
Newborn 5 months

The development of the child of 5 months continues. The kid is already quickly turning over from the back to the tummy and vice versa, makes attempts in independent sitting, pulling up the body with his hands. His actions become more focused: he joins hands, pushes the ball, grabs it, etc.

It reacts differentially to adults: it gets scared and starts at the sight of strangers, babbles and laughs when communicating with loved ones.

By five months, the child gains a little weight and grows by about 15-18 cm. At the same time, he continues to actively develop and grow, his body is noticeably strengthened. And for a 5-month-old baby to be strong and healthy, it is important that he develops correctly.

Physical activity

At this age, the child boasts good mobility and flexibility of all limbs. He can even do it himself, without knowing it, “gymnastics”. It is worth putting the child on his tummy, he begins to raise his head, spread his arms to the sides, and raises his legs up. When performing such exercises, the muscles of the neck and back of the child are trained and strengthened.

And since the child is very mobile and can easily roll over from his back to his tummy and vice versa, he should not be left alone on the bed to prevent him from falling.

Every day, the coordination and accuracy of movements in the child improves. Toys for a 5 month old baby are useful to lay out around him. This will encourage him to crawl and roll over.

At the age of five months, every child strives to grab something. Such an action is vital in order to be able to manipulate various objects.

But besides the fact that the child wants to touch and touch everything, he still cannot wait to try it and taste it. Not for nothing that many advise to remove all small objects away, otherwise the child may choke on them.

However, the baby tries not only to touch and touch the objects, but also the food, for example, immersing his fingers in mashed potatoes or porridge and licking them with pleasure.

During this period of life, the child develops his hands, squeezing and unclenching various objects. Do not scold him for throwing his toys out of bed. Let it be another fun game. Of course, if the mother already has no strength, then you should turn the attention of the baby to some new toy.

All the while the child is awake, you can devote to games or joint game gymnastics. Any pediatrician can note the benefits of gymnastics. It is enough to devote only 10 minutes a day to this, and the result will be obvious. Usually the exercises are very simple and their implementation gives the baby great pleasure: to spread the arms to the sides, and then cross them on the chest; raise the baby by the elbows, stimulate him to climb to his knees, and then to his legs. You can come up with your own exercises, or consult a doctor, and then make a massage. It will be useful for the baby to arrange water procedures.

Child physiology and psychology

A feature of any child 5 months of age is a great curiosity. He longs to explore the world around him, and in some cases can take the initiative in communicating with strangers.

Of course, the most expensive person for any child at this age is his parents, because they spend most of the time together: feed him, play with him, bathe him and put him to bed.

However, any mother can easily “lose” her child if she leaves for work in the early mornings and constantly leaves her child in the care of relatives or hired nannies. Despite the fact that she gave birth to him, the native person for the baby will be the one who spends most of the time with him. Every woman should know about this fact of affection of her baby.

At this age, children are very fond of when his parents play with them: from simple tickling to tossing up. However, here you need to comply with the measure and not get too carried away. It is worth remembering that the transition from a state where the child has fun, and then it becomes scary, almost invisible, which can disrupt the psyche of the baby.

Games of course should be fun and energetic, but you should not play too actively before bedtime, as the child will be in an excited state for a long time and it will be difficult for him to calm down, not to mention falling asleep.

Hearing, sight and speech

At the age of five months, the child’s hearing becomes better. He can easily find out which side the sounds are coming from. At the same time, he can express his emotions: if he doesn’t like something, he can cry or scream; however, if he liked something, then a smile and a laugh are proof of this.

It is worth noting that for any baby 5 months the most pleasant and desired voice is my mother. If possible, parents should pay more attention to their baby, talk with him, name the surrounding objects to enrich his vocabulary.

Checking your child’s hearing is not difficult. To do this, at a distance of 5-6 meters from the child, you can clap your hands or say something not loudly. The child will respond to any sound made by turning the head towards the sound source, and when you find it with your eyes, it will smile cheerfully. However, if the child’s hearing is disturbing, then you should consult a specialist.

A child at the age of 5 months is already able to noticeably focus on the subject that his parents show him. Moreover, even if you drive them in different directions, the baby will accompany him with a look. To develop the eye muscles, one exercise will be useful: at a distance of 30-35 cm from the child’s eyes, position a brightly colored object and drive it up and down, left and right for several minutes, until the baby is bored.

In addition, a five-month-old baby begins to make more sounds, and his personal sound supply is constantly replenished.

Curious fact! Scientists have noticed one characteristic phenomenon: regardless of the gender of the child, his nationality and place of residence – they all make identical sounds. And even children with limited hearing.


Walking is very important for any growing baby. At the same time, mother may notice that he began to sleep less, he was more interested in everything that happens around him: fluttering snowflakes or falling raindrops; people running about here and there, cars; rustling foliage on trees; singing birds and more.

For the baby, each walk is a new experience, emotions and moods, so it is very important to include as many walks as possible in the daily routine. This is especially true for the summer period, since in winter it is unlikely to take a long walk.

Walking is good not only with new experiences, but also has a positive effect on the health of the child: with each walk, the brain is saturated with another fresh portion of oxygen. While walking with the baby, each mother should tell him everything and note for herself what he is focusing on.


As a rule, the sleep of a 5 month old baby is from 14 to 16 hours, and 10 hours of them is a night’s sleep. The rest of the time is distributed throughout the day. Usually the first dream falls after the first morning feeding and walking.

The second time the baby can fall asleep after 13 hours, just after a lunch meal. Often the baby can fall asleep during the second walk, which is even more useful.

The third time the child can fall asleep in the interval from 17 to 19 hours.


The regimen for a 5 month old baby is very important because it affects its further development. In addition, the observed order is convenient for the mother herself, who also needs rest and strength.

Your daily routine might look something like this :

  • From 6 to 8 hours allotted for morning treatments and feeding;
  • From 8 to 10 hours, the baby can sleep;
  • From 10-10: 30 to 11 hours, the second feeding begins;
  • From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily activity is carried out: you can do massage, gymnastics or go for a walk;
  • From 13 to 14:30 a second daytime sleep is shown, which is preferably carried out in the open air;
  • From 14:30 to 15 hours, the third feeding begins;
  • From 15 to 16:30 hours it’s time to play active and educational games with your child;
  • From 16:30 to 18:30 hours fall on the third dream, which is also advisable to spend in the fresh air.
  • From 18:30 to 19:00 the fourth feeding is carried out;
  • From 19:00 to 22:00 active time for the baby;
  • From 22:00 to 22:30 the last fifth feeding;
  • From 22:30 to 6 am a night’s sleep.

When drawing up the daily routine for a 5-month-old baby, the following should be considered:

  • Day and night sleep should be 14-16 hours.
  • In the daytime, the child can sleep 2 or 3 times, it all depends on his individual characteristics.
  • Every day, the child should receive milk, milk mixture or complementary foods in an amount of 360 to 1000 ml throughout the day.

Each mother will be able to set the day regimen for her baby so that both she and he are comfortable.

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