Many young parents are faced with the problem of crying babies to sleep. Up to 30% of children, it would seem unreasonable can scream and cry before falling asleep day or night.
What are the causes of difficulty falling asleep and cries, if the child is healthy, dry and fed?
Some kids cry before the evening laying on, waking up, and then falling asleep, or they are difficult to put on day-dreams. What are the causes of such laments, it always need the help of a doctor or parents unable to cope on their own?
Baby crying: the norm or not?
Crying is a universal tool for communication of the kid with the outside world, and especially in order to apply signals to parents and others adults about the problem of the crumbs. The reasons for dissatisfaction may be many, and all depends on the situation. It is important to understand that it is impossible to ignore the crying of the child, following bad advice that need to give it procreates and calm down, to tie him to the spoiled and habit to be on hand. Do not think that the periods of crying can go yourself, their child would grow out of.
The baby in this way signaled for help, and if you do not pay attention to such signals in the future, this will lead to serious sleep disorders and problems of emotion and psyche.
By nature a child crying – a kind of universal mechanism, given by nature due to the fact that the child can not speak, but it is important to convey to adults some information about your illness, discomfort or serious emotional problems.
Screaming and crying in children is formed for reasons of various kinds of inconvenience, and not always is the problem of physical well-being. Can often cause crying external stimuli and emotional issues that are beyond even the child because of the immaturity of the nervous system, and in this way may be expressed the fear or protest against others ‘ touch and contact, the fear that the mother isn’t there.
Character crying: how to recognize the signals
Based on the characteristics of the child’s cry, it is possible to draw some conclusions about the state of health of the child and his welfare.
If the newborn is weakened or sick, he would cry quietly and pitifully, whining and moaning. If the cries demanding and loud and they attract attention, it says quite enough nutrition and good health.
When you cry in need, if your baby suddenly froze or he wants to eat, the crying will cease after having satisfied his need – he was put to the breast or given a bottle, drink, wrapped up warm, etc.
If the causes of crying in an emotional excitement, problems with the nervous system or other factors, then the baby will calm down only after it spewed excessive stress, cry, or crying will be relatively long, for different tones and sounds with the active waving his arms and legs. It will be a way of getting rid of stress.
Crying before sleep in infants
At an early age, the baby sleep is very important for the overall state of his health, and especially for the full maturation of the nervous system. Night and day rest is one of the most complete methods of restoring forces that had been actively spent in the previous period of wakefulness. The young child actively grows during sleep is formed, Matures and strengthens the immune system, improved nervous and endocrine system, and the brain actively metabolizes and digests the data obtained from the outside world.
It is important to know that the number of dreams and their qualitative characteristics significantly affect the child’s behavior during wakefulness.
If your baby at such a young age are systematically sleep deprived, it will negatively affect his daytime behavior and activity, health and mood. It would be worse to absorb incoming volumes of information, bad breastfeeding or sucking a bottle, can actively demonstrate their negative mood may be crying and screaming. It is often frequent moods in the daytime can say that the baby is not sleeping and not getting enough sleep.
It is therefore extremely important to strictly observe the regime of sleep and wakefulness from the first days of life, and is absolutely necessary for the whole family. Is daily to perform the same rituals of sleeping, putting baby to sleep, so he was accustomed to the regime. Constant maintenance constant mode of the day helps the child to develop better. If there are problems of the regime, discomfort or fatigue, imbalance nervous system, it threatens to cry before sleep and difficulty in falling asleep.
The causes tend to be physical factors
If the child falls asleep and the long-term constant or intermittent crying, do not immediately panic and think that something happened. Parents need to get control of yourself, not showing irritation and hysteria, and reveal the true causes of the child’s anxiety. Most often, these reasons are objective physical factors.
The baby’s hunger. Often, children may refuse to sleep in because they’re hungry, not needas mother’s milk (if rarely applied, limit to stay at the breast), incorrectly calculating the volume of the mixture for feeding, and later injected fishing lures, incorrectly calculating the volume of food for each meal (if children older than six months). Often such children crying and poor sleep can in the early period in infants to witness the manifestation of problems with lactation. Then you need to make every effort to increase volumes of milk, often to put baby to the breast.
Often such problems arise in the period of the so-called growth shocks (previously wrongly called lactational crises), and then it is important not to get the mixture, but to encourage the separation of a larger volume of milk. Can help lactation consultants, pediatrician, or a more experienced mom. For children iskusstvennomu you can try to change the mixture.
The hunger cry usually starts as a whimper, resulting in an increasingly loud and demanding screaming and crying. This will mark the behaviors with a winding head in search of breast, smacking lips or sucking the edges of the diaper.
Wet clothes, full diaper. Often children feel marked discomfort from the wet clothes and skin, filling the diaper and skin contact with its contents. In this case, they groan and cry, loud and demanding, Sutch legs and handles, all Drygas body. After changing the diaper of cleaning and dressing up usually the problem is eliminated.
Crying because of the discomfort and pain. Often if you experience pain or an unpleasant, uncomfortable sensations from the body children plaintive and painful scream. Often these cries and sleep problems accompanied by teething, even if teeth have not appeared in the gums felt itchy and uncomfortable pressure, a voltage, which may increase in the evening because of fatigue. This can lead to irritation and weeping of the child. Can help special teething toys, gum massage or the use of painkillers and soothing gels.
The influence of external factors, objectively hinder sleep. Often kids can cry if they are tired and want to sleep but can’t sleep because of the influence of various external factors that can be both on the street and in the apartment, child. These may include a loud noise from the operating machinery, passing vehicles or the repair of the neighbors, the bright light from Windows or lighting as well as too cold or, on the contrary, the hot air in the house. It is important to eliminate irritating factors, especially temperature and those that are in the apartment. That baby is too hot, can talk his sweating and redness of the face, fever and cries, too hot and poorly ventilated room it may be difficult to sleep, and the presence of dust and bad smell, rare cleaning can provoke and even mucous irritation and even allergic reactions. Weeping can arise because of inconvenience of the posture and long in her presence, if the kid still did not know how to turn. Not less perturbation, it can be rubbing or tight, uncomfortable clothes if pressure fold, clasps or sovici.
When falling asleep the child should not have sharp or loud noises, but also to the absolute silence to teach is not worth it. It is important that the baby could fall asleep to the sounds of monotonous running regular household appliances and home soft voices in the other rooms. This will help sleep better and all the rest of the family in the period of dreams, to lead their usual life, not leading to immediate awakening of crumbs.
Special cause: colic
At the age of about three weeks until the fourth month of life the reasons for crying can be a particular problem of babies intestinal colic. This is a problem of functional character associated with impaired regulation of the tonus of the colon and its motility. Appear cramps are painful spasms and bloating tummy that is making itself felt in shrill cries and laments, urging the legs to the tummy and calm after the discharge of gas or stool.
Usually, the peak of intestinal colic falls on the evening, from about 17 to 20 hours, and many parents celebrate this period as “the wailing hour”, during which the baby is inconsolable, screaming almost continuously at the high notes, weakening cries for as reduced a spasm. Often the screams lasted up to an hour or two, with fists clenched, legs cast to the belly, face red.
As soon as the spasm passes and the child gets tired, he usually falls asleep and sleeps long enough, but to endure such laments not all parents are in the forces without any assistance, so there are several tips to relief colic. They are not universal, and often have to try several of them to find those that are most effective in relation to your baby.
The most popular and effective according to parents are:
- Wearing the bare crumbs tummy to his warm belly to warm and soothe
- Use warm diaper or pad wrapped in a diaper on the tummy
- Massage the belly with your fingers in a circular motion, stroking the tummy in a clockwise direction
- Use warm dryer, with a directional on the tummy crumbs a squirt (it is important to only choose a mode that it does not burn), the monotonous hum of soothing.
- In the absence of stool and bloating on the background of colic in extreme cases can help the vapor tube or rubber bulb with a soft tip and cut off the bottom. After the discharge of gas usually becomes easier.
Often to eliminate colic or a decrease in their activity use a variety of popular recipes and drugs like a nursing mother and for the child. Their effectiveness is also questionable, someone they are very helpful, and someone – no effect at all. So, for breastfeeding mothers the tea with fennel, and for children – a decoction of fennel seeds (dill water) and drops of vegetable or synthetic, they reduce the excitability of the intestine, have a calming and shapeways gas bubbles effect. But often these drugs give a temporary effect or form allergies, so need to pick them up individually.
Sometimes the manifestation of colic can be taken other health problems that should be treated more carefully. So may manifest intolerance of the mixture, Allergy, disruption of the microbial balance of the intestine and even intestinal infection. This is especially likely when the “colic” occur over three months, and the physiological maturation of the gut almost completed.
Therefore, in such matters and determining the causes of problems with tummy best Advisor will be the pediatrician, who after a careful examination and interviews will determine the causes of discomfort and crying, and advise the ways of dealing with them.
Vitamin deficiency: rickets
Often the cause of irritability and problems with the nervous system, poor sleep and crying becomes a vitamin deficiency in a child, especially vitamin D, which also hurts the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, leading to the formation of rickets. It is especially likely in children born in the autumn and spring living in regions with a shortage of solar activity and rarely staying in the open air and sunshine. They need additional subsidy of vitamin during the first two years, especially in the period when natural sunlight is not enough.
A deficiency of vitamin D is compensated only by prescription and at a certain dosage, self-medication is prohibited, dangerous, and an overdose of this drug.
The initial manifestations of rickets can be quite non-specific symptoms – is the increased fearfulness crumbs, wiping and rolling hairs on the back of the head, restlessness and crying, interrupted sleep, sweating. Usually there are similar first symptoms at the age of 2-3 months, gradually growing without proper correction.
Emotional problems: crying baby
Often any health problems or defects in the child care there, but he still cries before bed and could not fall asleep. Reasons for this may be the immaturity of the nervous system and its overload.
So, often babies can cry in the evening because of fatigue and excitation (similar to the adults, who also may be familiar with this problem). In this regard, young children are recommended not to overload the emotions, not only negative, but positive. The nervous system is still fail all of them adequately digest. Before going to sleep is to abandon the noisy games and activities, need a quiet activity, reading books, drawing and quiet environment around. Important rituals, which enhances the calming and sleep. Often a good sedative effect have a walk on fresh air or stay in the stroller on the balcony.
Crying before bed are energy output by excess of fatigue (fatigue). The younger the child, the more new information about the world he gets every day, he every day there are new experiences and events. Especially hard it can be when mass parishes guests or visit relatives, the next night after such visits can be hectic – children often long time can’t sleep or Wake up in the night crying. Due to this behavior takes the excess voltage and comes the calm. Should take these laments adequately, calming the baby and hugging her, stroking her back, soft speaking in a monotonous voice or singing.
At the initial stage of shouting it may seem ineffective, but as the time you have developed special rituals, quickly and effectively extinguishing such laments. The child will be “automatically” to start the program calm in the repetition of the same events.
Neurological diagnoses or characteristics of children?
Up to 70% of children of early age (approximately three years) have the neurologists diagnosis hyperexcitability, and such a conclusion is nothing dangerous and scary there. Children with similar characteristics of the nervous system often can’t sleep without “roar” all the day stored energy, spilling the excess into mourning. They have a shallow and very light sleep, often it may be interrupted by bouts of crying. Often help sedative herbs and fees, the strict regime of the day.
Often crying babies become a form of protest because they are separated from their mother and attempt to put your baby to bed. If parents question the relocation of the crumbs into a place of their own finally resolved, will have to show a certain vitality in this matter, adequately responding to the protests, but without succumbing to the manipulation. If co-sleeping is not related to taboo for the family, you can organize it, then the child will be easier to fall asleep feeling the mother inhaling the scents of her body and hearing her breathing and heartbeat. In this case, the sleep will be calmer and stronger. But then still there will come a stage when you need relocation to a separate bed and it will need to survive.
In any case, it is important to understand that crying before sleep is a signal of the child, dedicated parents, they should pay attention to the problems of the baby, to identify all the factors that concerned him, and eliminate them.