
Newborn 6 months

A six-month-old child makes attempts to sit down without the help of adults, crawls to an object that interests him, makes attempts to stand near a support. Actively engaged in toys: throws them, shifts them from hand to hand, from one place to another, etc.

The speech development of a 6-month-old child continues: the first imitations of the type “av-av”, “bi-bi”, etc. appear. The kid is already picking up cause-effect relationships: he pushed the subject away – he fell, pressed the button – music sounded, etc.

A six-month-old baby is different from the one that was a month ago. This is the age of conditional growing up, usually at 6 months of age, babies acquire crawling and sitting skills. The development of a 6-month-old baby is rapid, the thirst for knowledge of the world around us is growing stronger.

Physical development

Many babies at the age of 6 months already know how to sit, but if your baby does not sit down on its own, then you should not panic. Moreover, one should not forcefully plant a child, as grandmothers like to advise – in pillows. No, no and no again, science has long proven that if a baby is not sitting, it means that his bones are not yet strong enough and forced planting can lead to diseases of the spine or hip joints.

A six-month-old baby is already actively turning from the stomach to the back and back, many are trying to get on all fours, and some are already confidently standing on them. Often you can see how, lying on his stomach, the child sticks his ass up and tries to crawl, depicting a caterpillar. Help your child – put a palm under his feet so that he pushes off. Stimulate the child – put a bright toy in front so that he tries to get it.

Do not be upset if your baby does not crawl, some children immediately begin to walk. However, it is not worth letting it drift, do your best to help the baby, try to teach him.

Mental and sensory development

At the age of 6 months, the child maintains a 5-month day regimen. At night, the baby sleeps calmer and longer, during the day more and more awake. The six-year-old fidget actively explores everything around, tries to reach out to everything that interests him, and tries a lot for the tooth. The child can consider the toy for a long time, shifting it from hand to hand and turning it over.

At this age, children do not like to be alone with themselves and require more attention. They try to sit down and sometimes even get up. If you give the baby his hands when he is lying, he will be pulled up, resting his legs.

Everything that comes into view is studied, palpated and tasted. The kid can already distinguish intonations in the voice of his parents, reacts to sounds from the outside. In order to reassure the baby, you need to talk with him. Usually, at the age of 6 months, children can already respond to their name, if not, then often call it by name so that the child remembers.

Speech skills

By the half-year, the child usually actively walks, syllables appear in his speech, most often pa-pa-pa, ma-ma-ma, ka-ka-ka and so on. You can catch various intonations in the walk, as well as when blowing bubbles from the saliva, the child rumbles and growls.

For the development of speech, you need to talk with the child as much as possible and contribute to the development of fine motor skills. If for some reason you still have not started reading to your child, then rather start doing it.

What does a 6 month old baby eat

Surely by this age you already realized that the indicator of the normal development and health of the crumbs is not the amount of food eaten, but the weight gain. Presumably, in one meal, a half-year-old eats about 200 grams of milk (or a mixture).

As a rule, babies on artificial feeding begin to be fed earlier than babies. If your baby at 6 months old is not familiar with complementary foods, then it’s time to introduce. Regarding complementary foods, you need to consult a pediatrician, because each case is specific and has its own characteristics. If the child is already familiar with fruit and vegetable purees, then it is possible to introduce new products into the diet of a 6-month-old child, but provided that the child is not allergic.

The number of feedings of a 6-month-old baby is usually 5 – every 4 hours. It is recommended to introduce complementary foods in the daytime, so that over time, lunch will be completely transferred to adult food. Carefully monitor the child’s reaction to each new product.

Daily regime

The regimen for an infant of 6 months is not much different from a 5 month old. In the morning after waking up – water procedures in the form of washing, nose cleaning if necessary. You need to bathe the child an hour before bedtime and wash it in the afternoon after each stool.

The child needs walks for a sound healthy sleep and strengthen immunity. Walk at least 2 times a day for 2 hours. In summer you can walk and more.

Play educational games for young children, but for a short time leave the child alone, he should get used to the fact that mom can not always be near. Toys for a 6-month-old baby should be as safe as possible so that there are no small parts.

Be sure to do exercises – gymnastics for a 6-month-old baby means a lot. Speak nursery rhymes during all procedures, hum songs. Do not forget about the massage, it must be done at least an hour after a meal. Be in tactile contact with the child, he should feel the warmth of his mother’s hands.

No need to customize the child in development, everything has its own time, he will certainly learn everything. Be patient, talk more with your child, read books to him and then your baby will be healthy both mentally and physically.

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