
Cameton and Ingalipt, the choice of drug

If it comes to treating a child, then doctors are more likely to prescribe exactly Ingalipt, since it is allowed at the age of three years. Although its composition is more serious than that of Cameton. However, this medication is not suitable for the treatment of the nose. In this case, Cameton can be prescribed if the child is already more than 5 years old, or if an adult patient is being treated.

Patients note that with the treatment of Cameton side effects are practically not observed. The only thing that may appear is a short burning sensation after spraying. However, it passes quickly. On Ingalipt side effects appear more often. But they are also not significant enough and pass quickly.

Ingalipt can be used more often than Cameton, since its spectrum of exposure is wider. It is prescribed for the treatment of stomatitis, tonsillitis and other pathologies.

Their cost is approximately the same.

There are such tools that can get rid of colds and diseases of the oral cavity in a short time. These drugs include Cameton and Ingalipt. These tools have many differences, but also similarities.


The drug is available from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription in the form of an aerosol. A special nozzle is attached to it, which is convenient to administer the medicine into the nasal cavity. You can also find it on sale in the form of a spray with a dosage of 15 or 30 g.


The composition of the drug includes the main active component of chlorobutanol hemihydrate. In addition, excipients such as menthol, eucalyptus oil and camphor are present. The composition of drugs in different formats may vary slightly.

The medicine is intended for the treatment of the following pathological conditions:

  • Laryngitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Runny nose (both chronic and acute).
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Other diseases of ENT organs.

The effect of the drug is due to the work of the main active component. It is he who has a local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. In addition, the patient, when irrigating the nasal cavity and mouth, feels a slight numbness and chill, which are due to the effects of menthol and eucalyptus oil. They also have a beneficial effect on the nasal mucosa.

There are some contraindications in which it is forbidden to use this medication. Among them:

  1. Sensitivity to components.
  2. Children’s age up to 5 years.

Some patients report side effects as a result of using a spray or aerosol. They are most often referred to:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Itching at the site of irrigation.
  • A slight burning sensation in the nose.

It is worth noting that side effects in the form of burning and itching usually go away a couple of minutes after application. If an allergic reaction occurs, it is worthwhile to cancel the use of the drug.
To use, you need to find out for what purpose it will be applied. If a person wants to use it for irrigation of the throat and mouth, then you can use a spray. Before this, thoroughly rinse your mouth with water. After spraying, do not drink and eat for about half an hour.

Some doctors do not recommend the use of Cameton for children under 6 or even more years, because until this age the child can inhale the drug, and this is undesirable.

It should be noted that aerosol and spray differ in the size of the part that fall into the human throat. In a spray, these particles are larger than in an aerosol. Therefore, the spray is best used to treat diseases associated with the lower respiratory tract.

To use the drug for the nasal cavity, it should be used strictly vertically, without tipping the head down and back. Adults undergo treatment for no more than 10 days. For children, the doctor independently selects the dosage and duration of the course.

The drug can be found in pharmacies at a price of about 100 rubles per pack.


The drug is sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. Can be found in aerosol form. Dosage is sold in 20.25, 30 and 50 ml. The composition contains components such as sodium sulfathiazole, peppermint oil, sulfanilamide, thymol, and eucalyptus oil.


Indications for which this medicine is prescribed:

  • Laryngitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Different types of stomatitis.
  • Angina.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Other diseases of ENT organs.

The drug acts on pathogenic bacteria, destroying them and thereby providing antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It is also believed that the medicine is able to act on fungi of the genus Candida.

Some patients report side effects. Among them:

  1. Burning and dry mouth.
  2. Slight soreness and itching.
  3. Allergic reactions.

For especially sensitive to the components of the drug should be careful, since allergic reactions can occur up to severe edema.

There are a number of contraindications in which you can not use this tool. These include:

  • Sensitivity to components.
  • Children’s age up to 3 years.

The medicine is used by irrigation of the oral cavity, while it is necessary to carry out 2 to 3 sprays for an adult. The cylinder must be kept strictly upright and evenly press the top of the bottle.

The course of treatment is determined by a specialist. Usually it is about 10 days. The dosage is also regulated by the doctor, depending on the severity of the pathology.

You can buy in a pharmacy at a price of about 100 rubles per bottle.

What is common between means

Both drugs are aimed at eliminating the same pathologies. They contain approximately the same components. Peppermint and eucalyptus oil are similar.

The cost of goods is similar – they can be found on sale at a price of about 100 rubles per package.

Comparison and differences

Various are contraindications for use. Cameton is approved for use in children over 5, or even more years. While Ingalipt is often used for various diseases at the age of more than three years.

The compositions of the funds are also slightly different. In Cameton, there is an active substance, while Ingalipt contains a little more components that work in a complex.

Ingalipt contains serious antibacterial components, you can call it a local antibiotic. It primarily affects bacteria in the oral cavity.

The formats of the drugs that can be found on sale also vary. Cameton is sold not only as an aerosol, but also as a spray. It can be used not only for the mouth, but also for the nose.

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