
Terzhinan and Clotrimazole, the choice of drug

Individual intolerance to one of them may affect the choice of medication. Terzhinan and Clotrimazole have well established themselves as a means of combating fungal diseases. However, they can often not be used uncontrollably, since Candida mushrooms tend to acquire resistance to both nystatin and clotrimazole.

Before treatment, it is better to consult a specialist.

Vaginal candidiasis (or thrush) is ruthless for women. This disease affects the fair sex at any age, regardless of their well-being and sexual life. As a rule, Terzhinan or Clotrimazole is prescribed for treatment. However, the preparations have a different composition and belong to different pharmacological groups. What is better and more effective?

Due to some differences, Terzhinan and Clotrimazole will be used in similar and different situations:

  • Clotrimazole copes well with candidiasis, but if it is accompanied by inflammatory processes or is complicated by cervical erosion, Terzhinan will be prescribed.
  • For patients with osteoprosis, hypertension or heart failure, Terzhinan will be prescribed with caution and under the supervision of a doctor (due to the content of glucocorticosteroid substances) or reassigned to clotrimazole.
  • Clotrimazole will be prescribed if the patient has developed resistance to drugs with nystatin.
  • Doctors prefer to prescribe Terzhinan to a pregnant woman rather than Clotrimazole, because the second has more side effects.
Antifungal drugs

Candidiasis is caused by yeast candida fungi , so the disease has the appropriate name. The fungi themselves live on the human body and do not cause inconvenience until something provokes their reproduction. As a rule, a weakened immunity can become a catalyst. In the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, local antifungal drugs are used – ointments, suppositories, gels, solutions.

They are divided into three main groups:

  1. Antifungal antibiotics.
  2. Imidazole drugs.
  3. Triazole preparations.

Terzhinan belongs to the first group, and Clotrimazole – to the second. This is their main difference, which can be reflected both in the choice of an agent against the disease, and in the clinical picture of treatment. What to choose? Which will be safer and more reliable?


Terzhinan is a combined drug with antifungal, antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. It is used in gynecological practice. It has four active substances:

  • Nystatin (an antifungal antibiotic).
  • Ternidazole (an antifungal agent from imidazole derivatives).
  • Neomycin (broad-spectrum antibiotic).
  • Prednisolone (anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic agent).


Relieves inflammatory processes, ensuring the integrity of the vaginal mucosa.

Indications for appointment:

  • Fungal or bacterial vaginitis.
  • Vaginitis provoked by mixed flora.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Therapy of colpitis.
  • Prevention before gynecological operations, childbirth, abortion and other medical procedures.

Usually the medicine is well tolerated. But sometimes it can cause a sensation of itching and burning, which passes by the end of therapy, or provoke a rash.

Method of production: vaginal tablets of 6 or 10 pieces per pack. Assign one tablet 1 time per day for 10 days, for prevention – 6 days.


  1. Individual intolerance to the components.
  2. I trimester of pregnancy.

The use of the drug for pregnant women is possible from the second trimester. Released by prescription.


Clotrimazole is an antifungal drug for local and external use. Effective in the fight against pathogens of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The active substance is clotrimazole. It is used in gynecological practice.


Indications for appointment:

  • Trichomoniasis
  • Candidiasis.
  • Vulvovaginitis.
  • Multi-colored lichen.
  • Remediation before childbirth.

Usually does not cause negative effects on the body. However, itching and burning sensation, frequent urination, intercurrent cystitis in the treatment of urogenital infections can provoke.

Release Forms:

  1. Gel 1% in a tube of 20 g.
  2. Cream 1% in a tube of 20 g, 30 g.
  3. Ointment 1% in a tube of 15 g, 20 g.
  4. Vaginal tablets (6 pieces per pack).
  5. A solution of 1% 15 ml in a vial.

With candidiasis, tablets (women) are administered 1 time per day for 6 days, ointment or cream is applied (women and men) 2 times a day for up to 2 weeks.


  • Individual intolerance to the components.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Pregnant and lactating women Clotrimazole is prescribed only in cases of confidence that this will not negatively affect the fetus. During the use of the drug, latex contraceptives should be replaced with other methods of contraception. Available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Similarities of funds

They belong to different drug groups, but have some similarities:

  • Both contain a substance from the imidazole series.
  • Their actions are directed against fungal diseases.
  • Both pregnant and lactating women are prescribed by a doctor only in special cases.
  • Easy to use (if you mean vaginal tablets).
  • Used for preventive purposes.

Most often they are prescribed for vaginal candidiasis (thrush).

Difference of funds

However, they have a lot of differences that should be considered when prescribing treatment:

  1. Terzhinan contains more active substances, therefore it has a wider spectrum of actions on the body (antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic).
  2. Clotrimazole has more side effects.
  3. It is applicable topically (tablets) and externally (cream, gel, ointment).
  4. Terzhinan contains antibiotics, so it is released only by prescription.
  5. Clotrimazole fights not only with yeast, but also with mold.
  6. It also has more forms of release, as it fights not only with urogenital, but also skin infectious diseases.
  7. Terzhinan is used with a combination of candidiasis with other gynecological diseases.
  8. After the end of therapy with Terzhinan, probiotics are prescribed to restore microflora.
  9. An overdose of Terzhinan is impossible, since its components are not absorbed into the bloodstream, but Clotrimazole can cause dizziness and nausea (if applied topically).
  10. Terzhinan can be used during menstruation, but Clotrimazal can not.
  11. Clotrimazole treatment will be cheaper.

In general, both drugs cope with the tasks in treatment. It is important to use each of them for its intended purpose, so as not to cause side effects and not harm health.

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