
Bactistatin or Maxilac, drug choice

“Bactistatin” refers to prebiotics, which explains its  cheaper cost. A number of scientists believe that the use of prebiotics is no less effective than treatment with probiotics.

Growth factors in the form of active metabolites, cellulose and other substances have a stimulating property on beneficial intestinal bacteria.

It should be borne in mind that Bactistatin will not work if the intestines are completely sterilized – a condition where beneficial bacteria are completely absent!

Unfortunately, colonization of the intestines with beneficial bacteria does not always occur.

  1. The first reason is the aggressive effect of gastric juice, although Maxilac bacteria are considered protected.
  2. Secondly, bacteria may simply not take root.
  3. Thirdly, sometimes probiotics are incorrectly prescribed during a course of antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics act on both pathogenic bacteria and beneficial bacteria, so you need to drink “Maxilak” only after treatment.

An important positive feature of prebiotics is that they can be used during antibiotic treatment. That is, “Bactistatin” is prescribed for preventive purposes. It has been proven that taking “Bactistatin” during a course of antibiotics reduces the negative effect and in a smaller percentage of cases requires the appointment of probiotics.

“Bactistatin” is also an enterosorbent, therefore it can bind metabolic products of pathogenic bacteria that they produce.

Thus, Maxilac has a more powerful effect in the treatment of disorders of the intestinal microflora and is prescribed for:

  • Severe bacteriosis.
  • After the course of antibiotics.

Bactistatin can be taken for:

  1. Prevention of dysbiosis while taking antibiotics.
  2. Treatment of uncomplicated forms of dysbiosis, when a small amount of beneficial bacteria is preserved.

In general, these drugs can be used even in combination.

It is worth remembering that although both drugs belong to biologically active additives, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use.

Everyone has met the problem of dysbiosis at least once. Violation of the intestinal microflora of the first degree can exist today, asymptomatic. The reason for this may be stress, the use of antibiotics, and a decrease in immunity. For its treatment, special group drugs are used – probiotics and prebiotics. In the pharmaceutical market, two products are leading in sales – Bactistatin and Maxilak.

To begin with, we will understand what probiotics and prebiotics are and what their role is in normalizing the intestinal microflora.

Normally, beneficial bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Propionibacterium and others live in the intestines . Their main function is the enzymatic breakdown of food. They also participate in the metabolism of B vitamins. There are other bacteria in the intestines, but their number is small, since useful species do not allow them to multiply. Under stress, this balance is disturbed, and the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria decreases, which negatively affects the digestion process.

In this regard, 4 degrees of dysbiosis are distinguished, which differ in the number of lactobacilli.

  1. 1 degree is manifested by unpleasant sensations several hours after eating, bloating.
  2. Grade 2 is characterized by stronger manifestations of a feeling of heaviness after eating, flatulence, frequent urges to defecate, unformed feces can.
  3. At grade 3, more formidable complications are added to the above symptoms: a certain deficiency of vitamins is observed, only a part of the nutrients is absorbed. Feces acquire a fetid odor.
  4. Grade 4 is rare and manifests itself in the form of complete intestinal sterilization. This condition can be achieved with uncontrolled and frequent use of antibiotics.

In this case, probiotics and prebiotics come to the rescue.

Probiotics are directly beneficial bacteria in dried or lyophilized form that colonize the intestines.

Prebiotics are nutrients that do not participate in the digestion process, but contribute to the growth of lactobacilli.

But what is better: “Bakstistatin” or “Maxilak”, and to which class do they belong?


Contains biologically active metabolites of a cell-free culture of bacteria of the genus subtilis. Despite the cunning formulation, this does not mean that Bactistatin contains bacteria. To designate these metabolites, the company came up with a separate name – metabiotics. But in reality it is nothing more than an ordinary prebiotic.


In addition to bacterial metabolites, the composition includes zeolite and soy flour, which also have prebiotic properties. In addition, it has an enterosorbent effect, that is, it binds toxic substances by analogy with activated carbon and reduces the toxic effect of pathogenic bacteria.

It is made by the Russian company Kraft. Available in capsules of 20 pieces per pack. One package costs about 400 rubles.


“Maxilac” refers to probiotics and contains 9 strains of beneficial bacteria. Due to the unique technology, bacteria are not destroyed by aggressive gastric juice and enter the intestinal lumen. Also included is oligofructose, which has a prebiotic effect. Due to the combination of probiotic and prebiotic properties, the drug is called a symbiotic.


Produced by Genesco, Poland. The package contains 10 pieces of capsules. 10 capsules will cost the buyer about 400 rubles.

What are medicines like?
  • Both drugs belong to dietary supplements.
  • They are used for dysbiosis.
  • Contain prebiotics.
  • It is possible for children.
Comparison and differences
  1. Maksilak also contains probiotics.
  2. “Bactistatin” can be drunk during a course of antibiotics, but “Maxilak” is not.
  3. Bactistatin is a domestic drug, and Maxilak is a foreign drug.
  4. “Maxilac” is possible during pregnancy, but “Bactistatin” is not.
  5. The price of Maxilac is higher than Bactistatin.

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