
Red urine in women

Discoloration often indicates the presence of any abnormalities or disorders of the urinary system. But should not forget that certain foods and medications can cause color change. At the slightest suspicion it is best to consult a specialist for advice.

Urine test can give detailed information about your health. Even just one color can say a lot, and to change it is possible to suspect a different kind of disease. In normal adult urine color yellow or straw yellow.

Why the hue can vary? In General, the range of colors can vary, ranging from lighter shades and ending with the color of orange juice. The reason for the alarm may be a change in the urine in red color, especially if it appear in streaks or clots.

It is also worth noting that the shade of urine can vary depending on age, for example, children have more urine shade is lighter than in adults, but in infants it is practically colorless. The hue also affects the activity of metabolism. The important role played by the amount secreted by the kidneys fluid. For example, more concentrated urine has more saturated color. If to speak about people who drink a lot of fluids, they have lighter shade urine. Amber color may indicate dehydration and to talk about the need to restore water balance.

As you can see, the shade of urine may vary under the influence of certain factors. In a healthy person the change the color of urine can be, but this phenomenon is only temporary. So, when causes of red urine in women can be both pathological and physiological. Just want to say that the physiological changes of urine will be without pain, if there’s any discomfort, you should get worried. First, let’s talk about inflammatory and infectious processes as the main reasons for the appearance of red urine in women.

Pathological causes

If reddish urine appeared on the background infectious process, then there will be other unpleasant symptoms, namely:

  • frequent urination;
  • the smell of urine becomes hard and edgy;
  • chills;
  • a slight increase in body temperature;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • hyperhidrosis.

If microscopic examination of the urine was detected by elevated levels of red blood cells, it most often indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in which the patient may be concerned about the appearance of a burning sensation, sharp pains when urinating, and pain.

Most often this can be a symptom of such serious violations of the urinary system, namely:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • kidney stones;
  • porphyria;
  • bladder cancer etc.

Causes of red urine can vary and to understand them needs a doctor

A back injury, genital organs, and various violations of the reproductive system can also cause red urine.

Consider popular diseases that cause the unpleasant symptom of

  • hemoglobinuria. It is a rare pathology, the essence of which is that red blood cells fall inside blood vessels. This can occur as a result of intoxication or transfusion of incompatible blood group. It is rapid disintegration of blood cells and cause changes in the color of urine red;
  • glomerulonephritis. The disease can develop as a primary disease and on the background of other pathologies, such as rheumatoid arthritis or vasculitis. The thinning of the blood vessels is a violation of the filtration capacity of the kidneys. The main symptoms of acute glomerulonephritis is a color change in urine color meat slops;
  • porphyria. This disease is genetic and its essence lies in the violation of synthesis of hemoglobin. As a result, and is formed of a porphyrin – a substance which stains the urine red. Other symptoms porphyria is anemia, weight loss, photophobia, change in teeth color;
  • urolithiasis. Concretions can have an irregular surface, with the result that they damage the mucosa of the urinary tract. Renal colic can be one of the manifestations of kidney stones;
  • cancer of the bladder. Immediately want to note that malignancy can early absolutely does not show itself. A person can lose weight, it may slightly increase body temperature. Further, there may be signs of urinary retention. Patients may complain of a feeling do not end up empty the bladder. Then, in the result of the fact that cancer metabolizes blood and into the urine;
  • the hypersplenism. It is a violation of the spleen in which red blood cells disintegrate rapidly. Patients develop anemia, as a result of accumulation of bilirubin, jaundice.

As for the reasons, unique to women, these include the following:

  • erosion;
  • endometriosis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • bleeding;
  • cystitis;
  • tumors of the cervix.

Most diseases with timely and proper diagnosis and treatment are easily solved. That is why self-medication in this situation is simply not possible. You must explain in detail the doctor when there was an unpleasant symptom, what causes, in your opinion, caused it. If there were additional symptoms, deterioration of General health, then this should also inform the specialist.

With regards to diagnosis, the first, simple and quite informative is a General examination of urine. Microscopy of sediment will help to determine the presence of pathological elements, which are associated with staining of urine. It is clear that the treatment depends on the etiological factors provocateurs. It is necessary to deal not with the actual symptom, with the cause that caused it. For example, if the red color is caused by intense physical exertion, it is necessary to reduce their number.

When it detects unpleasant symptom, do not immediately panic, because it does not always indicate the presence of pathology

If you want to prevent color change of urine, then you should follow some simple recommendations. First, you need to be attentive to food intake and take medication. This is in regards to physiological reasons of color change, with regards to the prevention of pathological causes to prevent them in the following ways, namely: a balanced diet nutrition, sufficient intake of clean natural water; timely visit to the restroom, due observance of the rules of intimate hygiene, particularly after urination and sexual intercourse, prevention of hypothermia or overheating, and correct mode of work and rest.

Red urine after eating beets

Most people believe that coloration of urine after eating beets is a typical and normal situation, there are those who believe that the color change should not occur and this is due to the presence of some disturbances in the body. Who is right?

According to experts, the discoloration causes the beets and its juice. The question about the influence of the beet color of urine still remains controversial.

Consider the main views that attempt to explain the connection of the red urine and eating beets:

  • the first assertion is that there are irregularities in the kidneys, which explains the presence of a red hue;
  • others have attributed the change in tone as the presence of dysbiosis, which interferes with the natural balance of microflora;
  • yet it is believed that as a result of iron deficiency anemia can occur such a change.

Beets may color your urine red

Pink urine color

The staining of urine in the color pink can appear in a completely healthy person and is due to the following foods:

  • beets;
  • if acidic urine is black currant, and the alkaline – rhubarb;
  • carrots;
  • BlackBerry;
  • cherry;
  • the presence of dyes in food: soda, candy.

As for drugs, it to cause pink urine may following medications: aspirin, ibuprofen, rifampin, etc. the Main feature of physiological and pathological reasons, is that normal even changing the color of the urine will be transparent and without any impurities, can not be said about the urine in inflammatory and infectious processes.

Pink urine can occur in women due to taking oral contraceptives, irregular menstrual cycle or ovarian dysfunction.

The cause may be pathological processes of the urinary system:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • Oncology;
  • injury;
  • ICD, etc.
Hematuria in pregnant women

In pregnant women the appearance of blood in urine may appear almost at any time, and this, naturally, causes concern as the woman and the doctor who’s leading. As practice shows, the red color of urine in pregnant women is not associated with dangerous reasons, but despite this the appearance of the symptom a woman should undergo a medical examination.

Common causes of hematuria during pregnancy are:

  • hormonal changes;
  • the pressure of the uterus on the kidneys and urinary ways;
  • in the later stages as a result of increased intra-abdominal pressure can occur rupture of small veins near the kidney cups.

So, if you have a urine shade of red you need to first pay attention to your lifestyle, diet. If you find that you are drinking enough water, then the solution to this apparent problem is simple – adequate fluid intake. But not always the reasons may be harmless, sometimes red hue of urine can appear as a result of an infectious process of the urinary system. If you have found other alarming symptoms, you should not engage in self-diagnostics, and better to be safe, get tested, which will help to exclude or confirm the presumptive diagnosis. Attentive to their health, educated and timely approach to treatment is the key to your health!

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