
Therapy of joint inflammation: basic information about the disease and curative measures

Joint inflammation is localized mainly in the synovial membrane. Pathology is accompanied by accumulation of exudate, which affects stagnant processes and leads to a strong swelling of the cartilage. Progression of the disease covers other structures ligaments.

In the medical literature this phenomenon is called arthritis. It occurs at any age, but in children, a negative trend to the irreversibility of the process.

Timely treatment reduces the risk of deformation of the cartilage and the fingers on the limbs.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The development of the inflammatory process due to the influence of negative factors. The leading position occupied by injury or infection of the body.

Auxiliary causes inflammation of the joints following:

  • allergic reactions;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • complications of viral and infectious diseases;
  • pathological growth of bone tissue.

Due to allergic and autoimmune processes is the formation of antibodies that destroy its own tissues in the leg. Negative exposures are components of cartilage. Produce a lot of diseases that cause inflammation of the joints. Among them include arthritis, gout, vasculitis, gonorrhea and syphilis. The symptoms of the disease are difficult to ignore, they have bright intensity, and specific flow.

Basic signs of defeat are:

  • pain syndrome of different intensity;
  • local fever;
  • swelling;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • redness of the skin;
  • weakness;
  • increased bone tissue in size;
  • fever.

Inflammatory diseases of the joints can occur under the weight of negative factors. Strengthening the clinical manifestations observed in the abuse of alcoholic products and the poor diet. Correctly selected therapy can relieve the symptoms and hasten remission.

The main treatment methods

The correct treatment involves a complex effect on the affected area. Long-term therapy and systematic, its purpose is to eliminate the causes of disease and the relief of negative symptoms. For this purpose, injections and potent medicines. Further prognosis depends on the form of arthritis, its type and extent. In some cases, inflammation of the joints entail unfavorable consequences.

Classic therapeutic scheme includes:

  • anti-inflammatory medicines;
  • corticosteroids;
  • injections intramuscular or intra-articular;
  • muscle relaxants to relieve muscle spasms;
  • chondroprotectors, to strengthen the cartilage and tendons;
  • vitamins;
  • anesthetic ointment;
  • moderate exercise;
  • proper nutrition;
  • physiotherapy.
Form What to do
Injection or tablets for oral administration. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are introduced in the form of injections. Muscle relaxants inhibit spasms, developing on the background of severe pain syndrome. This medicine is the basis of drug therapy. Chondro positive effect on the affected area and accelerate its recovery.
The local funds. To enhance the effect further apply the ointment. Corticosteroids are used to suppress inflammation, are allowed to apply ointment or medicine for ingestion.
Additional impact. Additionally, inflammatory diseases of the joints are accompanied by the use of antidepressants. To enhance the immune functions of the body use vitamins a, b and C.
Gentle treatment. The mode will change the load on the cartilage. Experts recommend the use of orthotics and bandages.

Inflammation of the joint is a serious process, requiring compliance with certain rules of supply. Additionally, the status of the affected cartilage is supported by the complex of therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy. The traditional treatment of illness is adjusted by the doctor depending on the degree of destruction of cartilage.

Drug therapy of inflammatory process

Symptoms can develop suddenly. The appearance of discomfort and limitations of mobility an urgent need to visit a doctor. At home without consulting a specialist to stop arthritis difficult. Independent attempts increase the risk of worsening the situation.

For diagnosis and choice of optimal tactics of combating the disease it is necessary to consult a specialist. Additionally, you can visit a physiotherapist. The correct therapy can stop the symptoms and relieve the human condition. In chronic course of the disease a cure is impossible.

How to treat joint inflammation without harm for health? Drug exposure involves the use of many groups of drugs. Their action is directed at eliminating inflammation and restore the affected area.

For moderate pain, use tools with the analgesic effect. To their number carry ibuprofen, paracetamol and Fanigan. If relief does not occur, apply anti-inflammatory drugs: nimid, revellin and diclofenac.

High efficiency show chondroprotectors. They stimulate the synthesis of the basic substance of cartilage and stop the production of the enzyme that contribute to its destruction. Most popular what are the symptoms and treatment of colds. In chronic course of the disease, supportive therapy is used. In the period of exacerbation used funds for the relief of the unpleasant symptoms and suppression of the inflammatory process.

Experts urge not to self-medicate. Wrong medicines and their use in the home are hazardous to health.

Auxiliary methods of treatment

In chronic course of the disease is necessary to observe some rules.

  1. Not to take the pill without consulting a doctor.
  2. Not to make any sudden movements.
  3. In any case, do not warm the affected area.
  4. To exclude excessive exercise.
  5. Is always under the supervision of a specialist.

Lose of cartilage on foot unpleasant and dangerous disease. The patient should always be seen by a specialist. In advanced cases, requires a time-consuming operation to replace the cartilage graft. This is permissible with no effect from the therapy. Pills do not always help to cope with the disease.

In the treatment of arthritis is to use alternative medicine. It helps to speed up the healing process without harm to health. Broad popular medicinal herbs. With regular use of medicinal plants improvement occurs after 14-20 days. Grass give lasting effect, but only in the event of prolonged application in 6-12 months. Prior to use of plant duties you should consult with a rheumatologist.

Folk remedies are complemented by physiotherapy and physiotherapy. Exercises are performed smoothly, without jerks. It is recommended not to hurry and to increase the load.

Traditional recipes, traditional medicine and auxiliary techniques – the basis of treatment for any disease. Correct combination of methods allows to achieve a positive result in the short term. It is not recommended to take any medication in excessive dosage.

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