
Takayasu’s disease: symptoms and treatment

Takayasu’s disease is a typical disease. More disease common among residents of Asia and India, but also in Europe, reported cases of destruction of human this disease. Develops mainly in people under 40 years.

More often affects female body are also cases of development in childhood.

The whole difficulty lies in the early diagnosis of this disease. About how to determine Takayasu’s disease in the early stages of its development and begin treatment, we will discuss in this article.

Takayasu’s disease – what is it?

Takayasu’s disease, or nonspecific aortoarteritis, is autoimmune in nature, the exact cause of its development is not established. If to speak clear language, the immunity of our body begins to agressirovat on healthy tissue of blood vessels, particularly the aorta and its major branches. Thus, the immune cells provoke an inflammatory process that leads to narrowing of the lumen of the vessel. Due to disturbed blood flow and affects certain organs.

The symptoms of Takayasu’s

Depending on which arteries are affected, there are symptoms of Takayasu disease. But first let us examine the common signs symptoms.

Symptoms of Takayasu disease:

  1. Difficulty detecting a pulse. The weak blood flows through the arteries, and we cannot detect a pulse. It should be noted that this symptom is specific asymmetry, that is, one hand is perfectly healthy, while on the other the pulse is very weak.
  2. Asymmetry and impaired blood pressure.
  3. Weakness and painful condition. During the development of the disease is a inflammatory process and this leads to certain symptoms. The person feels fatigue, dizziness, possible fever, lethargy, night sweats.
  4. Joint pain, arthralgia. In low blood pressure and failure, organs and joints do not get the nutrients in proper amount, it causes pain.

Also, depending on which vessels are affected by the disease, define the specific symptoms.

The defeat of the left subclavian artery. In this case, disrupted blood flow left side of her body. We can’t detect a pulse on his left arm and infraclavicular region experienced low endurance to physical stress on his left arm, blood pressure from this side will be much lower. The pain in the left side of the body.

Lesions of carotid artery. In this case, disrupted blood flow to the brain and the deterioration of the Central nervous system. The person experiences weakness, drowsiness, fatigue. Possible disorders of vision and even sudden blindness.

The defeat of the right brachiocephalic artery. This leads to a reduction in blood pressure on right arm, no pulse. The person experiences pain on this side and low resistance to physical stress on his right arm.

It is also possible defeat of the aorta of the abdominal Department. Then it will be the disturbed blood flow in the lower extremities. People experiencing an acute pain while walking, a syndrome of intermittent claudication and low endurance when the load on the legs.

It is important to understand that the violation of blood flow of any organ leads to its ischemia, as a consequence – a violation of its functioning, depending on this distinguished symptoms of the disease.

Takayasu’s disease can develop silently and over a long period. This circumstance is determined by its high risk of severe complications that may be irreversible.

Attention! Offer to conduct a test that will help determine whether you have a risk of developing the disease Takayasu.

Stretch your arms in front of him palms up and start to actively clench his fists. If you feel rapid fatigue in one or both hands (10-12 count), this suggests the disruption of blood flow. You should consult a doctor and get tested for vascular permeability.

Diagnosis of Takayasu disease

The primary method of diagnosis is examination of the patient.

The presence of symptoms (at least 3 paragraphs) of the above symptoms suggests the need detailed examination.


The main parameter of diagnosis is the blood, which is determined by ESR, which in inflammatory processes will give a strong performance. The patient is directed to immunological, biochemical and General blood and urine analysis.

Instrumental method of diagnosis

Instrumental method is the examination of internal organs of the patient, the detection of dysfunction and assess the health status of the patient. These include ECG, Echocardiography, CT scan, ultrasound of blood vessels, x-ray examination of blood vessels using contrast agents and Doppler. In some cases, you may be assigned to a research tissue of the vessel, by taking a biopsy (for a more accurate diagnosis, a biopsy is taken from the inner wall of the vessel).

Turning to the doctor should be a very detailed description of the complaints and feelings. As mentioned above, the main complaint is the lack of the pulse and asymmetry of HELL. Based on the indications and diagnostic results we can talk about the age of the disease, and to predict the treatment.

Treatment of Takayasu’s disease

Takayasu’s disease is not so terrible, if you begin timely and proper treatment. Thanks to medical advances to cure this disease it is possible and quite simple.

Treatment of the disease Takayasu

  1. Drug therapy. Since the main symptom of the disease is an inflammatory process for the treatment of the doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory medications. What, is determined depending on the characteristics of each patient, but the most common is Prednisone or steroid hormone treatment. Medication carries the most important role in the overall therapy of Takayasu’s disease, as not removing the inflammation, other ways to restore normal functioning of the human body to use it is inexpedient.
  2. Surgery.

In the case when there is a narrowing of blood vessels, the most effective method of recovery is its extension by surgery. The development of surgery had reached the point that now it is possible to restore the lumen of the vessel using a special implant is a tiny spring that is introduced into the vessel and pushes the wall in the desired location. If such procedure is impossible or impractical, surgeons produce a bypass of the arterywhen installing an artificial vessel, forming a bypass path for blood flow. Such methods are perfectly perform their main function and help the person fully recover.

Early anti-inflammatory treatment and the right doctor’s prescription will help the patient to avoid the consequences of the disease.

The consequences of the disease

Despite the favorable forecasts in the treatment of Takayasu’s disease, the most difficult is its early diagnosis. Advanced stage of the disease leads to irreversible changes in the operation of vital organs in ischemia and tissue necrosis.

It could be gangrene if disturbed blood flow to the lower extremities. It often ischemia of the heart and myocardial infarction on a background of Takayasu’s disease. It is also possible ischemic lesion of the brain, leading to loss of its normal functioning and disorders of the Central nervous system.

In connection with the seriousness of the consequences of the disease Takayasu’s extremely important not to delay treatment at the first signs or doubts about our own wellbeing immediately be examined!

Unfortunately, the exact cause of Takayasu disease is not currently studied and how to fence themselves from this today is unknown. Some doctors believe that the risk groups are people suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic diseases (such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis and etc.) or imbalance of immune cells. In any case, we recommend you to follow the correct way of life and to be sensitive to their health.

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