
How to brush your teeth with paste or powder

The undoubted advantage of the powder is that it strengthens the gums. Regardless of which brush to brush your teeth, they will in any case be perfectly cleaned, since the particles more thoroughly clean out food debris and plaque. Not every paste copes with this task as easily.

If a person is confident in the quality of the powder and in the constituent components of the composition, then you can give preference to him. They usually clean teeth well and have the advantage of a natural composition. But it should be remembered that there is a high probability of scratching the enamel if there are too large particles or too hard to brush too hard.

In the absence of amenities, it is better to give preference to toothpaste, since it can be used without additional manipulations in the form of soaking and turning it into slurry. Whereas the powder needs it. Also, the paste is more convenient in that it is always hermetically closed and it is easy to squeeze it onto the brush.

When making powder yourself, you should know that some components are incompatible with each other. Therefore, there is a risk of harming your teeth and gums. In order to make it yourself, you need to read special literature and select the substances in the right way. Only in this case will it have a positive effect.

It is equally possible to brush your teeth with both paste and powder with any toothbrush, including an electric one. The only difference is that when using the second one, the electric brush will act somewhat hard on the enamel, as a result of which it can be injured.

Modern people are used to brushing their teeth twice a day with toothpaste. Tooth powder has long been a thing of the past, although now it has become fashionable to buy it. Powders, like pastes, come with different additives and from different manufacturers. How they differ from each other and which of them is more useful for a smile – read on.


Currently, many different products are sold with different compositions made by different manufacturers for enamel cleansing. Each of them has a specific effect on the enamel and gums of a person.

What are they:

  • Anticaries
  • For sensitive enamel.
  • To strengthen the gums.
  • Whitening.
  • Consisting of natural ingredients.
  • For children.

The choice in pharmacies and shops of any city and village is great. In order to choose the right paste, it is better to seek the advice of a dentist. Only in this case will he be able to correctly select an individual product.

Most people buy or anticaries or anti-inflammatory, as it is believed that they have a positive effect on enamel and gums and clean the teeth well.

There are products with fluoride and without fluoride in the composition. This very important component in excess can cause irreversible effects on enamel. There is a disease that can be easily obtained due to the frequent use of fluoridating pastes. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the region where the person lives. There are regions with an excess of fluorine in water, and there are deficient ones.

In addition to fluorine, substances such as aluminum, sodium and tin are usually added to dentifrices . There is no consensus on the benefits or harms of toothpastes, however, all people know that swallowing them is undesirable. Even children’s products are not intended to be swallowed, but in small quantities this is permissible. Therefore, parents try to teach their child to rinse their mouth thoroughly after brushing from early childhood.


Powders are different in composition and effect. The composition of modern dry products is slightly different from those that used to brush your teeth before. Currently, the main active ingredient is not chalk, but white clay or other additives. In addition, they often add additional components, such as minerals or various essential oils.

The most popular right now are whitening products. They can be used not only for cleaning with a brush, but also as an application for 10-15 minutes. They contain not only the main component, but also soda, and specific small granules, which should have a whitening effect.

What are they:

  • Bleaching.
  • Mint.
  • For gum health.
  • With the addition of additives.
  • Without additives.

The method of applying the powder remained the same as it was before. It is necessary to apply it to the brush and add a little water, or vice versa, wet the brush and sprinkle the product on it. It is necessary to try not to get into the jar with a brush, so as not to bring bacteria there. It is best to use a special stick or spoon, pouring the components on the brush itself.

After use, thoroughly rinse your mouth with clean water. Self-cleaning should be done at least twice a day.

Similarities and differences

Both tools are used for the same purpose – to cleanse teeth from plaque, food debris and bacteria. They have many differences, but their main action is thorough cleansing and it is always well performed. The main thing is to follow the rules.

There are supporters of the paste who claim that only it can thoroughly clean the teeth of bacteria and plaque. However, this is not quite true. The powder also has disadvantages.

These include:

  1. You have to use a spatula or spoon.
  2. Enamel may be accidentally damaged if coarse particles are present or if strong pressure is applied during cleaning.
  3. With self-preparation, you can add the wrong additives and harm the oral cavity.

Pasta also has some cons. Among them:

  • Harmful additives like sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • The pasta is easy to swallow, but it is not very good for human health.
  • You can pick up incorrectly and damage the enamel.

Of course, brushing her teeth is a little more convenient, since she does not need to be soaked and turned into gruel before brushing. Dry means is more laborious to use and has more disadvantages.

Pricing is completely different. You can find pasta much cheaper than powder and vice versa. It depends mainly on the manufacturer and the presence of some special components.

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