
What not to plan for pregnancy

Both the future mother and the future father should not drink alcohol.  Ethanol is a poison, it damages the structure of various cells, including ova and sperm. Damaged germ cells retain the ability to conceive, but become the cause of complications – malformations, diseases or congenital malformations.

Pregnancy planning begins 3 months before conception.

At this time, it is necessary to actively prepare for future bearing: to eat fully, abandon bad habits, limit contact with toxic substances.

Pregnancy Planning Calendar

Such a calendar is compiled in order to determine the date of the most probable conception. Ovum fertilization is possible when it has matured and left the ovary. This occurs in the middle of the cycle, on the 14-16th day after the onset of menstruation.

You can calculate the date of your own ovulation by measuring basal temperature (measured in the morning, without getting out of bed, in the vaginal cavity). The day before ovulation, the temperature drops by several tenths of a degree, and the next day it rises.

Vitamins Before Pregnancy Planning

Vitamins ensure the normal functioning of the body. A full supply of vitamins guarantees health, tone, a cheerful mood and good health.

We list what vitamins to drink when planning a pregnancy (man and woman):

  • C is a vitamin of immunity and health, provides absorption of iron and prevents anemia.
  • E – vitamin of the reproductive system, is used as a means for the prevention of miscarriages in the early stages.
  • B vitamins – provide assimilation of food. The most important for future pregnancy are vitamins B6, B9.

It is important to know: intake of artificial vitamins should not be uncontrolled. An excess of vitamins is as dangerous as their lack. Therefore, it is better to choose special ones for pregnant women from a wide list of different complexes. And take in a strict dosage (according to instructions).

Pregnancy planning vitamins for women

There are vitamins that are especially necessary for the female body for gestation and birth. These are those that support the formation of red blood cells, normal blood coagulation. And also necessary for the growth of the child in the womb.

Vitamin D is necessary for the growth and development of the child. It is formed when the skin is irradiated with ultraviolet light (with sunburn). However, for people living in a cold climate, the number of sunny days per year is not enough for the full formation of growth vitamin. Therefore, for the regions north of Moscow, the prophylactic intake of vitamin D is indicated. Its deficiency during pregnancy will affect tooth decay and softening of bones. The child will take what he needs, even to the detriment of the mother’s body.

Vitamin K – is responsible for the formation of blood clots. Its use provides blood coagulation and prevents prolonged postpartum hemorrhage.

Vitamins for men when planning pregnancy are enhanced (compared to conventional) doses of C and E, mineral supplements of selenium, zinc.

Natural Vitamins – Replacing Pills

Recent decades, European doctors have conducted studies on the effect of artificial vitamins. The question arises whether women need these drugs with a normal diet. The use of pharmacy vitamins is fraught with an overdose and an allergic reaction (in women and children). A healthy diet does not have adverse reactions and does not cause hypervitaminosis.

Pharmacy complexes can be replaced with natural vitamins – freshly squeezed juices, green smoothies. Their advantage is the absence of an overdose and an unhealthy allergic reaction in the form of a rash.

Should I take Vitamin E when planning pregnancy?

Vitamin E was isolated at the beginning of the 20th century. His researchers conducted experiments exclusively on rats. As a result of their observations, they concluded that E is a vitamin, without which the function of reproduction does not work.

It must be said that no other painstaking studies of this topic have followed. Therefore, tocopherol is still called the vitamin of birth (“feros” means to wear, “tokos” means to be born).

Information about tocopherol is different. It is certainly useful, like other vitamins, enzymes, minerals. Each component is necessary for the full development of the child, the formation of his body in the womb. However, taking increased doses of vitamin E is not always helpful. Let’s explain why.

The fact is that pharmacy dosages of tocopherol contain 100, 400 and 800 IU (international units) of vitamin. In this case, the daily dose is only 30 IU. Therefore, taking pharmaceutical preparations often causes hypervitaminosis – upsets nervous and mental reactions, makes a woman hot-tempered, aggressive. It also disturbs vision, digestion and even hormonal balance.

Therefore, it is better to use natural sources of tocopherol – the green parts of plants, sprouted grains of cereals.

How to take folic acid when planning a pregnancy

When planning pregnancy, folic acid is the recommendation of 99% of gynecologists. For an unborn baby, folic acid is important in controlling cell division. In the first months after conception, multiple cells, various organs, tissues, and systems of the unborn child are formed from one cell.

Is folic acid necessary for men when planning a pregnancy? Healthy sperm provides 100% fertilization of the egg. Folic acid is necessary for the maturation of sperm membranes, for their active movement and for rapid conception.

Since the drug is artificial, it must be taken in accordance with the recommended dose. The dosage of folic acid when planning pregnancy is 40 mcg (0.4 mg) for men and women.
General list of analyzes and their results

The list of tests when planning pregnancy is quite wide.

This list includes:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood test for sugar.
  • Rhesus factor blood test.
  • General urine analysis.
  • A smear or bacterial culture for the presence of pathogenic flora in the vagina.
  • Blood or urine, mucus (PCR) tests for infections – TORCH, RW, hepatitis, HIV.
  • Blood test for hormones.

Replace a large list of tests can be computer diagnostics. This survey is distributed in the sales network of various dietary supplements. It gives a complete picture of infections and inflammations. However, the method is not recognized by official medicine and therefore is not very popular.

It is important to know: a competent doctor is necessary for a high-quality diagnosis.

Possible infection tests

Medicine recommends screening for hidden infections. What tests should be taken when planning a pregnancy? The most common examination that is performed to detect genital infections is called TORCH. It determines the presence of antibodies to herpes viruses, rubella, cytomegalovirus, as well as toxoplasma. What are the dangerous listed viruses and bacteria?

A number of viruses are present in our body in a latent form. For example, according to medical statistics, 90-95% of the population are infected with herpes viruses. In this case, the visible manifestations of the disease (vesicle rash or a cold) are formed only in 30-35%. The remaining 60% of people are not even aware of the virus carrier.

During pregnancy, a decrease in immunity occurs. Therefore, sleeping infections wake up often during the gestation period. How dangerous are they?

Viral infections pose a danger to the child during primary infection. The probability of complications in the baby is not one hundred percent. 25% of children of infected mothers were born without pathological abnormalities. 75% – had various pathologies or were born prematurely.

How to read test results

The results of tests for TORCH infections look like a list of infections indicating the number and type of antibodies. It is important to correctly understand the survey data.

IgM antibodies – are formed in the body during the initial infection with a viral infection. Their presence in the blood suggests that the infection occurred recently and at the moment the body is actively producing antibodies to the virus. If the analysis shows the titer of IgM antibodies, then with pregnancy it is better to wait a few months.

IgG antibodies – are formed to control the sleeping virus. They prevent it from multiplying and causing disease. The presence of IgG antibodies as a result of the analysis indicates that the virus was infected earlier, and the body is immune to this disease.

In tests, 90% of pregnant women detect IgG antibodies. This is normal, their presence in the blood ensures the absence of a primary infection (recall that pathologies of the development of the infant are formed only during initial contact with the infection).

If conception fails: duphaston, vystestan, inofert

In some cases, in order to conceive a child, it is necessary not only to take vitamins. If you want a baby and you can’t get pregnant, you need to investigate the level of hormones. In the presence of violations for the onset of conception, hormonal correction preparations are used.

Duphaston when planning pregnancy

This drug is prescribed in the presence of hormonal disorders. If a woman produces insufficient amounts of progesterone, then it becomes impossible to introduce a fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa. Progesterone is responsible for the formation of a loose surface of the mucous tissue lining the uterine cavity. With its lack, the zygote either does not attach to the uterus, or breaks down within a few weeks (a miscarriage occurs).

You can prescribe duphaston after a hormonal examination. Blood donates in the second phase of the cycle, between ovulation and the onset of the next menstruation. If the analysis shows a decrease in progesterone, then duphaston is prescribed.

How to take duphaston when planning a pregnancy? For the treatment of infertility and pregnancy, the drug is prescribed from 11 to 25 days of the cycle. It should be taken 2 times a day for 10 mg. The course of treatment is 6 months (cycles). If pregnancy occurs during treatment, the drug is continued for the first 3 or 4 months of gestation (in the same doses). If there is a risk of abortion, the dosage is increased to 40 mg every 8 hours.

Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy

Utrozhestan is a drug that provides a woman’s body with additional progesterone. It has been successfully used to treat infertility and an irregular monthly cycle. The drug is also prescribed after ovulation, from 16 to 25 days of the cycle. Each capsule of Utrozhestan contains 100 mg of progesterone. It provides the necessary changes in the mucous membrane inside the uterus during ovulation and the introduction of a fertilized egg.

Inofert when planning pregnancy

Inofert is a drug for regulating the menstrual cycle. It does not contain hormones, but it helps to establish the natural hormonal background of a woman. It is prescribed for irregular periods.

Inofert regulates the synthesis of prolactin, testosterone, luteotropin. It normalizes the maturation of the egg and promotes the passage of ovulation in time. The drug is often prescribed for women who may damage the eggs (age – over 35 years old, toxic – after working in hazardous work).

Herbs for Ovarian Stimulation

When planning a pregnancy, the uterine uterus allows replacing hormonal treatment with synthetic drugs for herbs. This plant effectively treats many female diseases (adhesions, obstruction, inflammation, fibroids, polycystic). The therapeutic effect of the herb is provided by coumarins, saponins, tannins, flavonoids, acids, trace elements and vitamins. Zinc, titanium, copper, manganese, as well as vitamin C immunity – provide treatment for inflammation and the onset of conception.

Pine uterus is indicated not only for women who want to get pregnant. It also treats urological inflammation in men (they can be causes of male infertility and also make conception impossible).

Pine uterus is a natural ovarian stimulation for planning pregnancy.

It is important to know: ovarian stimulation is contraindicated in women with fallopian obstruction. In this condition, the release of the egg can lead to an ectopic pregnancy and the need for urgent resuscitation.

Uterus grass is brewed in a thermos for the night (similar to rosehip seeds – for a complete exit into the decoction of useful substances). In addition, the effectiveness of the treatment is improved by using dry shredded leaves. This medicinal powder is taken separately from food, washed down with water (to improve the taste, you can mix it with honey).

Planning for conception after a frozen pregnancy

Pregnancy planning after a frozen pregnancy is possible in 8-12 months. For successful conception and gestation, it is necessary to establish and cure the cause of fetal freezing.

Identification of the causes of fetal freezing

Possible options:

  • intrauterine infection
  • poisoning,
  • internal inflammation
  • hormonal disorders,
  • genetic disorders in the development of the fetus,
  • Rhesus conflict of mother and child.

More commonplace factors are possible:

  • anemia,
  • stress.

In addition, abortion is a common precursor to a missed pregnancy. Find out the cause of fetal freezing is a must. To prevent termination of pregnancy next time.

Miscarriages and pathologies due to high homocysteine

Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid, a biologically active substance.

During pregnancy, homocysteine ​​should decrease. With the abuse of coffee and smoking, it does not decrease, but rather increases. An excessive increase in homocysteine ​​(more than 13 μmol / L) leads to miscarriages or pathologies of the intrauterine development of the child (low weight, asphyxia – suffocation),

Studying homocysteine ​​when planning a pregnancy is necessary for those who have had miscarriages or missed pregnancies.

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