
Ergoferon and cycloferon, the choice of drug

Both drugs generally have a similar clinical effect, but at the same time they differ in composition and effect on the patient’s body. Thus, Ergoferon is the choice for non-serious diseases and mild stages. You can start taking it before going to the doctor.

Cycloferon has a more severe effect on the body, which makes its administration advisable only in case of emergency. Cycloferon can be taken only after going to the doctor.

Quite often the question arises about the use of antiviral tablets during an exacerbation of diseases. But not every patient knows what useful properties have fairly simple and affordable drugs. The article below describes two effective antiviral drugs that treat fairly serious diseases.


Ergoferon is a medicine based on natural ingredients. It has antiviral and anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effects.


The clinical efficacy of the substance has been proven in diseases: various influenza A and B, acute respiratory viral infections (acute respiratory infections), herpes viruses, viral intestinal diseases, hemorrhagic fever.

Indications for use:

  • Influenza A and B.
  • ARVI.
  • Herpes viruses.
  • Intestinal types of viruses.
  • Hemorrhagic fever.

Recommendations for admission:

  1. The medicine is taken orally, before eating. The drug must be absorbed, not chewed.
  2. When prescribing a course of medication for children from 5 months to 3 years, you need to dissolve the dragee in a tablespoon after first crushing the medicine.
  3. In the first day, the medicine should be consumed according to a specific reinforced scheme: one table. every half hour, 4 tab. in two hours. After this, you need to take 4 more tablets on the same day after the same period of time. Then in the following days, you need to take one table. three times a day until the patient recovers.
  4. If there is an urgent need for a quick recovery, the drug can be combined with other antiviral agents.

Side effects and interaction with other medicines:

  • Individual intolerance due to its individual components.
  • Pregnant women can be taken after consulting a doctor.
  • Ergoferon in its properties is compatible with any other drugs.

Release form: packings on 20 tablets. The medicine should be stored in a dark place, protected from children, at a temperature of up to 23 degrees. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of manufacture. The date of manufacture is indicated on the package. It is released without a doctor’s prescription.

The average price of a drug is 350 rubles.


Biological medication that has an antiviral, immunostimulating effect. The drug can reduce swelling and increases the production of interferon. The substance will stop the viral activity at the very beginning of the disease.


Cycloferon is effective in combating a large number of infectious diseases such as influenza, HIV, herpes and the like. The medicine can affect the reduction of tumors in a large number of species. The medication is completely excreted from the body within 7 hours.

Indications for use:

  • HIV initial stage.
  • Herpes.
  • Hepatitis.
  • ARVI
  • Immunodeficiency.

Instructions for use:

  1. The exact dosage may be prescribed by the doctor after the examination.
  2. In the case when this did not happen, the medicine can be taken according to the following scheme:
  3. Herpes – two tablets once a day for 21 days.
  4. ARVI-immediately six tablets, the next day, three tablets for five consecutive days.
  5. Immunodeficiency – two tablets for 23-25 ​​days.
  6. Hepatitis 4 tablets day for 20 days, then to consult a doctor.
  7. It does not matter how the substance will be applied before meals, during meals or after.


  • It is forbidden to pregnant and lactating women.
  • Children under 4 years old.
  • People with cirrhosis.

Side effects:

  • The medicine may cause individual intolerance.
  • In an individual case, an allergic reaction may occur.

Release form: 10 tab. in a pack of a dosage of 150 mg. Shelf life 24 months from the date of production. It is released without a doctor’s prescription.

The cost varies from 160-190 rubles.

Drug Comparison

At first glance, both drugs seem to be the same, but there is a huge difference between them.

If we talk about the similarities, then both medicinal products have an immunostimulating effect and are prescribed for various viral infections of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza.


  1. Ergoferon has a wide spectrum of action.
  2. Ergoferon has a significant consumption of tablets. Only on the first day, the patient needs to drink almost half a pack – 8 tablets. Cycloferon can be consumed in an amount of not more than 4 tablets in the first day.
  3. Cycloferon is always used in combination with other drugs.
  4. Ergoferon, unlike Cycloferon, can be used during pregnancy and lactation, the medication has no special contraindications. Ergoferon mainly contains natural components that, when ingested, do not cause strong and side effects. Cycloferon did not have a direct proven harm to pregnancy, but it is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.
  5. Cycloferon is prone to cause severe allergic reactions (itching, irritation, rash).

The dosage regimen has a significant difference.

  • Ergoferon is acceptable for use by children from 6 months. Cycloferon from 4 years.
  • Ergoferon has a large dosage on the first day of taking the medicine (up to 8 pcs). Cycloferon from 3-4 tablets, depending on the doctor’s prescription.
  • Ergoferon is available only in tablet form. Cycloferon is available in the form of tablets, suppositories and ointments.
Which drug to choose

Doctors allow the joint administration of drugs. This type of treatment is prescribed for complications or acute course of acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis or influenza. Both drugs in this case complement and enhance the therapeutic effect. In a milder form of the disease, doctors primarily prescribe Ergoferon because of its sparing composition.

Ergoferon is best used in case of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections in children from 6 months of age, nursing mothers. As a preventive measure during periods of increased danger and epidemics. It is suitable for pregnant women, but after consulting with your doctor. Also, because of its natural components, which are part of the composition, the drug is recommended for people after the age of 50-60. Proven efficacy in the initial forms of influenza and in the mild course of herpes diseases.

Cycloferon is a more serious remedy, it is often prescribed for acute forms of the course of diseases. It can be recommended for the initial and prolonged stages of infections. The dose of the drug should be individually calculated by the attending doctor. Due to the nature of the composition, the drug is recommended for use by people with HIV in the initial stage. Cycloferon helps children after 4 years with intestinal infections of any type.

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