
Nervous tick eye what to do

Neurotic tics are more common and better treatable. Organic tics are residual effects after suffering meningitis, encephalitis, the effects of poisons, stroke or trauma. To establish the cause, you need to contact a neurologist who will examine you in a certain sequence, check reflexes, eye movements.

Despite the high level of development of medicine, science cannot answer the question: “Where does the nervous tick come from?” . It is assumed that the reason is a violation of the chemical reactions that occur in the brain. This phenomenon is usually temporary, the forecast is quite favorable.

All that is needed to overcome a slight nervous tick that is rarely repeated is to learn how to deal with stress. You need to treat a tick when the control over facial expressions is completely lost. This can lead to additional psychological problems, cause complexes and even bullying.

Muscle twitching occurs against the background of strong feelings or organic damage to the nervous system. A symptom of a nervous tic is stereotypical movements: folding of the lips with a tube, opening the mouth, spitting. In a dream, twitches and obsessive movements do not appear, the patient calms down.

Neurotic Tick Treatment

Enough light sedatives, proper nutrition (you need to eat often, 4-5 times a day) and walks. Protect yourself from negative information, scary films with scenes of violence. Do not forget about moderate physical activity in the fresh air.

If there was a traumatic situation, consult a therapist. Individual and group therapy may be effective. The method is determined by the doctor. In extreme cases, antidepressants or other medications that correct the state of the psyche can be prescribed. In addition to them, the doctor can prescribe muscle relaxants – drugs that relax muscles.

Nervous tics tend to affect neurotics, not psychotics. Neurotic is characterized by emotional instability. He is unsure of himself, may have phobias and manifestations of asthenia (lethargy, apathy). Often the treatment ends with a neurologist.

Most often, a nervous tick is not a life-threatening condition. Nerve tics are more common in children and women than in men. Children often outgrow altogether, and twitching stops themselves without treatment. This feature is known to pediatricians and is in no hurry to prescribe serious medications, often they just take the baby under observation. A traumatic situation for a child may be moving to another city, starting to visit a kindergarten or school, divorcing parents, giving birth to a brother or sister.

The effect of eye condition on hyperkinesis

It is very important to give rest to the eyes, not to read while lying and in transport. Eye strain is a common cause of eyelid twitching. If you have dry eyes, you can buy in the pharmacy the so-called artificial tears. It is advisable to adjust the lighting correctly, the light should fall on the left and not be too bright.

Nutrition for Nervous Tick

The main task is to replenish the reserves of calcium, magnesium and glycine.

Calcium is found in fish and dairy products, magnesium – in buckwheat and seafood, sources of glycine – all foods rich in protein:

  • white meat;
  • legumes;
  • nuts
  • Cheeses
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower;
  • beet;
  • cocoa;
  • eggs
  • salmon;
  • trout;
  • chickpeas

Alcohol and excess caffeine are harmful. And he is not only in coffee, but also in black tea, chocolate.

When is tick a symptom of a serious illness?

Benign essential blepharospasm is very easy to confuse with neurotic tic. It is characterized by blinking with full closure of one or both eyes. Such a disease reduces the quality of life, does not allow you to control mechanisms, drive a car. Treatment is usually conservative with Botox injections. Sometimes a nervous tic is a manifestation of multiple sclerosis. But with this disease, other symptoms are also observed – shakiness of gait, double vision.

Tourette’s syndrome is a condition where tics recur frequently for many years.

The disease manifests itself from childhood (the average age at the onset of the disease is 5 years), has a genetic condition, but the exact mechanism of inheritance is not defined. In patients, not only the muscles of the face twitch, but also the limbs, neck. Necessarily there are voice tics, involuntary screaming, coughing and coughing, sometimes copying the behavior of other people, repeating one word.

Manifestations are observed once or several times a day for many years. The level of intelligence is normal. In mild cases, treatment is not necessary. There are such barely manifest forms of the disease on average in 1 out of 200 children. Male persons are more often ill. The peak manifestations occur in adolescence. To establish a diagnosis, the doctor monitors the patient for at least one year.

Treatment for Tourette’s syndrome: emphasis on changing attitudes towards the disease

There is no specific treatment. A large role is played by training the patient to adapt to his disease, informing friends and relatives about it. After the doctors’s explanations, the people around understand that the patient cannot control these hyperkinesis and stop focusing his attention on the “wrong behavior”. Increased anxiety and depression require psychocorrection, especially when combined with hyperactivity, dyslexia.

Behavioral psychotherapy is used, which in many respects changes the attitude towards the diagnosis. Game techniques, art therapy, communication with dolphins, dogs, horses help well. In adulthood, symptoms may disappear. Taking heavy medications with a lot of side effects is not recommended, this can affect the growth and development of children.

It is necessary to lead an ordinary life, as far as possible, to create a friendly atmosphere, to promote the disclosure of the child’s talents. The same should be done if an adult from your environment or yourself is suffering from Tourette’s syndrome.

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the incidence rate, which many scientists associate with ecology. For many years, the disease was considered rare and strange, little studied. It remains a mystery why in some cases it manifests itself, and in some it does not. A person may have close relatives with ticks, but he himself does not get sick.

And vice versa – in healthy parents, a child with a syndrome is born.

Perhaps a role is played by:

  • pregnancy progression;
  • diseases of the expectant mother;
  • her bad habits;
  • oxygen starvation during childbirth.

Feature films were shot about Tourette’s syndrome ( “I am a teacher”, “Before the class” ). People with this disease can lead a normal life, there are well-known people with Tourette syndrome in all areas of life. There is a version that there is a connection between this disease and musical talent.

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