
How to cure osteoporosis

Also, the development of osteoporosis can be affected by: poor nutrition in childhood, due to which a weak skeleton is formed. Hungry diets that affect bone tissue in adulthood. Hormonal diseases or hormonal imbalances, decreased levels of sex hormones.

Long-term use of certain medications, including anticonvulsants or immunosuppressants. It is believed that mainly osteoporosis affects women. Especially light-eyed blondes with thin wrists and ankles.

If a person often has cramps in his legs, especially at night. If there are chronic pains in the spine, which may intensify with movement. The presence of problems such as scoliosis, stoop – any deformation of the spine. And one of the most disturbing and, unfortunately, late symptoms are frequent fractures of the arms and legs. A hip fracture is considered the most dangerous: in Russia in 52% of cases, this injury leads to death within a year.

Osteoporosis is considered a very dangerous disease, since it has no obvious signs. And only with a fracture can it be revealed that bone destruction has gone. Since it is almost impossible to identify the disease in the initial stages, you need to know the factors and risk groups. Age: people over 50 years old. Women who are in menopause or in the postmenopausal period. The presence of fractures in the past. If someone in the family had hip fractures.

Smoking, alcoholism, calcium and vitamin D deficiency. Poor environmental conditions: residents of megacities are more susceptible to this disease than those who live in towns and villages. Low physical activity.

And although it is quite difficult to detect osteoporosis at an early stage, there are signs, the presence of which is a signal to see a doctor and undergo examination.

After contacting a specialist, you need to pass tests that will help identify osteoporosis. This is a general clinical and biochemical blood test. The doctor should find out the level of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus in the blood serum. In addition, it is necessary to undergo x-rays and densitometry, which can show bone density.

First of all, you need to think about the prevention of osteoporosis, since it is impossible to restore decaying bone tissue. You must adhere to proper nutrition. The diet should contain the necessary amount of calcium, vitamin D and protein. Most calcium is found in cheeses (about 1000 mg per 100 g), cabbage (210 mg in 100 g), shrimp (100 mg in 100 g) and canned sardines and tulka (300-400 mg in 100 g).

The rest of the seafood contains less calcium, but more vitamin D, which plays a key role in the absorption of calcium by the body. Children under three years of age should consume 600-700 mg of calcium per day, up to 10 years – 1000 mg, up to 16 years – 1300 mg, adults – 1000 mg, pregnant and lactating women 1300 mg.

It is also necessary to abandon bad habits, you should lead an active lifestyle, older people may need special medications and vitamin complexes.

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