
Actovegin in tablets or Actovegin in injections, which is more effective

What form of medication to choose for treatment should be decided by a specialist, after studying the history and clinical manifestations of the disease.

It will be more advisable to resort to injections in a serious condition of the patient, since the effect will be faster and most pronounced.

For example, injections are prescribed for the treatment of complex vascular pathologies. And neurological disorders are preferable to treat with a tablet form of the drug.

Most doctors agree that treatment should begin with injections. And after stabilization of the patient’s condition, fix the result obtained with the course of taking the tablets.

But if the patient is not in critical condition, or it is impossible to inject for any reason, then the drug is prescribed in solid form, without a preliminary series of IM injections.

The choice in favor of a particular drug configuration may also depend on individual conditions. This may be an allergy to any components, intolerance or fear of injections.

If we talk about the financial side of therapy, then a long course of treatment with pills will cost two times more than a course of injections. In any case, it is better to use the form of the medicine that the specialist will prescribe.

The medical preparation “Actovegin” is an effective medicine that helps in violation of tissue metabolism, inadequate blood supply to organs.

The drug is produced by the Austrian pharmaceutical company Nycomed Austria GmbH in various formats.

In pharmacies “Actovegin” can be purchased in the form of an infusion solution, ampoules, tablets. Forms of medication for external use are also available – liniment, cream, gel.

In most cases, two forms of medication are used – tablets and a solution for injections.

To understand in which cases to prefer injections, and in which tablets, it is necessary to compare the characteristics of these dosage forms.

“Actovegin” in tablets

Tablets “Actovegin” have the appearance of dragees, round, slightly convex on both sides, light olive in color. They have a film protective shell.

Packaged in 50 pcs., In bottles with screw caps. The bottles are brown. Each bottle along with a detailed annotation for use (in the language of the manufacturer and in Russian) is placed in a cardboard box.

"Actovegin" in tablets

Each pack must have a protective hologram.

The main active ingredient in the tablets is of natural origin. It is calf blood hemoderivative freed from large protein molecules.

Each pill contains 200 mg of hemoderivative and structure-forming substances: MCC, talc, diethyl phthalate, povidone, gum arabic, titanium dioxide, sucrose, mountain wax glycolate, magnesium stearate, etc.

The action of the tablets is aimed at improving trophism and stimulating tissue metabolism. In addition, they have a strong antihypoxic effect.

Indications and contraindications

A medicine in the format of a dragee is prescribed for such conditions as:

  • Ischemic stroke.
  • Encephalopathies of various etiologies.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • TBI.
  • Obliterating endarteritis.
  • Varicose disease.
  • Diabetic angiopathy
  • Obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the n / limbs.
  • Disturbance of the peripheral circulation caused by varicose veins or diabetes.
  • Traumatic lesions of the skin.
  • Burns 1-3 degrees.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Prevention of the formation of pressure sores.
  • Radiation neuropathy.
  • Dementia

The drug is contraindicated in:

  1. Pulmonary edema.
  2. Oliguria.
  3. Allergies to the main substance or auxiliary components.
  4. Anuria.
  5. Decompensated heart failure.
  6. Fluid retention in the body.
  7. Age less than 18 years.

For women during pregnancy, as well as for breastfeeding, a medication is prescribed only in cases where the therapeutic effect exceeds the potential for complications in the fetus or newborn baby.
Side effects of the drug are mainly manifested by a negative reaction from the immune system. Urticaria, fever, anaphylaxis may occur. Some patients may additionally experience jumps in blood pressure, nausea, headaches, muscle pain.

The frequency of administration and the duration of the course is determined by the attending physician, based on the specific form of the pathology and the patient’s condition. Usually the recommended dose is 1 or 2 pills 3 times / day. The average duration of the course is 1.5 – 2 months.

“Actovegin” in injections

The injection format of the drug is made in ampoules having a volume of 10, 5, and 2 ml. The solution is clear, may be colorless, or have a light lemon tint. Ampoules are packed in cardboard boxes of 5, 15, 10, 25 pieces.

"Actovegin" in injections

The composition of the solution includes: the main component – hemoderivative and auxiliary ingredients in the form of water for injection, sodium chloride.

The concentration of the main component is 40 mg per 1 ml.

“Actovegin” in the form of injections, like tablets, is a stimulator of tissue repair and an activator of metabolism. These properties of the drug can improve tissue nutrition, accelerate the transfer of glucose from the bloodstream to those cells or organs that need it most.

In addition, the medication stabilizes energy metabolism. Increases the resistance of organs to a lack of oxygen.

Indications and contraindications

“Actovegin” in injections is prescribed for the following pathological conditions:

  • Wounds of various origins, difficult to treat.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke, its consequences.
  • Encephalopathies of different origin.
  • Disturbances of peripheral circulation.
  • Cerebral ischemia.
  • Diabetic angio and neuropathy.
  • Radiation damage to the dermis, mucous membranes.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Dementia
  • Obliterating atherosclerosis and endarteritis of n / extremities.
  • Thermal, radiation burns of 1-3 degrees.
  • Pressure sores:
  • Radiation neuropathies.

Injections are contraindicated in the presence of a patient:

  1. Heart failure (decompensation stage).
  2. Pulmonary edema.
  3. Age less than 18 years.
  4. Anuria.
  5. Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.
  6. Dropsy.
  7. Oliguria.

At the stages of pregnancy, lactation, the medication is used only for health reasons, under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Of the side effects, redness of the skin, urticaria, hyperthermia, anaphylactic shock can be noted.

Before the first injection, it is necessary to make the patient a test for hypersensitivity to the medication. This condition is strictly stipulated in the instructions for use.

The number of injections and dosage is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the clinical picture of the pathology and the severity of the patient’s condition. As a rule, injections are carried out within 14-20 days. With positive dynamics, the patient is transferred to the tablet format of the drug.

What is common between dosage forms

Common features of tablets and injections “Actovegin” are:

  • One manufacturing company.
  • The same active active ingredient.
  • The identical mechanism of therapeutic effect.
  • The lists of pathologies are similar, in which both types of medication are prescribed.
  • They have the same contraindications and side effects.
  • They have a good healing effect.
  • Medicines, according to official instructions, are prohibited for prescription in childhood.
  • They are prescription drugs.

Also, the unifying point may be the fact that Actovegin in any format of release is almost never used as a means of monotherapy. It is prescribed in combination with antibiotics, nootropic drugs and drugs that lower blood sugar.

What are the differences

There are some differences between the forms of the drug.

  1. Different ways to use.
  2. Various dosage and dosage regimens.
  3. The composition of excipients is also different.
  4. For pills, a long course of administration is provided.
  5. The injection form often provokes allergic reactions. Therefore, it is recommended that at least the first i / m introduction be done in the treatment room in order to track the reaction of the body and take the necessary measures in case of allergies.
  6. Taking pills is much more convenient and easier than taking injections.
  7. The injections, according to patients, are very painful.
  8. The therapeutic effect of the tablets is slower than that of injections.
  9. With the wrong technique for introducing the drug into the muscle, an abscess may develop.
  • Taking dragees sometimes provokes nausea and pain in the stomach. Injections deliver the active substance to its destination bypassing the digestive tract.

The cost of the medication also differs, depending on the release. Dragee 50 pcs. will cost the patient 1500-1600 rubles. Ampoules of 5 pcs., 5 ml., Each will cost 500-540 rubles.

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