
Pain in the coccyx

The coccyx is immobile part of the spine. Why pain in the coccyx and what can it be? Pain in the coccyx can be caused by a variety of factors. Therefore, to determine the cause of the pain, you must carefully diagnose and initiate medical therapy.

Also painful due to the fact that the coccyx is characterized by the presence of a huge number of nerve endings. Pain in the coccyx is called coccygodynia or anatomy pain syndrome.

Pain in the sacrum may occur for a variety of reasons.

The causes of pathology

Most often they are caused by:

  1. Osteochondrosis. Is a degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs. If the affected lumbosacral spine disease, it leads to pain in the sacrum.
  2. Injuries. Drops or bumps, in the back and in the coccyx can occur bruises or sprains. It can also lead to fracture of the coccyx.
  3. Cyst. During intrauterine development of the fetus is observed the formation of pilonidal sinus disease that is not associated with the coccyx. On the background of injuries or violation of health, pilonidal sinus can get pathogens. As a result, there is an inflammatory and suppurative process, causing pain in the coccyx.
  4. The heavy labor. The pain may occur in women during childbirth. In the period of labor, the coccyx is removed, eliminating the possibility of injury. But, if women’s labor is going hard, he can move excessively, which will lead to its deformation. While patients having severe pain in the back.
  5. Neurological disease. Pain in coccyx when sitting and standing can be observed on the background of infringement of the nerves that come out of it. In this case, patients complain of a sore tailbone for no reason at all. Also, the symptom can be observed in the pelvic organs, external and internal genital organs.
  6. Pregnancy. The coccyx in women can be sick in the period of carrying a child. This is due to physiological changes. The coccyx in women sore on the background of the growing uterus.
  7. Tumor processes. Pain in coccyx when sitting and standing are most often seen in osteosarcoma. Also the cause of the symptom can be chondrosis.
  8. Inflammation in the pelvis. Pain in the sacrum and coccyx may be observed on the background of inflammatory processes in small pelvis – salpingitis, urethritis, endometritis.
  9. And scar formations. Tenderness of the coccyx in men and women can occur after surgical interventions in the pelvic organs, which are formed of scar adhesions.
  10. Pathologies of the digestive tract. Pain in the sacrum and the coccyx can occur when the hemorrhoids, rectal cancer, proctitis, constipation, diarrhea.

Pain in the coccyx in different diseases may vary in character. Therefore, the patient is recommended to pay attention to this aspect that greatly simplifies the diagnosis.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the JOINTS our constant reader uses the increasingly popular NON-surgical method of treatment is recommended by leading German and Israeli orthopedists. Thoroughly acquainted with him, we decided to offer it to your attention.

Signs of a pathological process

Symptoms for pain in the coccyx is directly dependent on the underlying disease:

  • The bruises and injuries. In dislocation there is a sharp pain above the tailbone. This pathological process is accompanied by difficult defecation, a swelling. Sharp pain in the coccyx occurs when you sit down.
  • Fracture. In this case, patients complain that they have suddenly fell ill coccyx. The disease is accompanied by redness and a bluish tint in the area of the fracture. When standing up the pain increases. During palpation audible crunch.
  • Hernia. If this pathological process occurs in the tailbone and lower back long period symptoms may not be observed. If the disease begins to progress, in the coccyx in women and men is observed not only pain, but numbness. In some patients, disturbed urination and defecation.
  • Cyst. When the occurrence of the disease coccyx patient feels pain when you sit. The pathological process is accompanied by edema and hyperemia. In mezhyagodichnoy the crease may be pus.
  • Neoplastic processes. In the development of tumors in the tailbone and lower back benign and malignant character there is pain. It can be observed in the coccyx. Patients can gain when you stand up. In patients with disturbed gait and sleep. The appearance of tumors on the tailbone for men and women in some cases, the body temperature rises.
  • Low back pain. In this case, there is pain in the coccyx. To what doctor to go tell a therapist. To determine the pathology impossible, as its symptoms are combined with neoplastic processes. During bowel movements symptoms becomes more pronounced.
  • Prolapse of the perineum. It may appear incontinence of urine and feces. To what doctor to address? In this case a woman should go to the gynecologist if it occurs the pain not only in the region of the sacrum and coccyx, and perineum. During intercourse may experience discomfort.
  • Inflammation in the sciatic nerve. What kind of doctor can treat pathology? If the patient appeared sharp pain for no reason at all, then it is recommended to seek help from a neurologist. When the pain in the coccyx is almost impossible to sit or lie.
  • Spondylitis. Belongs to the category of inflammatory diseases, in which it is necessary to apply to the infectious Department. Here, the doctor treats the bacteria that cause the disease.

Symptoms of the disease depends on the cause of pain in a patient. It was therefore initially need to determine why you may be hurting the tailbone and any signs accompany the pathology.

Therapy pain

Most often treatment is with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Before starting treatment, determine the symptoms. Traditional medicines in most cases it is prescribed for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, from what can be a sore tailbone.

Pharmacy medications of this group are sufficiently effective when:

  • headache;
  • high temperature;
  • myalgia;
  • post-traumatic pain.

Can be applied Piroxicam? If aching coccyx, the patient needs to take pills of the drug inside. The duration of therapy should be 4 days. A gel form of drugs applied to the site of the lesion. If there is severe pain when standing, that pharmacy medicine is recommended intramuscularly.

If slightly pull, it is possible to take Aspirin. With the simultaneous appearance of pain and fever, we recommend taking the Ibuprofen. Pharmacy medicine made in the form of gel that should be applied to the affected area.

Found effective remedy for pains and for the treatment of joints:

  • natural composition,
  • with no side effects
  • efficiency, proven expert,
  • a quick result.

Quite effective in combating the pain is Diclofenac. Patients are recommended intramuscular administration of the drug 1-2 times a day. Treatment of drug drug this form should be not less than 5 days. It is also possible for patients to take Diclofenac tablets orally for weeks. The drug is made in the form of ointments that must be applied to the coccyx 3-4 times a day.

Doctors prescribe patients to cope with pain tablets Piroxicam. Their reception shall be made three times a day. The duration of therapy should be 4-6 days. Allowed intramuscular administration of drugs. After two days of treatment to patients, we recommend taking a tablet form of traditional medicine.

Therapy pain coccyx enough is often done with the use of muscle relaxants.

Using the data of medicines relaxes spasmodic muscles, which reduces pain. In most cases, patients are advised admission:

  • Baclofen. Originally carried out the drug in a specific dose prescribed by the doctor. After a few days the dose of the drug increases gradually.
  • Midokalma. That oral application of pharmaceutical medications are also prescribed dosage. When needed, a single dose of drugs can be increased.
  • Tizanidine. We recommend taking the traditional medicine internally three times a day.

If you are experiencing severe pain, it is okoloserdecna blockade. With its help produced relief of pain in the shortest possible time. It is characterized by anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic action. With the resumption of pain after the procedure it can be repeated. To conduct a blockade is the use of Lidocaine, and Novocaine. Solution data of drugs is introduced to the location of pain.

Novocaine blockade is very effective, but despite this, it is characterized by the presence of contraindications. It is not carried out in severe liver disease and autoimmune diseases. Contraindication for the procedure is epilepsy. If the patient has a hypersensitivity to the components of drugs, to blockade is prohibited.

Drug therapy is quite effective in the treatment of coccyx pain. Before using a particular drug consult a doctor.

Treatment physical therapy

In the treatment of painful coccyx quite effective are physiotherapy techniques that enhance the effects of drug therapy. Quite often, the appearance of pathology is the application of phonophoresis. This method consists in the introduction of drugs by ultrasonic vibrations. This procedure not only has anti-inflammatory, but also performs stimulation of metabolic processes and the health of the immune system.

Very often hold paraffin. This method requires you to put in place painful specially heated paraffin. It transfers heat to the tissues, which provides improved circulation, elimination of spasms and pain. A treatment you can use a UHF-therapy. When applied on the human body affects the high-frequency electric current. The effect of this physiotherapy method aimed at improving the metabolic processes in tissues and accelerate their recovery.

Using ultrasound therapy to accelerate the healing process of the patient. When using this treatment is tissue penetration of ultrasonic waves to a depth of 7 inches. They are characterized by a favorable effect on the affected area on a cellular level. This leads to the acceleration of the healing process of the tissues and eliminating pathological condition.

Pain in the coccyx is rather an unpleasant symptom that may be accompanied by various signs and requires prompt treatment. To ensure high efficiency pre-treatment determine the cause of the symptom.

2 thoughts on “Pain in the coccyx

  1. Symptoms of the disease depends on the cause of pain in a patient. It was therefore initially need to determine why you may be hurting the tailbone and any signs accompany the pathology.

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