
How to catch worms

For anybody not a secret that the risk of infection with worms mainly include children. Attributed to this category and adults, whose professional activity is associated with a probability of exposure of the worms (fishermen, employees of the meat departments in stores).

Worms can be transmitted in the most unpredictable places. It is known that the parasites pass from one host to another, while in the larval stage. To prevent infection it is possible only in case if possess enough information about the features of the penetration of worms in the human body.

First, let’s immediately dispel the myth, according to which personal hygiene is the only method for the prevention of helminthiasis.

In fact, the purity plays a huge role in the prevention of this disease. However, to avoid ingress of worms is not easy, and only a regular hand wash is not enough. According to statistics, at least one of the types of parasitic infestations can get out of every three people on the planet.

The main ways of penetration of parasites in the human body

To catch worms is quite simple, but to avoid possible sources of infection very difficult.

The main ways of infection there are several:

  • Contact-household way of transfer of worms. These include transmission of infection from infected domestic animals (dogs, cats, rodents, turtles, birds), common goods and from person to person.
  • Alimentary. The larvae of the parasite penetrate a healthy body through dirty hands, the nails containing helminth eggs water, unwashed food.
  • Vector-borne. Source of infestation of worms are blood-sucking insects.
  • Percutaneous. It is easy to get infected through kissing with patients and after contact with eggs of parasites on the skin or mucous membranes.

To get inside the body parasites can while bathing in the pond. Sometimes the microscopic eggs of the worms that are difficult to see with the naked eye, can be in the air. In the body such pathogenic particles penetrate through the respiratory system.

Species diversity of helminthes that can be transmitted, does not cause significant differences in the principles of getting parasites inside the body. Worms being at any stage of their physiological development, is able to reach a new habitat, which often is the small intestine of an infected person.

Once inside, the worm begins to proliferate and to eat within the resources of his master. No treatment guarantees an increase in the number of parasites and the further deterioration of the General condition of the patient. In addition, the carrier worms is a potential threat to others, because since the infection automatically become a source of proliferation of worms.

The infestation from one person to another

Worms are transmitted between people, a variety of ways. Frequently diagnosed diseases of modern man can be called enterobiasis and ascariasis. The eggs of these worms enter the body due to their strong attachment to any surface. They are covered in a sticky substance, so easily remain on the carrier. Pinworms, for example, when infected very quickly dissipate through the intestines. In humans they usually are on the hands, under the nails and move from a sick to healthy.

In addition, the eggs of pinworms are spread on clothing and household items that contact infected. Thus, in the absence of timely medical prophylaxis are at risk to become infected with other family members and people who have had close physical relationship with the media parasites.

There are many answers to the question about how can I catch worms from another person. An interesting point is the possibility of placental transfer of worms that infection takes place in utero. It should be noted that the risk of infectious disease in the baby is quite high if the bot’s mother appeared before pregnancy. Even if in the prenatal period the child managed to avoid infection, it is passing through the birth canal sick mother, it is unlikely.

It is also known that children who are breastfed can not become infected through breast milk. But contact-household method of infection is quite likely, if the baby will be treated with unwashed hands or body, the probability of infection increases several times.

What types of parasites can jump from Pets to humans?

To get worms from the dog or cat is possible. However, the animals in the body can be completely different types of worms. It is essential to understand the features of helminth infection cat or dog to be fully prepared and to prevent the penetration of worms in the body:

  1. 1. Trichinella. Live inside the bodies of animals, because the soil environment is not suitable for their maturation. If the infection definitely was not from Pets, then the cause of worms in the body was the use of poor-quality dairy products.
  2. 2. Toxocara. Representatives of the class of parasitic worms are able to Mature in the intestine of mammals. These worms are transmitted from dog to man, impossible to find in cats.
  3. 3. Ancylostoma caninum. Catch from cats this type of worms also fail. This nematode lives only in the digestive tract of a dog, but feels great on her skin. Once in the body (for example, a person stroked her pet and did not wash hands afterwards), it provokes inflammatory processes in the intestine.
  4. 4. Dirofilaria feline. The parasite of this species is slowly killing the cardiovascular system of its carrier. Worms abides not in the intestine like most worms, but in the arteries and heart. Infect humans, usually insects (mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, etc.)
  5. 5. The Echinococcus. This kind of parasite worms exclusively in the liver, toxins affecting other organs. Hydatid cyst without timely treatment, can result in death for the sick.

Pharmacy means parasites

To get rid of worms and prevent them from entering in the human body today possible. Verdict for the patient is neither one of these diagnoses. However, it is worth remembering that all drugs from worms have some level of toxicity, therefore the use of antiparasitic drugs should be under the supervision of physicians. Effective in controlling and preventing hookworms in humans are:

  1. 1. Pyrantel. Is a broad spectrum of action, which adversely affects the livelihoods of worms in the intestines, causing paralysis of the muscular system. Pyrantel has a lot of contraindications and side effects, including dyspepsia, sleep disturbances, dizziness and allergic reaction.
  2. 2. Vermoxum and Nematol. They are considered to be particularly necessary in the treatment of combined helminth infections, as it contributed to provoking irreversible changes in the metabolic processes of the worms. However, the health carrier of parasites medications affect not the best way. The most severe consequences of taking the drugs may be the development of hepatic dysfunction, the appearance of blood in the urine and baldness.
  3. 3. Dekaris. One of the most common drugs in a piece of appointments of patients with helminthiasis. Is effective in infection with Ascaris. Paralyzed worms after treatment leave the body together with feces.

Preventive basis

In addition, during the treatment and preventive purpose it is important to observe the basic principles of prevention of illness. They consist in the rejection of an unhealthy lifestyle and strict implementation of hygienic rules:

  • after visiting the toilet and before eating food do not forget about the importance of hand-washing;
  • be sure to parboil vegetables and fruits before eating;
  • a complete rejection of the last raw or insufficient thermal processing of meat, fish;
  • in any case not to drink water from the tap, or open reservoirs.

Forecast of helminths often favorable. To prevent disease, detect it and start timely treatment will help the passage of the systematic laboratory examination.

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