
Personal experience: accident, injury of the spine, and a private rehabilitation center

Valeria Taganova life abruptly changed in an instant. A terrible accident in the Moscow metro, a fracture of the spine, and almost zero chances of recovery. Today the young man has stood on his feet. His main dream to the end to recover and to finish his rehab.

Fourteen operations

Valery Taganova was 24 years old. Behind study at Moscow Institute, the diploma of the programmer, the next girlfriend and big plans for life. But all plans collapsed one morning. The fifteenth of July, 2014 a young man was driving to work. As usual, the Moscow subway, rush hour, all somewhere in a hurry. The car, which drove Valery derailed. Then the accident will hear the entire country – on the stretch between stations “Park Pobedy” and “Slavic Boulevard” derailed three carriages of the train. The tragedy claimed the lives of 24 people and more than 180 injured.

The fifteenth of July I drove to work and had an accident. The car in which I was literally torn in half, and it went into a chipper. I was thrown from the car into the tunnel under construction. Woke up lying on the concrete. Felt legs – knee is. Lower stomach I have felt nothing at all. Then the people began to Shine with the phones, someone could not stand up. Through forty minutes people began to make the squad. I’ve got an hour and a half. I was taken to the Sklifosovsky research Institute and operated.

Diagnosis – spine fracture, brain injury and many complications. The first six months, I’ve been locked in hospitals, emergency rooms, rehabilitation centers – I was transported from one hospital to another. For four years I did around fourteen operations. Now I’m still recovering. Go to the free medical centre where rehabilitation is free. Pay rehab I can’t afford. Plus restore itself – do in the center. My main treatment is exercise.

Help was – I paid the insurance, since all shipments are insured. And appointed a disability pension – 13 thousand rubles, it was all over.

After the accident, Valery had to make a new start to learn to sit, to walk, to start with a clean slate. Now he is in a wheelchair, and even a little goes. All thanks to a strong perseverance and goal – “to restore.”

The doctors ‘ prognosis was completely different. Many said: “if you learn to sit in a wheelchair, it will be very good.” After the accident, sit, I could not, and did learned it again. One doctor said to me, “if you practice, then in five to seven years you will have to walk.” I went on the second way. Exercising, gradually learned to stand up, now are learning to walk.

Help yourself

Now Valery Taganov in a holiday village near Yelets (Lipetsk oblast) on their own builds rehabilitation center for persons after trauma, stroke, children and adults with cerebral palsy. For the construction he spends his retirement, helping parents and other caring people.

I have traveled to different rehabilitation centers. Watched what gives results, and realized that best helps physical therapy, massage, swimming. Really good rehabilitation centres, but they are mostly expensive. Many people are unable to recover from injuries or having some illness, simply because they have no money.

I decided to create a center where help can be obtained for free. Bought land and began construction. On site there is a two-storey building, it houses a gym with exercise equipment and various devices for training. On the site there’s a pool, he is now in the process of creation. While at the center are trained, I myself will come soon, the girl will recover together.

The construction is carried out on their own, at their own expense and through donations. The authorities do not help. I myself have a lot to be addressed, including in the underground, but no help received. So the main rule here is “help yourself”. And, of course, just help people.

I am always in search of financing since it is impossible to make such a project difficult. Initially, I figured out that the construction we have about 8 million rubles, and I knew that one to collect such a sum is difficult. Therefore, the issue of funding is very important. As soon as some money – just put them in construction. Recently, the story of my participation took first place in the journalism competition. Your prize – 15 thousand roubles spent on the construction of the pool.

Now the main problem – housing for the future rehabilitants. I recently purchased an adjacent plot of 12 acres. Going to build a house in which to live, those who come for rehabilitation. But when it will be done is unclear. It all depends on Finance. Generally you can build a house from scratch it is possible for three months. I have already learned. It will cost two million rubles.

It is also the registration center. Permission is needed for a full-fledged center with medical staff. This, of course, I do not draw. I would like to take twenty. We have medical personnel, specialists, physiotherapists, coaches who are willing to come and help us to conduct classes, counseling. To do this they are ready.

It is clear that not all believe in this idea. Of course, the critics were many. But many of those who believe in it, and helps. Well, I set a goal, then achieve it.

Ten hours of training a day

Besides the fact that Valery Taganov achieved good results in recovery, he is still professionally engaged in the sports of bodybuilding and powerlifting. A young man, the champion of Russia on bodybuilding, world champion and master of sports of international class. Still in his football piggy Bank second place in all-Russian competitions in powerlifting.

Sport in my life has always been. But before the accident, he was at the Amateur level and more for themselves. Professionally, I started after the accident. Why sport? Because you have a lot of training to recover. My main treatment is exercise.

Two years ago I had the powerlifting coach – deals with me, travels to competitions. He became for me not just a coach, but also a close friend.

In day to workout takes from 3-4 hours to 10-12 hours. All depends on the workload. I make up a recovery program. Now I’m preparing for the national powerlifting competition, which will be held in the autumn in Lipetsk. Want to raise the category of powerlifting. Now I have a third, want the first.

My dream is a rehab center

After the accident my life changed everything. Changed my Outlook, attitude to life. From Moscow I had to go to my parents in the Lipetsk region, where I now live. The work of my life left too. Now my job is a rehabilitation center. With a girl that he met before the accident, broke up. Life has changed completely.

Of course, there were moments when everyone wanted to quit. And depression was, and despondency. It was especially hard the first year, it was hard to realize. Depression almost did not stop. One ended, began the next – and so on.

Helped me set a goal to which I go and go. It helped that I wasn’t able to accept your physical condition. It, probably, was the impetus. I just told myself at some point that will recover and be healthy again. So I’m still practicing.

What gives you strength? I think it depends on the person. Want restored, I don’t do this. It all depends on personal choice. I need – I train who don’t need – don’t do it. It’s simple.

Of course, the support and faith of loved ones is important. I helped my family, my parents. They supported me from the beginning, and now all help. Without parents, I probably would not have coped.

Friends also helped. There were a couple of people who supported. But you have to understand that everyone has their own life, their own worries. Friends can’t be with you 24/7. With your problems you need to handle yourself.

My main advice – you need to believe in themselves. Set a goal and go for it because nothing is impossible. You need to fight in any situation, not just when you’re injured. In General all our life consists of problems and difficulties. You just need to overcome them, not to give up, and go forward.

Now I study English, guitar, love travel (Valery is a group of VC – Overcame the immobility of the traveler, where he talks about his trips). But my main future plans associated with the rehabilitation and construction of the center. It is now built around this entire life. My dream is a rehab center.

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