
How to get rid of allergies folk remedies at home

Allergies can occur in a mild form (the slight irritation in contact with the allergen) and severe, until angioedema and anaphylactic shock – a life-threatening human condition. Most often its development-affected people in the family which was already observed cases of Allergy.

Children also often suffer from allergic reactions.

Allergy is a diagnosis for life. However, even with a chronic disease can live a full life. In addition to medical drugs, there is also traditional medicine, which help not only to remove the Allergy attack in the home, but will significantly make your life easier.

What is an Allergy

Allergic reactions in human organism occur when the immune system errs in evaluating foreign substances, such as pollen, grasses and trees, bee venom, microscopic dead skin cells of animals or food. It produces special substances, or antibodies that recognize the substance as harmful, although in reality it is not. When a person comes into contact with the allergen, the reaction of the immune system can cause redness and itching of the skin, fill with mucus the sinuses and cause swelling of the airway or affect the digestive system.

Allergy symptoms

Allergic symptoms depend on the specific stimulus and may affect the respiratory tract, sinuses, skin and digestive system.

Respiratory allergies (hayfever, allergic rhinitis) can cause sneezing, itchy nose, runny nose, conjunctivitis (increased lacrimation, inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye). Allergens in this case are pollen, skin cells, animals, dust mites, mold.

Food allergies are responsible for swelling of the lips, tongue, face, throat, itching, hives and anaphylactic shock. Most often it is caused by nuts (hazelnut, peanut), cereals (wheat, soya), seafood, eggs, dairy products.

Allergy to insect stings (e.g., bees or wasps) causes swelling at the bite site, itching all over the body, rash, cough, constrained breathing, anaphylactic shock.

Drug allergies can cause hives, itching, skin rashes, barking cough, anaphylactic shock. Most often, allergic reaction penicillin, or drugs based on it.

Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, can cause itching, redness of the skin with formation of vesicles and crusts. Cause it can touch to such substances as latex.

The presence of allergies increases the risk of other medical problems, including seizures bronhialny asthma (an immune system response that affects the respiratory tract; most often caused by the presence of the allergen in the environment, e.g., dust mites). Also for allergies increased the risk of developing sinusitis and infections of the ears and the lungs; this risk even increased in asthma.

Anaphylactic shock

Some types of allergies, including allergies to foods and insect stings can cause a severe reaction known as anaphylactic shock. It threatens a person’s life. If the person lost consciousness, his blood pressure dropped, he breathes heavily, he’s dizzy, the pulse quick and weak, it made him sick or vomiting – all signs of anaphylactic shock.

When you need to go to the doctor

In instances when man sees himself allergic symptoms, and medicines sold without a prescription, do not help, you can consult a doctor. If symptoms arise after you start taking a new medicine, you should immediately consult with the appointing doctor.

If it came to anaphylactic shock, you should immediately call an ambulance or seek urgent medical help. It is desirable to have an injector with adrenaline and immediately apply it. Even if after the injection the symptoms have disappeared, you should immediately seek medical help – you should make sure that they have passed permanently after the effects of adrenaline will pass.

Diagnosis: allergic

When determining the cause of allergies need to consult a doctor. After examination, the doctor may recommend to undergo either a skin test for allergies (when the doctor makes a small prick or scratch the skin with special medical tool, and then does it matter containing the potential allergen), or do a blood test (if it is determined by the number contained in the blood to specific allergens).

The treatment of allergies and its prevention

First of all it is necessary to avoid exposure to allergen. For example, if a person is allergic to pollen in the flowering period of plants is recommended whenever possible as much as possible to be at home, with closed Windows, doors, and installed air filters high purification. If allergic to dust mites, the best way to prevent its occurrence – as often as possible to do dry and wet cleaning.

Drugs. Depending on the type of Allergy medications can help to reduce the degree of immune response to the irritant and to relieve symptoms. The doctor may prescribe drugs in the form of tablets, nasal sprays, inhalers, eye drops or liquids or injections.

If the Allergy is severe and difficult to treat, the doctor may suggest to start immunotherapy. In this method of treatment the patient is deliberately exposed to the allergen in small doses, usually within a few years. Introduces the allergen into the body in the form of 1 tablet under the tongue or injections. Not all allergies can be cured in this way; in many cases, successful treatment depends on individual reactions.

To control allergic reactions is helpful keeping a journal. To write, preferably every day, to note their condition after exposure to certain substances. This will help as to identify allergies and prevent exacerbation of allergic.

If the Allergy is severe, should always wear a medical alert bracelet and automatic injector with adrenaline.

Allergy treatment folk remedies at home

Some types of allergies can be significantly easier with the help of home treatment.

Allergic rhinitis

In allergic rhinitis caused by pollen, dust mites or other airborne allergens is very useful to rinse the nasopharynx – they help to reduce the amount of mucus, which can cause respiratory disease. For this purpose you can either buy in a drugstore special liquid to prepare the solution yourself by mixing half a teaspoon with a glass of boiled warm water (if washing the person feels a burning sensation, the amount of salt should be reduced). To enter the solution in the nose can be used as a disposable syringe after removing its needle, and a special little teapot (“Neti”) or an elastic bottle with a screw cap (fluid is drawn into the nose when compressing walls of the vial). The purity of the devices should be monitored closely in order not to worsen the Allergy infection. Ideally, if they can boil or wash in a dishwasher the temperature in the decontamination mode.

Water treatments can cause short-term relief for allergies, clearing the sinuses and respiratory tract. In flowering time the hot water not only washes away the allergens from the skin and hair, but also prevents them from spreading in the house. For this reason, it is recommended to take a shower immediately after coming home.

In allergic rhinitis, sneezing, itching of the nose to alleviate the patient’s condition may inhalation. Doing it at home is very simple – just pour boiling water in a deep bowl or a pot, throw a towel on your head and leaning over a bowl of water, deeply inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes. You should be careful stooping too low, don’t burn your face. If inhalation bring significant relief, you can think about buying a steam inhaler. The solution is to add salt, essential oils (in the absence of allergies to them) or infusions of herbs that have a disinfecting and soothing effect (e.g., chamomile). Of essential oils, preferably eucalyptus oil – it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Among herbs the best results in the treatment of allergies have shown Butterbur – its extract can reduce the inflammation of the Airways. According to clinical studies, pills based on the Butterbur was comparable in effectiveness with such recognized antihistamines, cetirizine and Fexofenadine. In the use of drugs on the basis of Butterbur should choose those contents pyrrolizidine alkaloids which minimized (they can negatively affect the liver).

From allergies you can drink sold in a pharmacy herbal. They have a complex effect on the body, soften the Airways, liquefy phlegm, relieve spasm by calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Some people argue that in allergic nasal congestion them spicy foods – chili, Dijon mustard, fresh garlic, horseradish, wasabi. This may be true, as one of the active substances contained in garlic – allylthiourea and similar to the effect of isothiocyanate located in wasabi, contribute to the emergence though temporary, but very effective decongestant effect. Simply put, they help to thin mucus and its removal.

Recent studies have shown that allergies can help of green tea – it contains antioxidants can restrain allergic reactions. However, a Cup of tea can bring only temporary relief.

Can also help honey – it is believed that eating every day a small portion of honey along with a tiny dose of allergen, you gradually become “immune” to pollen Allergy. However, scientists are still not agreed whether this method is effective.

Some people in the treatment of allergies prefer to resort to alternative medicine – acupuncture and homeopathy. It is worth remembering that the effectiveness of these tools modern medicine has not been confirmed.

Allergic conjunctivitis

In allergic conjunctivitis relieve inflammation and itching can cold compresses. For this to closed eyes put soaked in ice water towel or rested in the freezer metal tablespoons. You can also use towel to wrap ice cubes.

Also helps to wipe sore eyes infusion of chamomile or aloe Vera juice – they have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect.

Eye drops similar to the composition of the lacrimal fluid (or “artificial tears”) can help moisturize dried up as a result of inflammatory process of the cornea and slightly reduce itching.

Allergic dermatitis

In the absence of Allergy to the cold is to alleviate the patient’s condition maybe a cold shower – it causes narrowing of the blood vessels, resulting in the skin stands out a smaller amount irritating substances. Also a cold shower helps to reduce the itching and reduce the severity of allergic skin reactions. If the patient is difficult to take a cold shower several times a day, can be applied to the sore place a cold compress – a towel soaked in ice water, or ice cubes.

Olive oil is a great moisturizer, it is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. They can be cleaned after a cold shower the affected skin.

Apple cider vinegar has antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is easy to use: apply a few drops on a small clean piece of cloth and apply to the inflamed place. Only vinegar needs to be organic, unfiltered; to determine the degree of its purity, apart from the labels, depending on the precipitate in the bottle.

In allergic rashes on the skin are advised to wear loose clothing to tight-fitting textile not irritate the affected skin even more.

Grass Allergy on the skin

One of the best remedies for the relief of symptoms in allergic dermatitis is chamomile. Decoction added to the bath, with him doing the compresses on the skin, rinse the throat for inflammation, wash out a nose, and taken internally for pain in the stomach.

Like chamomile, a series of tripartite use when taking bath, wash, compresses its decoction is applied to affected area. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect and is particularly effective in exudative diathesis.

The oregano lots of medicinal properties, from diuretics to sedative. And it helps with atopic dermatitis in the form of lotions and has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Lotions with the infusion of celandine or bath with him to help in the treatment of diseases accompanied with itching (dermatitis and eczema), due to strong local anti-inflammatory action.

The infusion of deaf nettle (white dead-nettle), duckweed and milfoil is used in urticaria – all of these herbs possess strong anti-inflammatory action.

Aloe Vera (fresh juice, cream or gel) has a healing and soothing effect. Apply the juice on the affected skin after showering or bathing.

The menthol contained in peppermint leaves, relieves itching, has a calming effect on inflamed skin. The mint leaves should preferably be used fresh; they impose on covered spot and fix a bandage. Similarly, in folk medicine used fresh leaves of clover, and its juice washed bloodshot eyes with allergic conjunctivitis.

Hygiene at home

If the cause of allergies, dust or Pets, can reduce the symptoms will help regular thorough dry and wet cleaning. It is advisable to install a vacuum cleaner filter high cleaning, and do not forget to vacuum surfaces that cannot be wiped or washed. For mattresses, pillow cases and upholstered furniture is recommended to use special dustproof covers that can be washed often. Blankets and pillows are best used with a synthetic filler, not the pen. It is preferable to remove the floor carpets, carpets, carpets (according to research, dust mites mainly live there). And if you have a child, it is often necessary to wash and his toys.

If the washing/cleaning actually makes a person suffering from allergies, it is recommended in the process to put on sheet mask – many of the components that cause allergies, while cleaning into the air and can aggravate the patient’s condition. The mask should not be removed when shaking out dust filter bag of a vacuum cleaner and/or change the filter.

If you are allergic to mold should be installed at locations subject to moisture (such as kitchens, bathrooms) the dehumidifier or ventilation device. Especially carefully it is necessary to follow the corners in the bathroom, space under the sink and the bathroom itself and also behind the rear wall of the refrigerator and the kitchen sink – it was there often put mildew. If necessary, get rid of mold chemicals.

The temperature in the house should be rather cool than warm (about 20-22°) and humidity – from 40 to 50%. For air purifiers or air conditioners is recommended to use filters high clean – they have the ability to hold the allergens in the form of pollen, animal skin flakes and dust mites.

Is it possible to get rid of allergies forever?

Unfortunately, to completely remove allergies from your life is almost impossible. However, treatment may help alleviate her symptoms, and precautions to prevent allergic attacks.

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