
Isometric, exercise.

Each of us often have to spend much time in a confined space indoors, on the train, plane, car, in the doctor’s waiting room, etc. So as not to waste precious time, you can do isometric exercises.

The main advantage of isometric exercises in that exercises are completely invisible to others and they are performed by squeezing, stretching items or repulsion from the fixed objects that are close to you.

The result of isometric physical activity develops power and muscle endurance, relieve tension.

Suggests some exercises isometric exercises for busy people:

Isometric exercises – Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the inner thigh:

Find elastic solid object such as a briefcase or something else. In the sitting position, straighten the back and put the object between the feet. Strongly gripping the object stops, count to 6, then relax. When performing this exercise I can feel a strong tension of the internal muscles of the thigh. Repeat exercise 5 times.

Isometric exercises – Exercises for the upper body:

1. Sitting, back straight, feet together. Put the palms on the table and press hard on him, as if pressed into the floor. Hold the position until you count to 6, then relax. To perform 5 times.

2. Put the palms under cover of the table, elbows bent and close to the body, struggling to lift the table. Hold the voltage up to the count of 6, then relax. Exercise to be performed 5 times.

3. Sitting, back straight, slightly bend your elbows and bring them back. Not straightening the elbows, try to maximize shoulder blades and hands. Repeat exercise 3-6 times.

Isometric exercises – Exercise for forearms:

Stand around any pole and clasp his hands. Arms bent at the elbows and rotate them in different directions, while struggling to resist the arising stress. Count to 6, then relax.

Isometric exercises – Exercise for the muscles of the chest:

Sitting, back straight. If you have a table or other object, it struggled to squeeze its sides. Arms bent at the elbows, palms facing inward. Count to 6, then relax. Repeat exercise 5 times.

Isometric exercises – Exercise for the muscles of the neck:

Performed sitting, back straight, feet together. Put your hands behind your head, elbows forward. Relax your arms, gently pressing on the head, the chin is pressed against the neck until until you feel a light stretching of the neck muscles in the back. In any case, do not apply pressure to the head, it bends itself under the weight of your hands. Keep this position until, until the tension of the neck muscles, then relax.

Isometric exercises – Exercise for proper posture:

Performed sitting, with back straight, feet put together. Place hands on the ribs, above the waist. Energetic movements to take the elbows and shoulders, trying to shoulder blades. Is no slouch. Exercise repeat 6 times, relax.

Isometric exercises – Exercise for waist:

Sitting, legs together, not crossed. Put hands on the upper part of the chest, bend backwards, turn head and torso to the left side to the limit and take a few short sharp movements. The pelvis remains stationary. Repeat the exercise turning to the right. Do for 5 times.

Isometric exercises – Exercise for the muscles of the pelvis.

Sitting on edge of chair, back straight, hold out your hands behind the chair back. Lift the pelvis forward, buttocks remain in place. Gently and calmly take the rotational motion of the pelvis. Then relax. This exercise will help strengthen pelvic muscles and tighten the belly. Repeat exercise 5 times.

Isometric exercises – Exercise for the gluteal muscles:

Sitting, back straight, legs slightly apart, knees slightly bent. Put hands on the upper part of the chest. To stretch the hips and slightly turn them out. Relax. Repeat exercise 5 times.

Isometric exercises – Exercise to stop:

Sitting, back straight, knees bent. Exercise is best done without shoes. Slightly propel the foot forward, heels, and knees together. Lift your toes up, straining, take them to the side. Make sure heel and forefoot was not off the floor and the knees didn’t move. Again put your foot to the big toes touched each other. Repeat exercise 5 times.

So, if You are very busy and are unable to specifically allocate time for physical exercise, then exercise isometric gymnastics for You!

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