 ml of solution).

Is it worth taking of the few who prophylactically

If the patient has no contraindications to the use of Asparkam, and for some reason he is not getting enough potassium and magnesium with food, it is theoretically possible to take pills of Asparcam in the preventive purposes. However, if a conventional power supply is recommended to compensate for the deficiency of macronutrients in food products that contain high amounts of potassium and magnesium, for example, prunes, nuts, baked potatoes in their skins, rye bread and so on.

Prophylactic administration 1 tablet Asparkamand used 3 times a day after meals; duration of treatment is determined individually.

The use of Asparcam in sports medicine

Asparcam is one of the favorite drugs of bodybuilders. It is used to increase endurance during weights and cardio and improve cardiac performance, what athletes eat pills of Asparkam in combination with Riboxinum. Within a month the athlete takes one tablet Asparkamand Riboxin two tablets three times a day. Such courses may be repeated every three months.

The use of Asparcam in the diet

It is known that by limiting the power of the people is not getting the nutrients fully. This is especially true for the so-called “mono-diet”, when some time a person eats only one any product. And the lack of certain substances in the body can not only negatively affect human health and contribute to the development of diseases, but also slow down the slimming process.

Therefore, when dieting, many people take Asparkam, allowing them to compensate for the deficiency of potassium and magnesium in the body. The dosage in this case is the dose when taken as a preventive measure and is one tablet three times a day. The course lasts from two to four weeks.


Contraindications for supplementation of potassium:

  • renal insufficiency accompanied by hyperkalemia
  • liver failure
  • atrioventrikuliarnaya blockade II-III degree
  • acute dehydration
  • myasthenia gravis
  • concomitant use with potassium-sparing drugs

Contraindications to the administration of drugs magnesium:

  • Hypermagnesemia
  • Hypotension
  • The depression of the respiratory center
  • Bradycardia
  • atrioventrikuliarnaya blockade II-III degree
  • renal insufficiency with creatinine clearance less than 20 ml/min.
  • prenatal period
  • acute appendicitis
  • rectal bleeding
  • intestinal obstruction
  • dehydration
  • myasthenia gravis
  • ulcers disease stomach and duodenal ulcers
  • individual hypersensitivity to the drug
Side effects

When you receive Asparkamand the adverse reaction occur very rarely.

Digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, discomfort or burning in the abdomen, gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, dry mouth. Usually these side effects disappear if you reduce the dose of the drug Asparkam. Particularly at risk of development patients with gastritis and cholecystitis.

Cardiovascular system: conduction of the myocardium, decreased blood pressure, atrioventrikuliarna blockade.

Central and peripheral nervous system: paresthesia (feeling of tingling and pins and needles on the skin), hyporeflexia (low reflexes), convulsions.

Allergic reactions: itching, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, throat, larynx.

Respiratory system: when gipermagniemii possible respiratory depression.

Violations of potassium-magnesium exchange. Hypokalemia, symptoms are General weakness, tachycardia, decreased tone of muscle. Hypermagnesemia, which causes facial flushing, sensation of heat, increased thirst, lowers blood pressure and can cause convulsions and respiratory depression.

There are not all the side effects that can cause Asparkam; in many ways their presence is due to the individual reaction of the organism. You should consult your doctor if after taking Asparkamand the man observes any persistent side effects.

Special instructions

Drugs containing potassium and magnesium, can lower blood pressure by approximately 3-5 mmHg. article, so if the patient has a decreased pressure, it is recommended to regularly measure it.

Chronic administration of the drug is one of the few who recommended to monitor the level of potassium and magnesium in the blood, indicators of water and electric balance and, if necessary, to do an electrocardiogram.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding. The study of drug action Asparkam for pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted, so it is recommended to use the drug very cautiously, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Treatment Asparkamohms is not recommended.

Overdose Asparkam

For all the time use Asparkamand in medicine cases of overdose have been recorded. Theoretically, overdose of the drug may develop the following symptoms:

Hyperkalemia. Characterized by nausea, vomiting, constant feeling of fatigue, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, numbness and tingling sensation in them, slow heartbeat, and chest pain. In serious cases, requires emergency treatment as it leads to disturbance of the heart rhythm.

Hypermagnesemia. With increased content of magnesium in the body can occur paralysis of smooth muscles (which is determined primarily by constipation and urinary retention, because smooth muscles of the internal walls of the intestine and ureters inactive), low blood pressure, reduced muscle strength, tingling sensation in the extremities and face. In severe cases disturbances may occur predserdno-gladkovichi and vnutrijeludockova conductivity (up to heart block in extreme cases). Sometimes hypomagnesemia may be accompanied by hypocalcemia.

If overdose still occurred, it is recommended that removal of the drug and symptomatic therapy (e.g., saline drip). In particularly difficult cases, shown hemodialysis.

The interaction of Asparkam and other drugs

Joint reception of Asparkam and other medicines may affect its effectiveness or increase the risk of side effects. Are advised, before turning to the doctor, make a list of all medication, including supplements. Also, do not during the course of treatment to start taking any new medicines and/or change the dosage of old without consulting a doctor.

Potassium-sparing diuretics. Simultaneous use of Asparkam and kalisberegath dioretikov can lead to the development of hyperkalemia. Therefore, when the joint application of these drugs, you should monitor the level of potassium in the blood.

Antiarrhythmic funds. Joint reception of Asparkam and drugs for the treatment of arrhythmia may be increasing the risk of side effects in the past.

ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers. If both accept and Asparkam, and drugs of the above groups, increases the risk of giperkaliemii.

Anesthetics. Joint use of anesthetics and drug Asparkam can enhance neuromuscular blockade.

Tetracycline, drugs containing iron and sodium fluoride. Asparkam slows the absorption of these medications; therefore, for optimal results you should take them at least three hours before taking the drug Asparkam.

Calcium-containing drugs. If the use of magnesium preparations, including Asparkam, in combination with kalisoderjasimi, the latter reducing the effectiveness first.

Drugs for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with an astringent and enveloping effect. Hinder the absorption of active substances of the drug Asparkam, so it is recommended to take them separately with an interval of not less than three hours.

Cardiac glycosides. The use of Asparkam in combination with drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases facilitates the portability of the latest patients and reduces the risk of side effects. For this reason, Asparkam often prescribed in complex therapy in combination with cardiac glycosides.

Drug interaction Asparkam with alcohol

As a medicine, and alcohol can lower blood pressure, it is recommended to avoid their joint reception.

Terms of sale

Without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Asparkam should be stored in a dry place away from direct sunlight at room temperature (15° to 25°) in a place inaccessible to children and animals.

Shelf life

Tablets: 3 years.

Solution for injection: 2 years.

The drug is one of the few who

Tablets: price depends on the number of pills in the pack. Price is for 10 PCs of tablets starts from 10 rubles, 20 tablets will cost 35 rubles., the price of 10 pieces vials 5 ml – 44 rubles most Expensive cost solution for infusion, its cost is 1100 RUB. for 12 bottles of 400 ml.

Analogues drugs Asparkam

“Twin drug” Asparkam.

Availability of varieties of the drug of the few who in the post-Soviet pharmaceutical market – a legacy of the Soviet system, when the medication could be made by different factories, but had the same name. Now this is impossible, therefore, for registration of a trade name manufacturers usually add to the word of the few who hyphenated the name of the company, or any other word, hinting at exclusive features of their product. However, actually produced by these drugs on the same technology, they have the same sostav. Example: Asparkam-L, Asparkam-ROS, Asparkam-UBF Asparkam-Farmak, Asparkam-Verein. Also virtually identical in composition to the drug Asparkam panagin production company “Gedeon Richter”, Hungary.

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