
How real is allergic to alcohol

Agrees a colleague Sawlani Sarena (Sarena Sawlani), which says that any allergic reaction to alcohol suggests that you should pay attention to the components of the beverage. “Rye, hops, wheat, yeast, grapes, barley, gluten and sulphites – a fairly common allergens that may be lurking in your alcoholic beverages into thinking that you respond to ethanol,” she concludes.

Despite the fact that allergic reactions (more or less strong) tend many people about allergies, experts say, even in these days of heightened awareness are not well known. Triggers that causes the immune system, can vary from sunshine to Luke, and Allergy symptoms are so diverse that surely qualify them does not always work.

We have already talked about Allergy to sex, allergic to sports and allergic to water. On line – allergic to alcohol, which is likely to seriously disappoint those who like to spend Friday in the cosy bar near work.

“Allergic reaction to alcohol, be it wine, vodka or beer, it’s hard to call something normal,” explains Popular Science Dr. Clifford Bassett (Clifford Bassett) from Allergy & Asthma Care in new York. The expert pays attention to the details of the new German research, during which it was discovered that not only allergic to alcohol, how much intolerance to some components of alcohol (sulfites, tyramine) can cause a reaction. In other words, the ethanol in this case is not guilty. “The same thing can happen with people who are sensitive to barley, hops or malt, and not to beer or fruit that is added to an alcoholic cocktail,” he says.

At the same time, a true Allergy to alcohol is something much more serious than the weakness and nausea after a few SIPS. Usually, we are talking about suffocation and even anaphylactic shock, so if after consumption of alcohol you just feel “not very”, it probably is just about intolerance to the components.

There is an innate intolerance of alcohol, also known as Asian Flush, although with it, however, the person can face any ethnic group, not just Asian (but they have it, to be fair, the most common). In this case, the reaction provoked by the wrong version of the enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase, which is to destroy the ethanol. When the enzyme doesn’t work as planned, it accumulates in the body, causing symptoms such as facial flushing, urticaria, nasal congestion, nausea and a sharp decline in blood pressure.

Keep in mind, that slight discomfort immediately after alcohol consumption is most likely a normal side effect and not the sensitivity and, especially, not intolerance. Clifford Bassett recalls that alcohol is a natural vasodilator effect (so we gradually gets hot), which may also cause nasal congestion, because the blood vessels in the nose expand.

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