
The causes and treatment of pulling pain in the legs

Drawing pain in the legs – a condition that occurs for various reasons. And it’s not always diseases of the spine or inflammation of muscles and tendons. Often to find out the true precipitating factor can only be a doctor.

Squeezing the nerve endings

This condition is observed in osteochondrosis, which is particularly common in the elderly. When violations in the intervertebral discs become thinner and they are not able to perform its function. In the end, the vertebrae literally touch each other, causing compression and inflammation of nerve tissue that is between them.

Most often affected are the lumbar. Here are compressed not only the nerves of the spine, but also the sciatic nerve. This is causing pulling pain in the legs. This can cause severe attack, remove that can only drugs.

The patient complains that pain does not only apply to hip, but much lower, reaching to the knee, and in the most severe cases, the affected fingers.

Nagging foot pain in osteochondrosis can be burdened with such a condition like restless leg syndrome, and abnormalities of the kidneys and the thyroid gland.

Cure low back pain does not work, since changes in the discs are the result of a degenerative process and occur as a result of aging. The main drugs for pain syndrome should be considered NSAIDs, and muscle relaxants. If necessary, the treatment pulling pain due to degenerative disc disease is supplemented with vitamins, antispasmodics, painkillers.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins – changes in which the vascular wall becomes thinner and appear venous nodes and other changes.

The main symptom is gnawing pain in the leg from the hip, which does not stop throughout the day. By evening, it becomes particularly strong, and even begins to wear a bursting character. Also often present complaints of cramping, especially at night.

Among other symptoms:

  1. Swelling.
  2. A feeling of heaviness in the calf area.
  3. Burning sensation in the legs.
  4. The appearance of spider veins.
  5. The appearance of the subcutaneous veins, which become dark blue.

The treatment will depend on the severity of the disease. Initially, this medication called phlebotonics as well as anticoagulants, diuretics and fibrinolitikov.

In the absence of any effect of the surgery performed.


Aching and drawing pain in the legs can occur due to rheumatism. It is an autoimmune disease, which develops on the background of streptococcal infection. There is a loss of the joint, and cardiac muscle.

The disease can affect any joint, but most often it is an ankle, knee or hip. The pain is pulling or aching, quite high intensity and duration. Other symptoms include swelling, swelling, redness and hyperemia of the skin. Sometimes increased body temperature. All changes happen simultaneously on both limbs.

Treatment is long and complex. It aims to fight the infection that caused the disease, and also helps to get rid of the existing manifestations of the disease. Among the main drugs NSAIDs, antibiotics and prednisone. The therapy is performed in hospital and can last for several months.


Strong pulling pain may appear because of arthritis. Is an inflammatory joint disease that has certain symptoms. In the final stages of the joint function is greatly disturbed, pain become constant pulling. They do not pass even after a long rest.

Additional symptoms is referred stiffness during movement, strengthening of pain when you touch the leg, the appearance of swelling, tingling, itching. Body temperature

increases, the legs become deformed.

If you do not carry out any treatment, the acute inflammation becomes chronic then develop into arthritis, cure which is impossible.


Cause pulling and aching pain in the legs and sometimes hemorrhoids. Feet they give of the pelvis. Especially often this condition is seen in women in the first months after birth.

The pain is aching or pulling in nature. When you change the position of the body it can completely pass. But in this disease there are other specific symptoms that help to quickly make an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment. Among them, the discharge of blood from the anus, pain during bowel movements, itching and discomfort in the anal area.

The treatment is conservative or operative. It all depends on the severity of pathology and the absence of effect from conservative therapy.

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