While still in the hospital, the mother receives all the necessary initial information about how to properly care for an infant in the first few months of life: bathe, feed, walk with him etc.
At this time, parents think of teething think it’s too early.
But concerns about the child, time moves rapidly, and here comes a time when a baby starts to cut teeth. This time marked the first major changes in the body of the baby and is associated with serious discomfort, both for himself and for parents.
When there is teething?
The eruption of milk teeth in children is the most important milestone in the development of the child up to a year. The first dentition shows that breast the baby has grown! Usually the teeth erupt when the child turns six months. However, these boundaries are much wider.
Baby teeth can erupt as early, on the third or fourth month of life, and later, on the eighth to tenth month. We must remember that the sooner you cut the teeth, the more care they do need. Sometimes it happens that the child is already born has a few teeth.
The appearance of milk teeth in a child may be accompanied by fever, drowsiness, runny nose, upset stomach. In such cases it is better to consult a doctor. However, these symptoms are not at all. Perhaps they will bypass your little party.
The timing of the appearance of the first milk teeth in a baby
The time when children begin to erupt the first teeth is quite difficult. During this period, the child becomes fretful, cries and shows anxiety. This is a difficult time for both the child and his parents. There is an issue of how to help the baby in such a difficult period. Of course, a guaranteed means of getting rid of unpleasant feelings during the period of teething does not exist. But to ease the child’s condition, to minimize the negative manifestations of this process is possible.
There is an important point that parents should consider. There is no single scheme and the timing of teething in infants. All of the written scheme is only a guideline. The body of any child is strictly individual, and this means that the teeth to erupt every child will be at the time. Moreover, even if we are talking about the twins (twins, triplets), not necessarily that this process will start from them simultaneously.
Of course, there are some pediatric calculations according to which, the process of eruption starts closer to 6 months of life. The onset year of the child, according to the same statistics, should be about 6-8 teeth. However, this is not always so. Even in the year of the teeth may not be, and it is a normal variant. Of course, this is true only if there are no impediments to beginning of the process (diseases, malformations, etc.).
From this we can say that accurately determine the timing of teething is simply impossible, as they are unpredictable.
In order to ascertain the approximate time of the beginning of the process, you will have to consider many external and internal factors, such as:
- The hereditary factor (genetic features).
- Environmental conditions (climate).
- The diet of the child, quality and chemical composition of water consumed.
- The presence of pathologies of the endocrine system.
- Quality child care and others.
If there is a delay in teething, it could be a physiological norm.
But there is also the risk of pathologies associated with developmental disorders and congenital anomalies:
- Edentulous – a congenital disorder in which no rudiments of teeth. In this case, the teeth appear simply from nowhere. To define pathology using intraoral radiology or x-ray.
- Rickets is primarily a children’s disease, the mechanism of which is the lack of ability of body to absorb vitamin D. up broken intake necessary for growth and development of tissues (including bone tissue) of calcium salts. For this reason, the teeth can start to erupt much later.
The rudiments of the teeth are laid in the first weeks of fetal development (approximately 6-7 weeks). At this time, the mother may not even know about her pregnancy.
The order of the teething child
The order of teething is already determined by nature. The first to erupt is usually the lower front teeth and then the top. The whole scheme is teething shown in the diagram below. Fangs, a marked number 7 in the diagram, grow the most difficult, so take care of the child from colds during this time. Milk teeth are fully formed by the age of three.
Much more clear is the question of priority teething. First erupt the teeth of the lower row Central incisors. They can grow at the same time and can turn. Behind them, on the principle of parity of the same name teeth upper teeth erupt.
Then begin to appear lateral incisors, first the lower two, then two upper teeth. As a rule, children under one year of age, already have all incisors, 4 bottom, 4 top.
Then they begin to erupt teeth, but they give way to future molars, so in their place often found the so-called “tooth gaps”. Behind the canines erupt the other teeth.
According to medical practice, teeth erupt and fall out as follows:
- The Central incisors. Bottom erupt at 6-10 months, the top – 7-12. Drop in 6-8 years.
- Lateral incisors. Lower cut at 7-16 months, upper 9-12. Drop by 7-8 years.
- Fangs. The lower canines erupt at age 16-23 months. Top – 16-22 months. Drop in 9-12 years.
- The first molars. Bottom erupt in 12-18 months. Upper – 13-19. Drop in 9-11 years.
- The second molars. Lower 20-31 erupt in a month. Upper – 25-33 months fall in 10-12 years.
The scheme is teething
A detailed diagram of the teeth shown in the table:
The tooth (numbers indicate order of appearance) | Teeth in order of appearance | The average time of occurrence (months) |
1, the Lower Central incisors | 6-10 | |
The 2 Upper Central incisors | 7-12 | |
3 Upper lateral incisors | 9-12 | |
4 Lower lateral incisors | 7-16 | |
5 First molars (upper) | 13-19 | |
6 the First molars (lower) | 12-18 | |
7 Fangs | 16-23 | |
8 Second molars (lower) | 20-31 | |
8 Second molars (upper) | 25-33 |
By the time of occurrence the age of three, the child has 20 teeth (incisors, canines, molars). However, here all individually. All 20 teeth can erupt much earlier (2-2.5 years).
Sometimes in medical practice, there are curious cases. So, at the appointment with the pediatrician brought the baby, who in a year and a half cut 19 teeth. The last of the teeth erupted only a year later.
How many milk teeth should be present in a child?
As to how many milk teeth should be in a child like myself indifferent to their own children parents. This question starts to bother them when the baby six months of age. The eruption of each tooth is often accompanied by sleepless nights, screaming baby, fever, swelling of the gums and other unpleasant symptoms.
All milk teeth in the mouth baby by age two, you should receive twenty pieces. They erupt gradually, with a certain order, although this process takes place at each child individually and time of appearance of the teeth can vary.
Narrow teeth located front dental called incisors, appear first. Then comes the turn of molars is wide teeth, which are located deeper in the oral cavity. Narrow teeth are used for biting pieces of food and wide for grinding and chewing.
First in the mouth appear lower and upper Central incisors, then next to them are the lateral incisors. Next in line are the upper and then the lower molars. The penultimate baby teeth are fangs, and complete the process of the emergence of the second upper and lower molars.
Thus, in the mouth of a child approximately two years or older will be 20 milk teeth which will be replaced by the permanent dentition.
As to the increase or decrease in the number of teeth, it is very rare, since the beginnings of teeth appear during fetal development. Disease periodontia is a kind of mutation in the body of the child, during which a person are formed and begin to erupt, or remain inside the jaw in the form of rudiments, additional pairs of teeth. Science a famous person with this mutation, who throughout his life was cut 232 of the tooth. Periodontia – the disease is rare, so the parents for this reason you should not. In recent years, was only a few cases of its occurrence.
How does the kid’s body to the appearance of the first tooth?
The process of teething essentially loads all body systems of the child. Therefore, despite its naturalness and physiology, it is associated with serious discomfort and a number of unpleasant complications.
Mom can ease teething baby, using dental gel Holisal®. The local application main active ingredient choline salicylate is absorbed through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, providing mestnoanesteziruyuschee, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. He has also antimicrobial and antifungal activity (acid and alkaline). Catalonia chloride antiseptic effect on bacteria, but also fungi and viruses. The gel adhesive base which helps to keep on the mucosa of the active ingredients. Holisal® dental gel triple action for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa (gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis) as well as to relieve the pain of teething in children. Helps relieve pain, reduces inflammation, acts on viruses, bacteria and fungi.1
In the period of teething the child’s immune system is under heavy strain and weakening. Therefore it is not necessary to subject the already weakened organism of exposure to infectious agents. In particular, we should postpone all vaccinations and other medical procedures.
Symptoms that are observed in the eruption of the teeth, also individual and depend on the state of health of the child at this point in time.
There are a number of symptoms, which occur most frequently.
They can be considered as a reference point and a marker of the beginning of the process:
- Increased secretion of saliva.
- Loss of appetite. Possible a complete rejection of food.
- Increasing physical activity of the child, the desire to grab, to pull in your mouth and bite. The reason lies in the itching, covering the gums.
- Puffiness and swelling of the gums.
- Irritability, sleep disturbances.
Increased salivation
Increased secretion of saliva also contributes to the development of some of the associated symptoms.
They can be informative markers of the beginning process of teething.
- The development of the common cold (due to the fact that saliva gets into the middle ear).
- Crackling, coughing, especially when lying. The reason lies in the fact that saliva gets into your throat.
- Violations of the chair (slight relief).
- Because of the profuse discharge of saliva there is irritation in the skin of the breast, mouth, chin.
Irritability, sudden mood change
Irritability is the main and most common among children the sign of the beginning of teething.
Causes of discomfort are as follows:
- Itching in the area of eruption. Itching may radiate to the ears, cheeks, nose. Unbearable itching makes the child nervous.
- Pain due to eruption of the tooth through the soft, rich nerve endings of the gum tissue.
Vomiting and diarrhea
Vomiting and diarrhea is infrequent companions of the process of teething. We can talk about what the child has swallowed some saliva. But if vomiting or diarrhea recur, increased body temperature is likely the culprit of such condition has become a particular infectious agent. There are a great many: Astrovirus, noroviruses, rotaviruses, adenoviruses, caliciviruses. Lesions caused by them, have the same name intestinal or stomach flu. In this case, can not do without medical help. So do not delay the visit to the pediatrician.
The fever and malaise
Body temperature when teething is increased very often. Figures do not usually exceed 38.5 degrees. The reason is the development of inflammation of the lining of the baby’s mouth. Symptom not a great danger. The temperature subsides in 2-3 days and returns to normal levels in 36.6.
Independently to distinguish the development of infectious diseases from teething is not so simple. Often, in the early stages of infection, at a time when bacteria or viruses multiply more rapidly can make overall unfavorable condition of the child for the appearance of the teeth. Therefore, if you notice two or more of the above manifestations should immediately contact the pediatrician.
Relieve the symptoms and General condition of the child when teething – it is not easy. Fortunately, there are some guidelines by which the process can be made less unpleasant.
The first thing you can do is to provide the child with specially designed “rodent”.
- Device teethers. Satisfy the child’s need for chewing. Within are filler (liquid or gel). Designed for use in chilled. The cold helps calm the itching and burning. The main disadvantage of these teethers – the need constantly to keep them cool.
- Nipples, bottles. Also designed to meet the needs of children in chewing. When selecting a nipple, and devices it is important to consider their shape. Frequent use of objects with irregular shapes can lead to the development of malocclusion in the future. Therefore, preference should be given special orthodontic nipples. The best materials – silicone or latex.
- Gum massage. Baby’s gums can be massaged with wet swabs of gauze. In this way it is possible not only to remove the discomfort in the mouth, but hold her hygiene. The main condition is that the smoothness and accuracy of movements.
- The use of a special brush and fingertip. You can give preference to and modern means. The brush also allows for the care of the oral cavity of a child, simultaneously having areas of teething.
Medicines for children teething
The modern market of pharmaceutical products offers a huge number of tools to deal with unpleasant companions of the process of teething. This is no accident. Indeed, many of the non-drug ways to facilitate the child’s condition is not sufficiently effective. Of course, uncontrolled use of drugs is unacceptable. Most of them contain lidocaine.
Before applying you should consult with your pediatrician.
- Solcoseryl. Available in gel form. Effective when there are open sores on the gums. The approximate cost is 200 rubles.
- The dentinox. Complex preparation containing chamomile extract and lidocaine. Acts as an anesthetic while removing the inflammation. Produced in the form of gel or drops. Not allowed frequent use (up to 3 times a day). May produce an allergic reaction. Approximate price – 200 rubles.
- Kalgel – based tool lidocaine. Has a mild anesthetic effect. Has a sweet flavor and can be the culprit of allergic reactions. It can be used with 5 months. The gel can be used up to 6 times a day. Time intervals between doses of the gel should be at least 20-30 minutes. Price – about 300 roubles.
- Baby doctor first teeth. Unlike previous funds, has a completely herbal origin. Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Despite its origins – allergenic. Cost – about 170 rubles.
- Holisal. Has anti-inflammatory effect due to its composition of choline salicylate. The cost is about 300 rubles. Use of the drug can be up to 2-3 times a day.
- Homeopathic medicines – DataNorm baby, which is a homeopathic remedy compound action.
DataNorm baby eliminates three problems caused by teething:
- Relieves inflammation.
- Eliminates painful sensation.
- Helps to normalize digestion.
Often unknowingly, doctors prescribe children Kamistad. However long Kamistad baby (safe for kids version of a drug) is not available, and the usual Kamistad contraindicated in children under 12 years.
The use of any drug has the possibility of developing side effects. Therefore, you should consult with a specialist. In addition, whether or not to use a particular drug, parents should decide on the basis of the health status of the child’s General condition and other internal and external factors.
Key findings
It is forbidden to give the child a sweet and honeyed as the teething, and after. This can lead to the development of caries.
- To reduce the inflammation and discomfort can be a rubdown oral mucosa of a child with solutions of medicinal plants (chamomile, etc.). Fortunately, they are safe.
- After the first tooth – we should not forget about oral hygiene. Especially for young children, there are pasta with marking from 0. They are harmless and is not able to exert a negative impact on the child’s body.
In the period of teething the child is more than ever in need of maternal care and attention. So don’t be afraid to spoil it. Often need to put the baby to the breast, play with him and generally spend as much time as possible. Then this difficult time will be much easier to survive.
There are contraindications. Must be familiar with the instruction or to consult with a specialist.
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