

Heaviness and pain in the abdomen, constipation and diarrhea, flatulence, nausea and lack of appetite – all of these symptoms can be due to inadequate flow of bile in the digestive system. There are many products designed to enhance the production of bile, and Allergy is one of the most effective and safe one.


Bile is a special liquid produced by liver cells and actively involved in the digestive process. The main function of bile is facilitate the breakdown of fats. The shortage of bile in the intestine may experience a variety of digestive disorders.

Poor diet, abuse of alcohol, drugs, toxins – all this affects the liver, causes of gallbladder disease and biliary tract, which leads eventually to lack of bile. Violations in the transfer of bile to the duodenum can often be associated with diseases such as cholecystitis and hypomotor biliary dyskinesia. In some cases, there may be stagnation of bile, with a characteristic symptom is a yellowing of the skin. Stagnation the biliary system can be affected not only adults but also children, and often babies.

Allergy is a plant – based medicine containing bile components. The drug is used in violation of the outflow of bile and bile stasis in the gallbladder. It stimulates the formation of bile in the liver and flow of bile into the duodenum. Also the drug has a mild diuretic and hepatoprotective effect reduces the urea in the blood serum, improvement of cholesterol metabolism and lipids. In combination with antibiotics can play the role of a means of detoxification for the liver and kidneys. The drug can successfully deal with intoxication by nitrocompounds, heavy metal salts, alkaloids, pharmaceuticals.

Artichoke leaf extract field (Cynara scolymus), is included in the composition of the drug is the proven medicine and approved by modern science medicine. Therapeutic effect is achieved due to the active component of the extract – cenerino. In addition, artichoke extract contains a number of contributing metabolic processes and helpful for the urinary system and the liver – ascorbic acid, carotene, pectin, vitamins B1 and B2, inulin. Contained in coffee extract and chlorogenic acid are powerful antioxidants.

Due to the complex and integrated drug, it is not possible to track the metabolism of its components and their pharmacokinetic characteristics.

Release form

Hofitol can be found for sale in various variants that will suit patients of different ages.

The main type of drug are tablets. Each tablet Hofitol weighs 350 mg and the amount of extract of an artichoke field in it is 200 mg. Tablets brown colored.

Excipients contained in the tablets:

  • corn starch 22 mg;
  • talc – 19 mg;
  • trisilikat magnesium – 12 mg;
  • magnesium stearate – 3 mg;
  • rosin – 1,152 mg;
  • sucrose – 86 mg;
  • gelatin – 0,384 mg ;
  • calcium carbonate 2.2 mg;
  • gummilat – 1,152 mg;

Also pharmacies can be found kids solution for the reception inside in vials, which is sometimes also referred to as syrup. 1 ml of oral solution contains 200 mg of extract. The bottles have a capacity of 120 ml. the Solution is opaque, has a dark brown hue. During storage, the sludge from plant material. So before use a vial should be shaken.

The composition of the solution for the reception inside, in addition to artichoke extract include:

  • ethyl alcohol (4.8% of the volume of solution),
  • flavor
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate,
  • parahydroxybenzoate,
  • glycerol,
  • purified water,

There is also a solution for intravenous administration. A similar solution is available in ampoules of 5 ml. In 1 ml contains 200 mg of extract.

Manufacturer of the drug is a French company Rosa-Phytopharma. Tablets and syrup Hofitol in pharmacies are dispensed without a prescription, for the purchase of a solution for parenteral administration requires a doctor’s prescription.

Store Not necessary at temperatures above + 25 °C. shelf Life of tablets is 3 years, solution for the reception inside – 4 years, a solution for parenteral administration is 2 years.


There are many analogues of the drug. However, not all of them contain artichoke extract, and so not always they can replace the Child in a particular situation. For example, Allohol and Capitola properties are largely the same. However Allohol, in addition to choleretic components, contains the bile, and activated carbon. Therefore, Allohol more suitable for the dyspeptic symptoms and flatulence, but its choleretic effect may not be as pronounced as Hofitol. In addition, the Child has a certain hepatoprotective effect. There is, however, a structural analogue Hiitola called Artichoke extract.


Hofitol have some contraindications. It can be given (in syrup), even children in infancy. First of all, the drug is contraindicated in urolithiasis and obstruction of the bile ducts. Also should not be treated Hiitola in the case of severe dysfunctions of the kidneys and liver, acute exacerbations of diseases of the liver, kidney and biliary tract, angiocholitis, empyema of the gallbladder.

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components Hiitola, in particular, in case of hypersensitivity to plants of the family Asteraceae.

Pregnancy and lactation are absolute contraindications. Moreover, the drug can often be used in the prevention and treatment of certain pathologies in pregnant women. However, in these cases should be treated with the drug on prescription and under his supervision. Breastfeeding while taking the drug should monitor the child’s condition. If the child has a rash, the preparation treatment should be immediately discontinued.

Hofitol in the form of tablets is contraindicated in children under 6 years. Tablets contains sucrose, and the solution for internal admission – ethyl alcohol (4.8 percent). These circumstances should be considered for patients with diabetes and alcoholism.

Artichoke extract contains no psychoactive substances and can Not be used by persons driving vehicles or performing work that requires concentration. However, the drug in the form of oral solution contains ethyl alcohol, even in small concentrations, and this circumstance in this plan should be considered.

Indications for use

Allergy is primarily used in various diseases associated with a lack of generation of bile, or its insufficient admission to the digestive system. It can be:

  • biliary dyskinesia (hypomotor type);
  • chronic hepatitis, including alcoholic;
  • steatosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • chronic acalculous cholecystitis (without gallstones);
  • increased blood levels of acetone (acetonemia).

In the complex therapy drug is prescribed for:

In addition, indications include constipation, caused by problems with the gall bladder, giardiasis, symptoms of indigestion (belching, nausea, flatulence, heaviness in the abdomen), acne caused by digestive disorders.

Allergy also can be used in some diseases of the urinary system, for example, nephritis, chronic renal failure, oliguria (small amount of urine).

Application Hofitol during pregnancy

Pregnant women Hofitol can be used as a tool in comprehensive prevention and treatment of preeclampsia, eclampsia, toxemia, inflammation of the urinary tract. During pregnancy particularly helpful antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties of the drug. If there are signs of infection, however, most often this drug will not be enough. Along with it pregnant you must take and uroseptic drug.

Use in newborns

Often the drug is applied and newborns. It can prescribe the doctors with jaundice and raising bilirubin in your baby. Excessive increase of bilirubin in the blood in infants may lead to brain damage. The drug facilitates the biological transformation of bilirubin into non-toxic form and normalization of the liver.

Usage instructions

Standard one-time dosage of tablets for adults – 2-3 pieces. The number of tablets must be taken 2-3 times a day. Children from 6 years old to take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.

Pregnant women are recommended a daily dosage of 2-3 tablets thrice. The course of treatment – 3 weeks.

For children under 6 years of age it is preferable to use the syrup.

Before use a vial should be shaken.

Adults and children over 12 years can take the syrup with a preparation of 2.5-5 ml (0.5-1 ml of tsp). Children’s (for children under 12 years of age) dose 1 to 2.5 ml. Pregnant women should take 1 teaspoon a Newborn should be given 5-10 drops of the drug.

Children solution can be diluted in a tablespoon of water, a newborn – in a teaspoon. The frequency of administration adults (including pregnant women) and children (including newborns) three times a day.

Tablets and syrup should be taken before eating, about 20 minutes before a meal. The course of treatment in standard cases – 2-3 weeks. If the product is used during pregnancy, it should take 2 weeks. If necessary, your doctor may prescribe a second course of therapy.

Intravenous and intramuscular use of the drug

Solution suitable for parenteral administration are allowed to enter intramuscularly and intravenously.

Children from 15 years and adults are recommended to be injected intramuscularly 1-2 vial (5-10 ml or 1-2 g of extract) per day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, after which should go on the pills or syrup.

For intravenous drip-feed it is necessary to prepare the infusion solution. To do this, the contents of 1-2 vials diluted in 200 ml of physiological solution. I. V. drug can be put once a day, in severe cases – twice. The duration of treatment may be 8-15 days.

Side effects

Side effects of the drug occur infrequently. It can be allergic skin reactions (dermatitis, itching, rash, hives), or adverse effects associated with the gastrointestinal tract – abdominal pain, dyspepsia, nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, belching, vomiting, abdominal pain or right upper quadrant, abdominal cramps.

The likelihood of side effects increases significantly in that case, if the patient has contraindications to the drug – first of all, gallstone disease, liver disease and gall bladder in acute.

So before treatment is to verify the absence of stones in the gallbladder and biliary tract. Revitalization of the movement of bile, drug-induced, may in this case lead to blockage of the biliary tract and need surgical intervention.

Much less having reactions related to the Central nervous system, e.g. dizziness.

With the appearance of severe adverse reactions, abdominal pain, diarrhea, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

In case of overdose may increase the side effects. Treatment of overdose is by means of removing of artichoke extract from the body. For this purpose it is recommended to use chelators, for example, activated carbon.

Interaction with other drugs

Detailed information about the interaction of the drug with other drugs to date, does not exist. At least, from the practice unknown negative drug interactions. However, the composition of the oral solution is available in a small amount of ethyl alcohol, which can interact negatively with certain medications. Therefore, if the patient simultaneously with Hiitola takes other drugs, he must check whether the drug is compatible with alcohol, looking at the user manual of the corresponding product.

In addition, to avoid increasing side effects not recommended to take Allergy along with other choleretic drugs. The drug also should not be used together with antacids, the drugs of magnesium, iron and aluminium, as they can inhibit the choleretic effect of the drug.

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