
Ginkgo Biloba – directions for use, properties, and contraindications

Ginkgo biloba is a plant belonging to the relict varieties, which is millions of years old exist on our planet. In the wild this plant grows in France and Japan, but it is cultivated in China in its Southern provinces.

Ginkgo biloba is not only used in folk medicine this plant was considered useful, medical and official representatives of science. Ginkgo biloba is implemented – or rather, the extract of its leaves, in the form of capsules, oils, extracts and tinctures, and, without a prescription and any restrictions

Ginkgo biloba – directions for use

Despite the therapeutic properties of the flora, before the use of drugs based on it must be read with the instructions for use. Of course, few people even pay attention to this little piece of paper in each package of drugs, but such thoughtlessness may lead to serious and often irreversible processes.

Pharmacological action of Ginkgo biloba

In General, the plant and medicines on its basis are used for the treatment of various diseases. Through research it was found that Ginkgo biloba has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, the vasomotor reactions of the large blood vessels, blood circulation.

Ginkgo biloba is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the brain and the cardiovascular system, because the considered plant is able to influence:

  • cerebral blood flow;
  • quality of supply the brain with oxygen;
  • the condition of the vessels – acts as a vasodilator;
  • the metabolic processes in tissues.

In addition, Ginkgo biloba has anti-hypoxic effect, prevents the formation of free radicals, has anti-edema effect not only on the level of peripheral tissues, and brain.

Ginkgo biloba – indications

Medicines made on the basis of an extract of the leaves of the examined plants, shall be appointed by:

  • a constant feeling of fear and anxiety;
  • the decreased concentration;
  • memory impairment;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in the ears;
  • sleep disorders;
  • common ailments.
Ginkgo biloba contraindications

There are two types of contraindications to the use of medicines based on this plant – unconditional and conditional. If we are talking about flat-out bans, they are possible under the following conditions:

Important: not recommended to use any drug based on the extract of Ginkgo biloba for pregnant women and those who are breast-feeding a baby. The fact that no data on the impact of these drugs on the health of the expectant mother and prenatal development of the fetus and the already born child, no research in this direction simply was not done.

Ginkgo biloba is not used in pediatric practice – the doctors put in contraindications the age of 18. However, folk medicine allows the use of oil and Ginkgo biloba extract topically and in childhood – about the appropriateness of such use to patients under the age of 18 need to consult with experts.

Conditional same contraindication is allergic reaction to the plant. The fact that powerful, intense manifestations of Allergy to Ginkgo biloba marked the official medicine was not, therefore, appeared the symptoms of hypersensitivity in the early days of the use/application of medicines based on Ginkgo biloba leaf extract can 2-3 days to disappear.

How to take Ginkgo biloba

If your doctor has prescribed to drink Ginkgo biloba, the daily dose should be 1-2 capsules two times a day. The duration of the course of medication on the basis of an extract of Ginkgo biloba for 3 months, then you will need to take a break and if necessary repeat the course.

Please note: do not self-medicate – we still need to consult your doctor and get the correct destination indicating the daily dosage.

In case you need to take Ginkgo biloba extract, should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • the drug is required to dissolve in water;
  • daily dose of Ginkgo biloba extract should not exceed 20 drops;
  • the treatment can be 3-4 months;
  • if necessary, repeat the course of treatment needed to take a break for 30-40 days.

Tincture Ginkgo biloba – a fairly common tool, which also need to be taken in strict dosage. In the instructions for use provided the daily dosage of such pharmaceutical forms of drugs – 10-15 drops of tincture dissolved in 100ml of water once a day. The course of treatment should be not less than 30 consecutive days, but generally doctors recommend the 3 course of administration of the drug a year. The results will be noticeable after 3-5 days use of the tincture of Ginkgo biloba – improves memory, the body recovers quickly, even after heavy tiredness, concentration increased.

Side effects and overdose

According to the statistics of any medicines based on Ginkgo biloba is well-tolerated by patients, but there are rare exceptions – the side effects will be presented in the form of disorders of the digestive system.

Overdose of Ginkgo biloba is also extremely rarely fixed, in this case there will be not only disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, unpleasant belching), but also headaches, dizziness.

Please note: the appearance of any irregularities in the wellbeing with the regular use of Ginkgo biloba should immediately cancel the drug and consult your doctor. Most likely, the correction will be made daily dose.

Drug interactions

Is strictly forbidden to use any pharmacological forms of Ginkgo biloba at the same time with a course of anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and aspirin. This combination may cause bleeding in the brain.

Interesting facts about Ginkgo biloba

In General, such relic plants as Ginkgo biloba store many secrets – just imagine, they were living witnesses of the dinosaurs and Ice age on the planet! Therefore, these “honorable” representatives of the flora is carefully studied, researched by various Sciences.

There are, of course, many of the results of such research, but we will highlight only a few interesting facts.

So, Ginkgo biloba:

  1. Has its history on the planet for over 300 million years and is not related to any kind of plants that grow on Earth at this time.
  2. Used as a medicinal plant in Asia for the past 5 thousand years.
  3. Growing on the territory of modern Europe, but disappeared during the Ice age. Only in 1712 it was imported from Japan.
  4. Can reach a height of 40 meters.
  5. Has the long lasting life of the representative flora – 1000 years.
  6. Completely resistant to harmful insects, viruses, pathogenic bacteria and air pollution.
  7. Able to produce powerful antioxidants that inhibit the process of cell death. This property, incidentally, is actively used in cosmetology oil of Ginkgo biloba is recommended for women older than 30 years, helping to delay the aging process of the skin.
  8. The first tree, which was revived after the atomic blast in Hiroshima.
  9. Gives people not only medicine, but also useful, a pleasant tasting tea is made from leaves and roots of plants, doctors recommend to use it instead of your morning coffee.

Ginkgo biloba is really a unique herb that not only can grow even in the most contaminated from the point of view of ecology regions, but at the same time to give people their healing properties.

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