
30 incredible facts about babies

 Are they the same as us adults? Sometimes it seems that they are special creatures from another planet. Scientists make amazing discoveries related to babies so often that soon the number of the most incredible facts about them will reach a seven-digit figure.

In the meantime – 40 of the brightest of them.

  1. 206 against 207
    No, this is not the result of a soccer mast, but the number of bones in a newborn and, accordingly, an adult. Just then, the child’s bones of the skull and spine grow together.

  1. A small and big-eyed
    child grows quickly, and only his eyes change not so noticeably. Because the size of the eyes in the baby is 75% of the adult size.
  2. Papa has 2 mm stubble, and Uncle Seryozha has almost 3 mm.
    The sensitivity of babies is so high that even in the first days of life they can distinguish unshaven of varying degrees.
  3. First smile time
    You will have to wait at least a month before the child gives her first smile to her mother. But there is nothing more expensive than it in the world.
  4. Their breasts are closer
    Incredible, but newborn children can distinguish their mother’s breasts from all the others, which they most often ignore, by smell (possibly by some other signs).
  5. Funny pictures
    If you hang a picture of a smiling face over the baby’s bed, then the mood and condition of the crumbs will be positive.
  6. You – to me, I – to you.
    A sense of justice visits children already in 12-15 months. Kids are ready to share their toys and expect the same from others.
  7. “Everything is Violet”
    In the first months, all babies do not distinguish colors, moreover, shortsighted – they distinguish people and objects only at close range.
  8. In their native language,
    Scientists made an amazing discovery: the child’s knowledge of intonation and speech begins even in the prenatal state. The kids of each particular country even cry in their own way.
  9. Each one has coral.
    In many European countries, children are still given, like many centuries ago, rattles made of natural coral. On the one hand, people believe that such an object is the best amulet against the evil eye, on the other hand, it is an excellent teething device.
  10. What’s in a name?
    As you call a baby, so… the child will live a life. Studies have shown that a girl with a male name is distinguished by more rigid character traits and obstinate temper.
  11. I remember, I don’t remember there…
    Infantile amnesia, with rare exceptions, is present in all children. Up to 3 years, they do not remember their early experiences.
  12. The main maternity device is diapers.
    Just imagine that on average about 3,000 of them are spent per child.
  13. Music lovers from birth
    Infants up to six months are able to distinguish melodic music from more rhythmic, showing different emotions. They learn to distinguish good from bad later.
  14. “About
    injuries ” According to statistics, the greatest number of injuries are children under the age of 6 years.
  15. Walk it Yourself
    Canadian children learn to take their first steps without a walker. This invention, for which many parents of other countries advocate, is prohibited there. It is believed that they cause severe harm to still weak children’s bones.
  16. Born with a gadget.
    Where are the most advanced children under 10 years old? No, not in Japan, but in Germany. There, babies from birth use modern smartphones and tablets.
  17. Loudest of all A
    three-year-old child is able to speak louder, 200 adults talking at the same time. Presumably, such a gift is needed for children, so that mom always heard. Debatable.
  18. “Bad, good, evil”
    In Japan loyal to children, the words “bad” and “bad” are forbidden in relation to them. They appeal there to children only in a positive way.
  19. A bit about geniuses
    The diagnosis of prematurity is by no means a sentence for the future talents of the child. And that is the example of Albert Einstein (he did not speak until the age of 9), Pablo Picasso, Isaac Newton, Winston Churchill and many other famous personalities of different years.
  20. It works at 100%
    . Indigo children work independently in the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
  21. And again about geniuses…
    One 6-year-old kid came up with a toy truck with a drop-down body. He drew and invited dad to do this to him. And so beloved by all children, plasticine was invented by a schoolgirl, and initially it was a means to clean the wallpaper from coal dust. But almond oil and dyes were added to it. And there was joy to the children.
  22. To the corner… or to the head?
    An effective, but not entirely humane way to prevent child disobedience was invented in one Indonesian school. Hooligans for several months shaved bald for fights and absenteeism. Soon the discipline became exemplary.
  23. It is recommended to laugh.
    Laughter is the best medicine or the main defense of immunity. For health, children are recommended to laugh at least 300 times a day, which on average every 3 minutes.
  24. Breast-fed infants are capable of doing a unique trick: they can swallow and breathe at the same time. At 9 months, a magical ability disappears.
  25. Born in a car – get a registration number.
    In the USA, every year about 300 children are born on the road. As the place of birth, they do not enter the name of the locality, but the number of the car into which the “stork” flew.
  26. We grow taller.
    If a person grew with the same speed and intensity as a child under 4 years old, ultimately, his height would be more than 7 meters.
  27. No taste.
    In the first 3 months, the baby is not able to feel a salty taste.
  28. Special Boy
    Every crown prince in England, in the 15th century, had a single friend and part-time whipping boy. And all because the punishment of status children was strictly prohibited. And so the expression was born.
  29. “Bears” in a hurry to help
    Children in Miami were more fortunate than the rest. Miami police stations have bear patrols. Teddy bears accompany custodians of order when patrolling and often come to the rescue when meeting with a crying baby.

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