
Why only the lower pressure and what to do to reduce it?

In the modern world of man is constantly affected by various stress factors: an unbalanced diet, bad habits, bad ecology, chronic diseases of internal organs, constant nervous strain. All of these listed circumstances, the complex markedly worsen the condition.

One of the first systems affected is the cardiovascular.

A precursor of the functional changes in this system is fluctuations in blood pressure. These fluctuations can be attributed to hypertension (elevation) and hypotension (reduction) targets. Blood pressure can change in isolation and mixed together.

Jump top HELL often point to pathology, mainly of the circulatory system and lower high blood pressure can indicate serious disorders in various organ systems, which in detail will be discussed in this article. In any case, the patient must consult a doctor for further diagnosis and treatment of painful conditions.

The reasons why increased

Treatment of high blood pressure depends on the reasons that caused this condition.

The main ones are discussed below.

  1. Parenchyma-renal pathology.
    This files most often an isolated increase in bottom pressure occurs when the kidney conditions. This condition is observed in 80% of patients with chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. It is a disease inherent in the persons of young and middle-age, with a previous history of tonsillitis. Clinical symptoms patients often complain of worsening of General condition, fever, back pain, change in urine color. Persistent increase in bottom pressure that is detected by chance, as often, any symptoms associated hypertension, is not detected. The hypertensive crisis was not developing, which excludes hypertension.
  2. Pathology of the thyroid gland.
    The lower the pressure is increased in hypothyroidism. This disease is characterized by decreased production of thyroid hormones, decreasing heart rate and cardiac output.
  3. Reception of various drugs, incorrect combination of them.
  4. Intake of alcoholic beverages and Smoking.
    Alcohol dilates all the blood vessels, but frequent use can lead to the deposition of cholesterol on the inner wall of blood vessels and narrow the lumen. That’s why the pressure increases, the vessel peresadochnaya blood and can rupture.
  5. Pregnancy and its complications.
  6. Atherosclerosis.
    Atherosclerotic disease of the renal arteries often leads to the phenomenon of diastolic hypertension.
  7. Pathology of the autonomic nervous system.
    In the development of this pathology plays a big role in noradrenaline.
  8. Bad habits, obesity.
  9. Diseases of the endocrine glands: pancreas, adrenal gland, hypothalamic-pituitary system.
What does it mean?

Increase lower pressure because of renal disease occurs due to the decrease of the main mass of renal parenchyma, thus reducing the number of structurally functional units (the nephrons).

Hypotensive substances (bradykinin and kallidin) are in short supply, total peripheral vascular resistance, BCC and Na+ increase. The tone of the sympathetic nervous system increases, which in turn is a boost to improve diastolic blood pressure. This aggravates the course of renal disease and can cause kidney failure, which in the future means a threat to human life.

During pregnancy blood pressure fluctuations can provoke such complications as preeclampsia and eclampsia. This is due to the spasm of peripheral vessels. This condition can be dangerous not only for the mother but to the fetus that could lead the consequences, such as premature detachment of the placenta, the brain hemorrhage mothers, myocardial infarction and fetal death.

In the case of hypothyroidism on diastolic pressure is influenced by thyroid hormones – T3 and T4. The shock emission increases, develops mucinous edema, and this means that the lower blood pressure rises.

Blood pressure on the wall of large vessels at the time of relaxation of the myocardium (heart muscle) – this is evidenced by the diastolic value. It depends on the vascular tone, blood flow through arterioles and blood volume. Simply put, during diastole the heart relaxes. The total time of phase relaxation of the ventricles is equal to 0,12 s. then reveals a heart valve for a new filling of the chambers with blood and a new cardiac cycle.

At normal top

If under normal top pressure diastolic increased and it happened once, why it happened, hard to say. If the General condition has not deteriorated, to be calm.

One of the factors can be swelling, which occur due to consumption of large amounts of fluid or salt retain water in the body.

Vessels under pressure

If the top is lowered

In the case when the top pressure is lowered and the bottom raised, this state is considered as isolated systolic hypotension and characterizes the failure of the heart muscle. The decrease in pulse pressure below 30 mm of mercury.St. may indicate valvular regurgitation (the reflux of blood from the left ventricle into the left atrium).


Cause of high blood pressure in women may be taking birth control drugs: treatment in this case is not required. Also considering the symptom often appears after the onset of menopause, pregnancy and its complications.


Men are less likely to suffer from this condition, but a way of life significantly affects vascular tone. Age (older men are at risk), nervous stress, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle are the cause of symptomatic diastolic hypertension.

90 mm.RT.St

The value of the lower blood pressure in the range of 90 mm.RT.St. for medical reasons is considered to be the upper limit of normal. But if the patient’s condition worsens – you need to see a doctor.

100 mm of mercury.St

When you rise in diastolic blood pressure to 100 mm of mercury.St. should immediately consult a specialist for carrying out diagnostic tests. This figure corresponds to this pathological condition as isolated diastolic hypertension, which can lead to stroke, renal, heart failure and death. While increasing blood pressure above 120 mm. Hg.St. talking about malignant hypertension.

A blood pressure monitor and pills

What can you do to reduce?

Best of all, if the emergence of such a state near the patient will be a medical worker. If this is not possible, it is necessary to provide emergency care to the patient.

Here’s what you should do first:

  • to call an ambulance;
  • to provide access to fresh air, release from tight clothes;
  • to calm the person, lay in bed or on other hard, smooth surface;
  • lift the head and neck (to put under the head end of the pillow);
  • to measure blood pressure and count the pulse;
What pills to take?

Apressin applies to drugs myotropic actions. Affects smooth muscle of arterioles, reduces the activity of enzymes that lead to the fall of vascular tone. The drug is taken in combination with mandatory simpatolitikami 0,01-0,02 g 3 p/day. If the increase in pressure – resistant- combined with β-blockers.

Oktadin is one of the most potent drugs to improve the condition, when the lower pressure. The pills from the group simpatolitikov that inhibit the transmission of nerve impulses of the sympathetic nervous system to the executing authority. Diastolic pressure is reduced through the falling tone of arterioles and reducing peripheral resistance. Make Oktadin for high overpressure should with extreme caution. For a start, it is recommended to drink at 0.025 g/day to avoid side effects of the drug, then the dose is increased.

What else can you drink?

If blood pressure fluctuations can not be removed or one of the antihypertensives, it may indicate increasing levels of aldosterone in the body. This leads to accumulation of Na+ and water in the shells of the vessels, the lumen narrows and the pressure increases, the increased sensitivity to humoral Pressor substances.

In normal upper and lower the lower you can drink Veroshpiron. He is the antagonist of aldosterone, removes Na+ and water, holds up To+. Thus, the “Verospiron” acts as a diuretic and as anti-hypertensive drug.

Treatment was required?

In complicated condition is compulsory hospitalization on a stretcher after a relative stabilization of the pressure in neurological, cardiac infarction or the office (depending on symptoms).

The hospital will be continuous monitoring of blood pressure, pulse and respiration. Be sure the health worker should register the indicators of the electrocardiogram using the portable system (at the bedside).

Treatment of high blood pressure is often a conservative method.

How to treat lower high blood pressure, is determined by why it happens. Group of medicines for the treatment of:

Also conservative method for the treatment of high blood pressure can be attributed to the treatment of folk ways. It can be decoctions, tinctures, extracts, pastes, teas from different herbs. The most common and effective ones:

  • a decoction or infusion of herbs Leonurus (increases force of cardiac output and reduces blood volume, diuretic effect);
  • an infusion of Valerian root (has a sedative effect, relieves stress, relieves spasms of Central and peripheral vessels, reducing AD);
  • decoction of oregano (has a calming effect, relieves headaches);
  • tincture of peony evading (relieves spasm of blood vessels, prevents tissue hypoxia, removes excess salt from the body).
Prevention and recommendations of doctors

In terms of health care, as patients quickly stabiliziruemost. This is facilitated by the regular intake of drugs, diet, physical therapy and other treatments.

On returning home, patients often start their health and let the situation slide. To do it in any case impossible, because the recurrence of the disease is much more serious the disease.

Doctors ‘ recommendations for life after treatment in order to avoid replay attacks:

  1. The food should be low calorie, frequent and fractional (5-6 times a day). Salt in dishes should be limited to 5g/day. To reduce in the diet of fried, fatty, spicy and peppery foods, coffee, strong tea and chocolate.
  2. Water to drink 1.5-2l/day (the swelling may increase lower pressure).
  3. To sharply limit the use of alcohol (no more than 20-30ml/day) and stop Smoking.
  4. The weight loss up to BMI=25 kg/m2.
  5. To increase daily physical activity (walking, Jogging, climbing the stairs to the third floor, workout 30 minutes a day).
  6. The course of medication prescribed by a doctor not to interrupt (even with the normalization of pressure and improve the condition do not stop taking).
  7. To protect yourself from stressful situations and emotional surges.

If the reason for the increase in the lower pressure has become a concomitant of the disease, the patient is treated about this disease. Blood pressure usually normalizes.

After discharge from the hospital, the patient stands on dispensary registration with their local therapist. Every 6 months are required to undergo routine medical examination and tests to monitor the patient’s condition. In addition, the patient should purchase a personal blood pressure cuff for constant blood pressure monitoring. Measurement technique and interpretation of results teaches the doctor.

  1. High blood pressure is often a manifestation of symptomatic hypertension.
  2. Do not underestimate the seriousness of this condition.
  3. This symptom can indicate a serious violation of the internal organs, which lead not only to dysfunction or destruction, and even loss of the organ.

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