
Dufalac or Senade, which is more effective

Dufalac is taken not only as a remedy for constipation, but also as an adjunct in the treatment of various diseases. During hemorrhoids, anal fissures, before surgery and an examination of the intestine, Dufalac must be taken as an organism cleaning.

Also, while taking antibiotics that disrupt the intestinal microflora. This drug contributes to its recovery.

With a lack of calcium and taking drugs with it, Dufalac improves their digestibility. Which leads to faster restoration and strengthening of the skeletal system.

Senade is often taken for accelerated weight loss. It actively stimulates intestinal motility, contributes to the rapid removal of metabolic products and the removal of toxins.

Senade helps to lose weight faster. But the reception should be only a short course.

Often a sedentary lifestyle or malnutrition leads to constipation. They often last a long time and become chronic. To quickly and effectively get rid of this malaise, as well as to restore the intestines, take the drugs Dufalac or Senade.


Dufalac – refers to the category of laxatives. The active substance is lactulose. Available in syrup form. The consistency is viscous, the color is colorless, light beige or yellowish brown. Packed in a bottle with a measuring cup or in a disposable bag for a single dose.


The drug is not absorbed into the body until it reaches the large intestine. If you take a little more than the dosed volume, then the excess medicine is excreted in an unchanged and not split form.

The effect of the drug is based on the following:

  1. The main and active substance of lactulose, when it enters the large intestine, is exposed to the microflora in it. It breaks up into smaller components – organic acids. They affect the acid-base balance and reduce it. Overpressure forms, which contributes to an increase in feces and enhances intestinal motility. Thus, the contractile function of the intestine is restored.
  2. The drug creates a favorable environment for the formation of beneficial microflora. Actively developing lactobacilli.
  3. The restored beneficial microflora reduces the content of toxic substances. Contributes to their speedy removal from the body and the neutralization of some of them.
  4. If parasites live in the intestines, then their growth and active vital activity slows down.

The drug is taken for the following health disorders:

  • Constipation.
  • Violations of the intestines caused by imbalance of microflora.
  • Before medical intervention, when you need to empty the intestines.
  • The presence of worms.
  • With hepatic precoma and coma.

All age groups are taking the drug: practically from birth to old age.

Side effects of the drug are as follows:

  1. Perhaps increased gas formation. Especially in the first 1-3 days. After this time, flatulence must pass.
  2. If the problem is neglected, nausea and, in extreme cases, vomiting are possible.
  3. When using a dose that does not correspond to the norm, there is a likelihood of pain and pain from the abdomen or diarrhea.
  4. Long-term use and increased doses can disrupt the body’s metabolism.


  • Lactose intolerance.
  • Bowel obstruction.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.

Senade is a laxative drug. It also stimulates intestinal motility. The main active substance is the leafy senna leaf extract. Available in tablet form. Color: deep brown. The tablet may contain blotches of plant origin.


After taking a certain dose of the drug, it begins to act actively after 7-9 hours. The drug acts on receptors located in the large intestine. Stimulates them and causes wall contraction.

Senade is used for the following indications:

  1. Constipation.
  2. Slowing the physiological rhythm in the large intestine.
  3. In the presence of diseases in the anus, when severe stress during an act of defecation can cause a crack, rupture or bleeding.

Reception can start from 6 years.

Possible side effects:

  • Increased gas formation.
  • Cutting and stitching pain in the abdomen.
  • If the dose is exceeded, then diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are possible.
  • With prolonged use, electrolyte balance may be impaired.
  • Violation of the genitourinary system, deposition of melanin in the mucous membrane and discoloration of urine.
  • The occurrence of rapid fatigue, leading to dizziness, impaired consciousness.
  • The occurrence of seizures.
  • An allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes.
  • Blockage of blood vessels.


  • Bowel obstruction.
  • The presence of abdominal pain of unknown origin.
  • Hernia.
  • Inflammation of the abdominal cavity.
  • Bleeding.
  • Cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Intolerance to the drug.
Common between drugs

The similarities in drugs are as follows:

  1. Both are of natural origin: Senade is a medicinal plant, and Dufalac is an organic acid.
  2. Reception can begin in childhood.
  3. Able to eliminate the problem with constipation in a short time.
  4. Stimulate the work of intestinal motility.
  5. Affect only the thick section.
  6. Remove toxins and clots of intestinal contents.
  7. They have no unpleasant smell and taste.
  8. Do not cause nausea and vomiting reflex after taking and during the action of the drug.
Drug Comparison

Both drugs have the following differences between themselves:

  • Side effects. Dufalac has almost none, since it is not absorbed into the body and does not affect the functioning of organs and other systems. Senada has a large list of contraindications. This herbal preparation is absorbed into the body and with prolonged use can affect its work.
  • Also, Senada is undesirable to take during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. There is a risk of increasing muscle tone in early pregnancy and passing the active substance to the baby along with milk. What can not be said about Dufalac. It is taken during these periods. It does not affect the baby during lactation.

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